Univ. of Miami

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Dec 6, 2002
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Has anyone interviewed or done a rotation at Jackson Memorial? They have a new chairman that I heard is changing alot aspects of the program.

Good Luck


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U of Miami... has had a bad rap for most of the 90s... they worked long hours, were poorly treated and had surgery walk all over them... however i think the new chair is from Duke, and he has brought along with him some bid dogs to help run the place - a few top people from my hospital (MGH) have headed out there to help out... I suspect with a better level of incoming residents and better leadership you should see U of Miami become quite a powerhouse in the next 3 to 5 years... in fact, when i am done with residency i was thinking of heading down there as staff...
What is the deal with Duke attendings? It seems like troubled programs look to these folks to turn their troubles around.

Earlier on, SUNY Upstate was known to have a lot of problems- unhappy residents, low board pass rates, lake effect snow, etc. Then, in walks Dr Camporesi, the program is turned around completely. (Well, he didn't do anything about the lake effect snow. :D ) The residents are very happy.

Recently, SUNY Stony Brook had problems minus the lake effect snow as well. Then, in walks, DR Glass, the program is turned around and both residents and attendings state that the chairman is the strength of this program.

Now, Dr Lubarsky is doing the same in U Miami/ Jackson Memorial as well. (I would actually crave a little snow if I matched here.)

I spoke to all three attendings and I must say that I would not mind having any of the three as my boss. They all seem to be devoted to resident success. Unfortunately, I did not apply to Duke, but I am curious for some information. Is the program as awesome as the chairmen that they produced?
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I interviewed there 2 weeks ago. Kind of a malignant interview (extensive pimping on general medical knowledge and ethical situations). I think that may work against them and turn some people away from their program. The residents seemed a bit overworked, and the tour was only about 10 minutes for a medical complex the size of a small town. Apparently this program was not so great just two years back, but they spent the day stressing the changes being made with the new chair (whom was in NY at the time so I didn't get a chance to meet him). It's a very large program. If you've got more questions, drop me a line.

Oh yeah, it was 85 and sunny when I interviewed...in December!
If Lubarsky stays with U of Miami for a few years the program should definitely improve. He has a very strong track record as with what he did at DUKE. As for the rumor of the guy who made it thru an entire year of residency without speaking english--that is totally believable. I would steer applicants away from Miami program if they don't speak spanish fluently or have a very strong desire to learn. Try preoping someone who came in from Ecuador the day and doesn't speak a word of english. Also, knowledge of creole is often necessary as many patients are from haiti. As far as number of cases and independence, you don't have to worry. There is never a shortage of work and it REALLY FEELS LIKE AN 1800 bed facility! Very often you will be functioning more as an attending than a resident since there are so many patients to take care of. Just make sure you know what you're getting into before you sign up. Enjoy the sunshine and chimichurros.
actually.. they just switched trauma call from q3 to q4. Don't be fooled by the sunshine and beaches.. this is a WORKING program. One of the residents I met there told me to expect to hit my ca-2 case load requirements in the first 18 months of my training. The program has an intensity attached to it that is probably a carryover of the not-so-old FMG days. They are also planning to cut the 29 spots down to 10 or so at some time in the near future. Now with all that said its a solid 'B' level program in one of the best cities in the country but as a previous poster stated make sure you know what you are getting into before you decide to go here.
gaspasser said:
Has anyone interviewed or done a rotation at Jackson Memorial? They have a new chairman that I heard is changing alot aspects of the program.

Good Luck

Hey, next week I will be doing an elective rotation at Jackson's Radiology Department. I will let you know what is going on with the changes of staff. Any suggestions to excell in my rotation? I am concerned cause I got a Step 1 of 220 and NO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION FROM RADIOLOGISTS ( I do have 4 letters from internal medicine Chairmann/professors). Any suggestions please?