UNECOM Discussion Thread 2011-2012

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There used to be a limited number of spots at MMC, but now that Tufts has partnered with MMC I don't know what happened to those.

For what it's worth, I did my rotations in community hospitals with only one residency program. I did surgery unopposed - which means I was first assist on EVERYTHING. I didn't see cardiothoracic surgery, but I was first assist on total hips, spinal surgery, big abdominals, etc. So I did FAR less watching and "oh, please let me just get a fingertip on a retractor!!" and much more hands on, hands IN surgery. I chose to do my ER in Cleveland as a fourth year.

Now as a resident, I'm doing IM and we rotate at two level 1 trauma centers. We do five ICU months in my program - yeah, five ICU months at a level 1 center. I was really no farther behind any of my fellow residents who did medical student rotations at level 1 centers.

Med student rotations are what you make of them. Don't get hung up on "level 1 trauma center" - you may end up watching a lot and doing very little.

Thanks! Question - Have you happened to do a review on UNE-COM? I'm very far OOS and am trying to do my homework as much as possible - but UNECOM is looking pretty high up on my list from what I can tell so far!

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Haven't gotten mine either. Getting a bit worried.
Called them last week, they said they had my primary, and they were in the process of sending out secondaries.
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I've done several reviews on UNE.

Great! Any chance you have a link to any of them? Or could point me in the right direction to find them? I'm still learning how to navigate around these forums...
Hey ShyRem - I've read your reviews on UNE-COM, but I was wondering what is it like living in/around Biddeford? What's the community and the people like? And where are you from (for reference)? If you don't mind me asking.
I just received a secondary from UNECOM. My primary was released on Aug 4.
Hmmm... I still haven't received mine... Well, all we can do is wait right?
FWIW, here is my timeline:

Main application released to schools: 6/23
UNECOM Secondary Received: 7/14
Secondary Submitted w/Letters: 8/3
"Complete" E-mail received from admissions office: 8/8

Best of luck!
AACOMAS released to schools: 7/28/11
Secondary received: 8/5/11
Secondary submitted: 8/9/11
Complete Email: 8/11/11
Does anyone know if the biochem requirement is flexible? Would UNE accept a second semester of Organic Chemistry instead? I plan on calling them today but wanted to see if anyone knew offhand. Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know if the biochem requirement is flexible? Would UNE accept a second semester of Organic Chemistry instead? I plan on calling them today but wanted to see if anyone knew offhand. Thanks in advance!

To answer the above, I doubt it.

I just started school here...it's been pretty awesome yet extremely frustrating. Be aware that we are going through a curriculum change, and it seems as if there was actually no planning that went into it at times. Biochem is the one class we're all worried about because there is no biochem lecture here...just group based case work...let's just say we're not very happy with the results thus far...we're hoping it gets better, but I think it would be in your interest to know a little biochem before starting here (if you choose UNE) because, in essence, there is no biochem lecture here.

Besides our gripes with the curriculum, everything else is pretty decent thus far. The people here are truly amazing, at least the students are. Professors are from just ok to great, most being the latter...again most of our gripes are with the biochem dept and their attitude towards the whole case based thing. But my peers are awesome and the second years here really are willing to be there and help you out if you need it.

Our first anatomy quiz is this Friday...and let's just say they don't "ease" you into med school...so enjoy the next year because you would be surprised how quickly things get crazy.
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(hate to tell you, but they are easing you into med school - you'll appreciate that in a year when you hit neuro and neuroanatomy.)

Regarding the biochem, they will not accept any substitute. As for second semester OChem, that is a requirement already. You are required one full year of gen chem with lab and one full year of OChem with lab. Biochem is a separate requirement that will not be waived under any circumstance.

Now, regarding curriculum changes, change is a permanent thing. EVERY year has had curriculum changes. The biochem being more team learning and very little lecture is not new. And every year the students gripe about it, and every year the complaints fall on deaf ears. They point to board scores, which is so dependent on each student's preparation and studying independent of the curriculum. You have a class that doesn't study much outside of UNE classes and board scores go down. You have a class that studies like crazy and board scores go up.
Regarding the biochem, they will not accept any substitute. As for second semester OChem, that is a requirement already. You are required one full year of gen chem with lab and one full year of OChem with lab. Biochem is a separate requirement that will not be waived under any circumstance.

Thanks very much for the replies.

Actually the requirement as stated on their website is 4 semesters of chemistry, 3 of which include lab and 1 of which is biochem:

Four semesters of chemistry, one of which must be biochemistry.
The lab component is required for the first three chemistry classes. The usual sequence would include two semesters of general chemistry including lab, one semester of organic chemistry including lab, and one semester of biochemistry without a lab.​

But since they the Biochem requirement is firm, I wonder if I can do that this Fall and still apply...?
Interesting. They have changed their requirements then. Most schools require a full year of ochem. Regardless, I know someone who tried to get a substitution for the biochem requirement and it was a definite no go. To the point that une has a summer online biochem course. Expensive but I hear it is actually pretty good.
Hello future student doctors,

I am the current University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Government Association President. I represent the voice of the current student body, work with administration, and represent the college at a national and local level. I have the most up to date and accurate information with the current curriculum and environment at the school. Please ask me questions. Last year, a few disgruntled students wrote and exaggerate many rumors on this site. Although there is some truth buried within their posts, a majority of the negative comments were the frustrations of a select few. Again, please ask me questions.

In terms of our current curriculum, we are going through some changes. We are moving more towards a case based learning system as a opposed to a strictly lecture based curriculum. There are no current plans to do away with lecture, but to instead use it in conjunction with peer and case based learning. We are also moving toward integrating curriculum so all of your courses are addressing the same topic, just from a different perspective.

The biochemistry course has been one that has been discussed at UNECOM for many years. They have been using a case based approach to teach the concepts to supplement in class lecture time. Instead, they post learning modules for you to listen and watch from home. The current style for this course allows you to see how biochemistry integrates with clinical presentations.

Also, there are student in my class and the current first year class who completed the biochemistry course the summer before matriculation. UNE offers a distance course to help fulfill this requirement.

I won't lie to you, UNECOM is an expensive school and we have been sited as being the medical school who graduates students with the highest amount of debt. With that being said, we do NOT have the highest tuition of any medical school. We are slightly above the average tuition rate at osteopathic medical schools. The reason our debt is so high is that the school tends to attract students who attended small, private institutions. These students have already accumulated quite amount of debt. We are also in New England, which has a high standard and cost of living. Finally, we are the third smallest osteopathic medical school, which means we are paying to keep our class size small.

This leads me to the next topic which is the increase in class size. Our current dean would like to increase the class size to cap our tuition. This would mean some adjustments in the schedule. But, COCA, the national accrediting board, and UNE will not allow this to happen until we can prove we can handle it with both facilities and faculty. So if our class size does increase, it means that the resources are there. You will not be neglected as a student because of this.

As I stated before, I am the current SGA President. I have the most up to date and accurate information. Please ask me.

Thanks and best of luck in applying
Just finished my secondary and am noticing this is the only school to ask in their secondary what other MD/DO schools you are applying to. I am applying to quite a few schools so will this fact hurt me? UNECOM falls near the top of the list but of course at this point they wouldn't know that.
Just finished my secondary and am noticing this is the only school to ask in their secondary what other MD/DO schools you are applying to. I am applying to quite a few schools so will this fact hurt me? UNECOM falls near the top of the list but of course at this point they wouldn't know that.

I felt the same way. I'm applying to several schools, but UNECOM is probably my top choice. They may just want to get an idea if you are applying to any other schools that are similar to UNECOM. I wonder if it also looks better if you are NOT applying to any MD schools, to show you truly want to be a DO, and that DO is not just a backup to an MD.
Hopefully we will start seeing some interview invites soon. On last year's thread, the first post with an invite was on 8/24/10.
Hopefully we will start seeing some interview invites soon. On last year's thread, the first post with an invite was on 8/24/10.

Yeah...the anticipation is killing me
I felt the same way. I'm applying to several schools, but UNECOM is probably my top choice. They may just want to get an idea if you are applying to any other schools that are similar to UNECOM. I wonder if it also looks better if you are NOT applying to any MD schools, to show you truly want to be a DO, and that DO is not just a backup to an MD.

Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. I am only applying DO but I am applying to a ton of schools of all different types and in all different areas of the country.
Just a little advice...I submitted my secondary 8/15 and i called 8/18 to see if they had everything in my file. I was told yes, and that I should receive a complete email in a day or two. Flash forward today, 8/25, I call and I was told they had everything including my LOR's, but my secondary wasn't "downloaded" into the system.

So I advise everyone to stay on top of things. The admissions' offices at these schools get busy and mistakes can be made. DON'T BE PASSIVE!
I felt the same way. I'm applying to several schools, but UNECOM is probably my top choice. They may just want to get an idea if you are applying to any other schools that are similar to UNECOM. I wonder if it also looks better if you are NOT applying to any MD schools, to show you truly want to be a DO, and that DO is not just a backup to an MD.

I can't imagine them being too pleased when they saw that I applied to 44 schools...that is assuming that they actually counted lol
I thought I had a lot! I sent primaries to 37 programs. Secondaries to about 30.

Yea I just really want to get in somewhere lol. Speaking of which....Congrats on your acceptance! This time last year UNECOM had already given out interviews, im starting to get a little anxious. Been complete since 8/15/11.
Hey thanks. And we're all in the same boat, don't get nervous. No one's heard anything yet.
Yea I just really want to get in somewhere lol. Speaking of which....Congrats on your acceptance! This time last year UNECOM had already given out interviews, im starting to get a little anxious. Been complete since 8/15/11.
My file has been complete since 7/27, and I haven't received an interview invite, either.
Relax. I got my first several interview invites around labor day weekend.

Thanks for that reassurance, I've had applications for some schools, including this one, done since early July and have heard nothing yet, so hopefully it will only be another week or two for most... :xf:
Thanks for that reassurance, I've had applications for some schools, including this one, done since early July and have heard nothing yet, so hopefully it will only be another week or two for most... :xf:

Another quiet week... I know, I know. "Be patient" lol
Interviews start towards the mid/end of month...so if interview invites haven't started yet, I would expect next week will def mark the start. UNE does show preference to New Englanders, but don't be discouraged if you're from afar, my class has quite a few people from outside the region. Good luck, hopefully we'll see "you" on campus soon...
Interview invite for September 27th.

New England Resident, 28R, 3.97 sGPA, 3.95 cGPA
Interview invite for September 27th.

New England Resident, 28R, 3.97 sGPA, 3.95 cGPA


Did you get an email or phone call? Also, are you from Maine/New England region?
Email. I am a New England Resident but am not from Maine.
Received interview invite today via email. Interview for September 29th. Maine resident, significant clinical/ research experience with 10 + publications, GPA 3.6, MCAT 26...really excited to interview at this great school!
received interview invite today via email. Interview for september 29th. Maine resident, significant clinical/ research experience with 10 + publications, gpa 3.6, mcat 26...really excited to interview at this great school!

interview invite for 10/11. from nebraska, 31Q, 3.78c/3.71s
Another quiet week... I know, I know. "Be patient" lol

So I actually called today after not having heard anything since mid-August and the gal I spoke to in admissions told me it takes 6-7 weeks for them to review files. Just thought this might ease the minds of people who are in limbo like me.
Congrats on the interviews.

FYI, the curriculum growing pains are continuing. Biochem seems to be getting better, but the new case based learning class is atrocious. It seems like the new curriculum is the vision of one dean, but the majority of the faculty seem to have little faith in it. It's kind of unnerving when they don't come to class with a lesson plan.

Edit: I apparently was misinformed about our embryo professor, SO I am retracting that statement and apologizing for misleading you. While I think that the current curriculum changes at UNECOM are problematic, I do not want to mislead anyone with false information.
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Did anyone else request to be contacted by a student? And if so, how long did it take for them to get back to you?

I requested a contact about 2 weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet.