UNECOM Discussion Thread 2008-2009

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For discussion of the school noted above. This includes interview dates, questions, etc. Threads will be merged in here if they are created on their own.

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This thread was started last summer, but since it says 2008-2009, I assume we can use it for this application cycle?
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Does UNECOM have mandatory attendance and if not, are there note sets? On average, how many hours a week are you in lecture/lab?
Does UNECOM have mandatory attendance and if not, are there note sets? On average, how many hours a week are you in lecture/lab?

I do know that there is a note service, but I'm not sure about attendance
Some courses have mandatory attendance, most do not. Note service is student run and is well worth the fee.
Is it really as gorgeous out there as it looks on the website??
it's pretty. Personally, I miss the Rockies and the thin air. But you never know until you try something new.
It's hard to know exactly how many hours you will be in school, b/c they're changing your curriculum. However, we usually have/had class at 8am, ending between 3 and 5pm 3 days a week, at 9am one day a week, and only 8-12 one day a week. Periodically, you'll have a preceptorship that free afternoon. Mandatory will definitely be OMM, EOM, and anatomy class. The rest you'll have to decide for yourself if being inclass works for you, or if reading noteservice, etc. is a better use of your time. We have alot of scheduled class time, more so than many other schools, so I can guarantee you there will be classes that reading the scribe will be a better use of your time. And there will be classes where going and reading will be important. I definitely went to class and re-read the scribes for physio and bacteriology.
So, I got a letter today saying that my application is on hold until I complete the requirements. I am currently in organic II and lab and taking biochem in the fall. Do they mean I actually can't even get a secondary till those are COMPLETE, or can I just provide evidence that I am or will be taking the course?

If I have to wait till January to get a secondary then I'm just going to ditch UNECOM. My stats aren't that stellar and I have tons of other schools I'm applying to...
Mosspoh, call the admissions office and ask. They shouldn't hold it when you're taking the classes. Perhaps they mean there is something missing from your application file?
Hmm. I should probably do that today. It says "one or more deficiencies exists in meeting the prerequisite classes" and "because of your existing deficiencies, your application has been put on hold. All academic requirements must be completed and official documentation provided."

I even noted on my application that I was currently taking organic II+lab and that biochem was scheduled for fall. I hope they mean I just need to send some documentation proving that.
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Hmm. I should probably do that today. It says "one or more deficiencies exists in meeting the prerequisite classes" and "because of your existing deficiencies, your application has been put on hold. All academic requirements must be completed and official documentation provided."

I even noted on my application that I was currently taking organic II+lab and that biochem was scheduled for fall. I hope they mean I just need to send some documentation proving that.

I have a one-credit lab requirement still outstanding. I plan to take it in the fall. I hope it won't be a big deal.
One more ques about UNECOM. I've seen where some schools test on conceptual stuff and in others, good memorization skills are needed because they test almost strictly rote memorization. What category does UNECOM fall into or is it an even mix?
It's a mix, but off-hand I'd say first year is more memorization, but there are some application of concepts courses. Second year is much more application of concepts with much less memorization type questions.
Shy Rem, how important was the prerequisite in biochem in helping you succeed in UNECOM biochem? I took biochem, but I got a C+ in it and didn't learn a whole lot. If I were to get into UNECOM, I wonder if I'd be at a disadvantage because I learned so little real biochem in undergrad.
they have revamped the course since I took it, but let me just say: I was a chem major. My undergrad biochem class was NOTHING like my med biochem class. don't worry about it.
I said all courses were planned or in progress. I'm sure it'll work out. I won't fret too much at this point. Just call them when I get a chance and ask. I have 9 other secondaries on my plate right now, so its hard to jump out of the way to receive one more at this point!
UNECOM looks like a great school. As far as the question about holding the secondary, last year I applied but didn't submit secondary. I had a D in orgo that I've since retaken and still haven't registered for biochem and they didn't hold the secondary for me. I got an email last week saying i'm complete and I haven't even paid them yet, so I don't think they should hold your secondary b/c you're in orgo now.

I do have a question: how many oos students really get into UNECOM. I've heard they accept 60% New Englanders but I don't know if those numbers are official.
Lots of oos'ers. We have three from Colorado in my class, a couple from Utah, Oregon, California, Texas, Virginia... even Africa. They accept 60% New Englanders because New Englanders comprise most of the applicants.
Lots of oos'ers. We have three from Colorado in my class, a couple from Utah, Oregon, California, Texas, Virginia... even Africa. They accept 60% New Englanders because New Englanders comprise most of the applicants.

I see. That makes sense. I just worry about my lack of ties to New England.
Don't. I'm from Colorado and while i grew up in PA (which I left 25 years ago), I have no ties to New England.
I think I have a decent shot of getting in. I'm just so tired of Miami, Fl right now and want to go somewhere different. I hear the student accounts office is making a "major move" so I can't pay them yet. I've never heard of something that can be filled out online but not paid online.
Do be a little wary of the weather though. I know it sounds arbitrary, but if you were born and raised in Miami then the Northeast will be a complete culture shift for you. It doesn't sound important but I know A LOT of people from south florida (and florida in general) that started undergrad in the Northeast, only to return a year or two later. The winters can be brutal to someone that is used to the warmth and sunlight of Florida. You can always tough it out for a few years, but not everybody is cut out for it.
well i guess i could be considered one of those people. Born and raised in Miami but I did first year undergrad at NYU. But I transferred to UM. I hated the weather at first b/c i had never seen snow before and it was a chilling experience. But I didn't transfer b/c of the weather lol. I think I could tough it out, but I get tired of stuff down here and hurricanes and such. I want a snowstorm instead:)
I mailed off my UNECOM secondary today, has anyone else submitted theirs?
If I use distance learning to take teh biochem at UNE, can that biochem credit be used to fulfill a biochem credit at another school? Does it show up as an online course on the transcripts?
Do you have to be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident to applly to UENCOM? I am Canadian Citizen but got my undergraduate from the states.

Also is there a list of DO school thats accept Canadian Citizen?
i am interviewing on september 30th. does anyone have any hotel recommendations? ill probably stay with a friend for a night, but ill be there 3 nights total and don't want to be a burden.:rolleyes:
Yay for interview! Maybe I'll see you around that day...I practically live in Alfond.
Yeah, I technically have an apartment in Saco, but you wouldn't know it by how rarely I am there. I actually shower at school more than I do at home.

Oh, and that chair in the corner of alfond, kinda by the plant? That's my chair. Just no one knows it yet.
Unfortunately, I did not have any contact with "UNECOM students, alumni, faculty members or clinicians, admissions/student affairs staff members, etc." Anyone else like me? If so, how did you go about answering essay #2?

Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, I did not have any contact with "UNECOM students, alumni, faculty members or clinicians, admissions/student affairs staff members, etc." Anyone else like me? If so, how did you go about answering essay #2?

Thanks in advance!

somone else suggested this earlier and i included it in my response...that we have contact with students through SDN!
For the secondary question about contact with admissions and students and such, just give them a call and request to be put in touch with a current student
I am a current student and I look forward to going to school everyday. It is a lot of work but the staff and students are great. I feel such a connection with my class that I think when they put the class together they chose people not only for their intellect (and boy are they smart!) but also we all get along. I feel fortunate to be attending such a school. Our new Dean is present and involved in our class...in fact he taught one of our classes the other day. Very refreshing.
I am a current student and I look forward to going to school everyday. It is a lot of work but the staff and students are great. I feel such a connection with my class that I think when they put the class together they chose people not only for their intellect (and boy are they smart!) but also we all get along. I feel fortunate to be attending such a school. Our new Dean is present and involved in our class...in fact he taught one of our classes the other day. Very refreshing.

Glad to hear that you are liking UNECOM so much. It seems like a great med school. Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your experience. Good luck this semester
No problem...I am sure most med schools are like UNECOM....you work so hard to get into school you make it work!....Thanks for the well wishes...Goodluck in your endeavors
This is definitely one of my top schools. I have ties to NE, and I would LOVE to raise my kid in Maine, even if only for 4 years. The only concern I have is for my husband. He might be able to tele-commute to his current job here in Oakland, but if he can't... how's the tech sector in Portland? And would it be reasonable to live equidistantly between UNECOM and Portland?

I have a feeling about this school, just from reading the website... :love:
portland is only 17 miles from Biddeford. You can easily live either place and comfortably commute if you're used to that (most Mainers think 17 miles is an unforgivable distance away from anything though).
I commute from NH and I have classmates who commute from Portsmouth and northern mass....I think the school system is better in NH if your kids are school age
I am also curious about the tech sector in Portland...I would LOVE to live in Maine and am very interested in UNECOM. However, my S.O. also works in the IT world and we need to be somewhere relatively close to where he can find a job. (Somebody's gotta support me!):rolleyes:
I'm not an expert, but I think the tech sector in Maine is pretty good. Southern Maine is jokingly referred to as Northern Massachusetts and I think there has been a fair amount of runoff of tech R&D from the Mass areas. Depending on anyone's willingness to commute, there are a fair amount of people who live in Maine and work (or telecommute) in Mass esp. the areas just north of Boston and along the 495 tech corridor.

I was wondering if anyone knew how long it took for UNECOM to send a link to access the seconary app... all of my other DO schools have done so already, but not UNECOM. AACOMAS released my app on 8/27.

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