UNC Post-Interview

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You're giving up on Michigan!?

Most likely, but the only things in life that are 100% guaranteed are death and taxes. This is where I would like to go, nothing against Michigan, or any other program that I applied to, but I want to live in Chapel Hill. It's close to my family and I love the town. I'm still going to visit Ann Arbor sometime in the near future, and who knows, maybe I'll change my mind then too. As of now, I'm Tar Heel Bound!!!

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First off, Congratulations to everyone accepted so far! :) :clap:

:( For me, still nothing yet. Although I'm a little worried.
I recently moved to NC from NJ and although I submitted my address change to pharmCAS during Academic Update, they haven't sent the new info to the schools I applied to b/c they're waiting for my latest transcripts from a few courses I took in the Fall. I sent an email to UNC and then called and left a message today regarding this issue. They haven't replied to my email or phone call. What if they sent something to my old address and snail mail doesnt get it to me for another few weeks?? Obviously, this would only matter if I actually got accepted, but what if I did and then miss the deadline to confirm?? :eek:
Most likely, but the only things in life that are 100% guaranteed are death and taxes. This is where I would like to go, nothing against Michigan, or any other program that I applied to, but I want to live in Chapel Hill. It's close to my family and I love the town. I'm still going to visit Ann Arbor sometime in the near future, and who knows, maybe I'll change my mind then too. As of now, I'm Tar Heel Bound!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'm so excited!! Hooray for amazing classmates! Don't worry MuraRX..just keep calling and bothering them about it! At least until you know if they have your correct address!

Oh man..UNC's Pharm school isn't ready for us...

And yes, I think I stole your signature, "acetyl" :p
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My signature is sexy and you know you like it.

How did you steal it, by using one little ol' smiley face?
Haha..nah, I just didn't get it to post after my message is all. Now you can see it!
Congrats to you guys who got in! Is anyone else going to be there on Wednesday? I'll be in the 12-2:30 session if anyone wants to say hi. Look for a tall, asian guy :)
Haha..nah, I just didn't get it to post after my message is all. Now you can see it!

Okay, I see it now. I don't mind, it's not like I had a copyright on that the location/name of our graduate degrees. Plus, you used different font and added an antecode and only have one smiley. They are pretty much completely different. Now if you hijack my avator we might have to have words :smuggrin:
Acetyl, are you in-state NC student or applied as an out-of-state?

I am just curious how much harder it is to get in as out-of-state.

I know that UNC takes some, but my impression is that it is quite limited.
i called unc yesterday and i was told that they are going to try and send out letters within the next two weeks for all candidates that have interviewed so far.. i hope this can calm some nerves...
good luck to all...:) i am def. scared and excited... hollar
TWO weeks?? I can't wait that long -- haha! Guess I will have to...
the wait is killing me :(

i hope i can turn my frown upside-down soon :)
Hey guys!
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who got their acceptance letters!!! I'm so proud of you guys!!
I had my interview on the 17th.. but I'm still waiting for a decision *fingers crossed!!* My roommate interviews tomorrow, so I'm trying to help her out, but I'm so nervous for myself!!
Hopefully I will have good news for you guys soon!!
Acetyl, are you in-state NC student or applied as an out-of-state?

I am just curious how much harder it is to get in as out-of-state.

I know that UNC takes some, but my impression is that it is quite limited.

Out of state baby. I am from the great state of Kentucky. While it's not a great undergrad. school, I think a lot of the faculty have respect for the pharm. school at UK. I'm happy and fortunate to get that letter.
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Will you go to Kentucky instead? It would be a lot cheaper, and it is very well known also as a pharmacy school.

Anyway, UNC sends 35% of its graduates to residency. So if you want a clinical position, I would highly recommend UNC. But maybe Kentucky also has a good placement.
Will you go to Kentucky instead? It would be a lot cheaper, and it is very well known also as a pharmacy school.

Anyway, UNC sends 35% of its graduates to residency. So if you want a clinical position, I would highly recommend UNC. But maybe Kentucky also has a good placement.

UK isn't too shabby on residency placements themselves, and I think they have an incredible program that is very comparable to UNC. I'm ready to leave Lexington, so I'm not going to attend UK. As to the increase in cost, oh well, such is life. I'll get a bigger loan and pay it back, just like everyone else.
I'm sad that I wasn't an insta-accept post jan 17th interview like acetyl and company :'( What if I get rejected now? I'm so jealous of you all! I'm going to mess up my UCSF interview now.
evilolive - don't worry! not many people have heard yet, and I had a friend whose interview was Jan 17th during your session, i think, who went by the pharm school yesterday. apparently they've only sent out a handful of acceptances so far, so don't worry! I've also heard they're sending all of the letters out in the next two weeks, so don't worry! :)
You know what's really weird? Part of me wants to screw up the UCSF interview so I won't have the chance to go there and must go out of state to UNC or Michigan :/ Does that sound messed up to you? I'm really torn as to whether or not I want to be near family or not, and it would make life so much easier if I didn't have to make that choice.
Don't screw up the interview just because you don't want to have to ultimately make that choice. Trust me, you'll be glad you have that choice when the process is over and done with. Because what happens if you screw it up and then you decide you'd rather be near family at the end? Just try your best at that interview, too, so you have some good options. I can understand how that's a hard decision to make, but at least then, you'd have a choice, you know?
For those of you that got accepted to UNC, how long did they give you to respond with an acceptance/deposit?
I'm freaking out b/c I haven't gotten any response to my email or phone call telling them about my change of address.:scared:
For those of you that got accepted to UNC, how long did they give you to respond with an acceptance/deposit?
I'm freaking out b/c I haven't gotten any response to my email or phone call telling them about my change of address.:scared:

They give you two weeks from the acceptance letter. I had until February 7th to get all that in. Keep calling, keep calling, keep calling. Just leave them a flood of phone messages so they have to call you back, seriously. If you're honestly that worried about the address thing, keep trying to contact them.
You know what's really weird? Part of me wants to screw up the UCSF interview so I won't have the chance to go there and must go out of state to UNC or Michigan :/ Does that sound messed up to you? I'm really torn as to whether or not I want to be near family or not, and it would make life so much easier if I didn't have to make that choice.

Come on now, that's not like you. Part of me wishes I could reach into this computer screen to where you are and smack some sense into ya. When you get accepted to UNC, which you will, and we become classmates, you'll never hear the end of if from me. You've got a tremendous opportunity to even be considered for UCSF, and you need to put your best foot forward. Don't be someone fake or try to act like someone else. Be you, and your intelligence and desire for the profession will show to those interviewers. In combination with grades, test scores, interview---> acceptance. If you want to go to UCSF, go there, if you want to go to UNC and be with CarrollR and myself, do that. You'll make friends wherever you go, and you're family will understand that you have to move if you want to go to another school. It's just part of growing up that we all have to do.
Finally, I am just curious who gets in and does not get in from IN-STATE and what their stats / extracurriculars / previous degrees are more importantly, what school they went to. I have a feeling that they STRONGLY prefer their prereqs to be taken at UNC rather than another four-year college for in-state students.

So post your stats (including college where prereqs taken) when you hear results, whether good or bad!!
cdpiano27, you're probably right. they like UNC kids. I mean, really..I'm only a sophomore and I've taken my prereqs at UNC..they know the classes are tough, and maybe they saw some extra stuff in me which is why they decided to accept me even though i'm so young.

i posted my stats up there. i can let you know more if you have specific questions.
I got accepted as an out-of-state student. My stats are posted above, but here they are again to make it easy:

Overall GPA - 3.97
Pre-req GPA - 3.91
PCAT Composite - 98%

When I start in the fall, I will have a B.A. in Chemistry and a B.S. in Human Nutrition, Food, and Exercise, both from Virginia Tech. I doubt it makes any difference, but I applied to UNC for undergrad when I first started and I was accepted. I chose Virginia Tech for undergrad, knowing that I'd like to go to UNC for pharmacy school. This was brought up in the interview, and I think it showed how interested I was in the school itself.

Once again, good luck to all who are still waiting to hear!
I would think it is almost time for them to send out another batch of letters!!!

*Keeping my fingers crossed*
Okay, so I finally got through to them about the change of address situation last Monday and spoke to someone who told me she would send me an email just in case they had sent me a letter. She never got back to me. But then, I come home today at 11pm from a UCSF interview on Saturday and then UMB interview this afternoon, and find an acceptance from UNC!!!!:)
It was originally sent to NJ and the confirmation is due by Wednesday! If it had taken any longer I could have lost my spot!!
Congratulations MuraRX!!! That is so exciting! I am happy for all of you :)

I've prepared myself for the rejection letter that is coming for me! It seems like EVERYONE who had January interviews has heard already :(
Bes686, you are from East Carolina? What are your stats? I think it would be easier getting in being an in-state resident but I think that if someone had a degree not from UNC they better take all prereqs at UNC-Chapel Hill it seems.
Bes, I had interview on Jan 17 and did not hear anything yet. I know, there are some people who had interview in December and are still waiting.
Yes, I will have my BS in Biochemistry this May. Overall GPA is 3.7 and PCAT composite was 90%. I thought my stats were pretty good but am now doubting myself.
congratulations muraRX!!! i was wondering if you are an out of state or in state resident. also, if you could post your stats that would be great. congrats again.
congrats muraRX!!
bes686- i feel exactly the same way. pretty much everyone i know who interviewed in january has been accepted, except my roommate who interviewed on the 31st. i felt like my stats were pretty good, but now i'm not so sure at all. but they did say 4-6 weeks, and it hasn't been 4 weeks yet...
congrats to everyone who's in thus far!! i'm sure that bes686, tashka, and i will be joining you soon!
Thanx everyone! And to those who have not heard back yet, Stay Positive!! Like TarHeelBaby said, it hasn't been 4 weeks yet. You still have hope so don't let it go! I hope that we can all be classmates come the Fall. :)

At ufgator's request, here are my stats:

Associate's Degree in International Business
Bachelor's Degree in Biology
PCAT: 80
GPA: 3.5
Volunteered as a Spanish interpreter at a cancer center and worked there doing clinical research for about a year.
No pharmacy experience.
Do you guys think they sent out a lot of letters in that first go-round? It seems like everyone who has been accepted got letters dated Jan. 24th..Do you think there will be more letters sent, or have they sent out all they are going to?
I know that they have more letters to send out...I just don't know WHEN they plan to send them! Thats the part that sucks -- I am SO tired of waiting!
me too! i am constantly worrying about it...especially since my interview didn't go too well! :(
This Friday makes 4 weeks for me...so I am hoping to hear something this week or next week. When did you have your interview nme?
my interview was jan. 17...so i guess its been 3 weeks, but it feels like much longer!!
Well good luck!! I will be sure to inform everyone if/when my letter arrives!
congrats murarx!!! are you going to be my classmate? :D
congrats murarx!!! are you going to be my classmate? :D

Thank you CarrollR! Yes, definitely--UNC was my top choice!
I can't wait to meet all of you!:)
yay! I'm so excited! are you on facebook by any chance? feel free to add me! (Rachel Carroll @ UNC)
yay! I'm so excited! are you on facebook by any chance? feel free to add me! (Rachel Carroll @ UNC)

And you can find me from her!
she doesnt have facebook :(

On the upside..for those of you that do and have been accepted (and are going..), I created a facebook group called "UNC School of Pharmacy - c/o 2011. Join it!!
I'm not on facebook, but if you have myspace, pm me and I'll send you my url....I'm gonna check out facebook now though!
Its very exciting that everybody is getting in. I can't wait to see all of you in the fall!
nme1986, you mention that you think your interview was not that good. Why do you think that way? I know, you can not provide too many details, but I just wonder. I thought that my interview went very well, but now I rethink it and start worrying that everything I said was somehow wrong. They also asked some questions that they really should not ask. And I had to answer them. Maybe, I should have refused to answer, but did not know how to do it. I do not have much experience in interviewing. And now there is no word from them at all. I have very high GPA both science and overall, advanced degree, pharmacy experience, competitive PCAT. I already don't know what to think. I just worry. So, please answer me if you can.
Okay so I e-mailed the student services office last week and asked when I should expect to receive a letter (since everyone else has received one!) and someone just e-mailed me back asking if I have received my letter yet?? (WHICH I HAVENT!!!)

Ahhhh, I am hoping this is a good thing. I told her no -- I am wondering if I should also call them and find out what is going on?
Scratch that!!! She e-mailed me back and said my acceptance letter went out Wednesday!! YAY!!!!!!!!