UCLA letters sent out--Check Status Page

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s3park you rock my world. thanks mucho!
im confused about when ucla stops interviewing ppl. the british dude said that they would be interviewing all the way into april. but ure saying that final decision letters will only be sent out till mid march? im just not sure that i still have a chance when i would be interviewing so late...

hello, i just called the adm office

the lady said that final decision letters are being sent out almost everyday from now till mid march. so there's no particular day of the week where they send a bunch out. if your status hasn't changed, that just means the adcom hasn't got to your file yet. the adcom meets 'sporadically' so we just have to sit tight.

she assured me that there are A LOT of seats left for the 2012 class. she wouldn't give me the percentage but from the way she said it im guessing like 60%-70%.

she also told me that the decisions from here on out will be mixed bag (acceptaces, waitlists, rejections) and that the 5k is given to ALL matriculating students.

hope this was helpful.
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seriously.. i feel like i get a different answer to depending on who i talk to

the lady from 2pm said 'mid march' for sure 100%. the british dude a couple hours later agreed with the mid march timetable BUT he did add that realistically (what he has seen in previous years) final decisions spill into early april because of the later interviews.

sigh... i though i said i would be gone until after dinner...
UCLA needs to send all their decisions NOW! especially for people who interviewed 4 months ago...
Funny, I remember British dude from my interview day. I'm not from the LA area, so I remember wondering how many British folk live in southern California.

Moving on...
sooo based on all this mixed info, what do u guys advise for me? i just got an interview invite today and bc the school is rolling i feel like i needta get myself over there ASAP...but the week that works the best for me is the first week of april. but if final decisions are going out in march, is there really any point in interviewing in april since thats probably too late to begin with? are my chances really decreased bc a) its so late in the game and b) im OOS..any input would be very very appreciated!!!
sooo based on all this mixed info, what do u guys advise for me? i just got an interview invite today and bc the school is rolling i feel like i needta get myself over there ASAP...but the week that works the best for me is the first week of april. but if final decisions are going out in march, is there really any point in interviewing in april since thats probably too late to begin with? are my chances really decreased bc a) its so late in the game and b) im OOS..any input would be very very appreciated!!!

I obviously don't know your application cycle status, financial status, etc., but will give you my 2 cents. I love UCLA and really want to go there...so this may be partial.

First, call them tomorrow and ask if the the "final" interviews in April or so will be for waitlisted spots. (I doubt so...)

If you want, mention that you've heard that decisions will be going out through march, and that you want to confirm that those are just regarding people who have already interviewed.

Possibly confirm that student hosts are available when you come if you want to have one and save some cash...pretty much a guarantee, but it's an option to consider.

Check out the SDN interview pages and see how UCLA interviews compare to ones you've been on. Might give you a sense of what to expect.

Definitely, if money is not an object, and you can jet to UCLA asap (even if it's April), then go. Go, go, go. Personally, I have learned a lot about med school, interviewing, and so on. This has been a process that I don't think many of us will forget, and it's worth the experience if you can make it work.

If you have specific questions (airport...), post and I'm sure we'll all help you out! :luck:

P.S. If you want to go in April, go for it. If you are nervous and want to get it done ASAP, really evaluate your next month's schedule and possibly make some sacrifices? (again, I don't know your schedule...that would be creepy...so do what you feel you really need to do!)
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Personal friends of mine interviewed in april two years ago, and was accepted outright (no waitlist). Even if you're interviewing at this point in the process, you are still very eligible for an acceptance, partially because ucla isn't going to accept a whole bunch of people in sept, or oct, or november like other schools. They just sent out their first batch. if you are interviewing in april, you can still be accepted outright.
Accepted today 2/20, letter mailed out on Friday. 5K scholarship, I think everyone gets it from what my friend at UCLA SOM said.

I was under the impression UCLA is the only UC that has no IS preference whatsoever.

From what I heard at the UCSF interview, they only have a slight preference anyway (to counter that OOS are less likely to matriculate)
Apparently second look is the weekend of April 19th-- same as UCSD's. I wonder if they put these two on the same weekend on purpose?
ahhh anxiously waiting my letter now...

do you guys think the next batch will be more waitlists/rejections, to balance out the number of acceptances they've given out so far?

congrats to those who have been accepted! you rock!! :hardy:
so i think there is some confusion from the date above about the difference between final decision letters and final interview dates. please correct me if im wrong. people were talking about final decision letters because thats in reference the category on the status page check of UCLA; they were simply discussing whether or not the letters that include their final decision (accepted or not) was sent or not. but interviews go through april, and you definitely can still get accepted in april (not only for waitlist) as another had said. the committee had said final decision letters sent through mid march in reference for those that interviewed much before. but final decision letters can still be sent for those that interview in april. i hope i got this correct, because talking about it makes me nervous! and yes, i am desparately waiting for my final decision letter too. :(
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They will not interview you if they do not have a spot open for you!
They will not interview you if they do not have a spot open for you!

Yes, i was talking to a lady at the admissions office earlier this week, and she gave me the exact same sentiment.
This may seem like a weird question, but for those of you with rejections, what address/individual did your letter come from?
adoredoctor, thank u soooo sooo much for your detailed response! that really clarifies a bunch of stuff. i think i am gonna go to the interview after all. ucla really does stuff a lot later than other schools, right? since i am already not in the first batch, does it now make a difference whether i interview in the middle of march or in early april? i know ucla is rolling, but if they are offering interviews all the way into april then it shouldnt really make much of a difference should it? i must say, it is crazy tho that revisit weekend for UCLA is april 17th...(when they offer interviews into april...)
bumpin to see if anyone heard anything lately
This may seem like a weird question, but for those of you with rejections, what address/individual did your letter come from?
The return address:

University of California, Los Angeles
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Student Admissions
Box 957035
12-105 Center for the Health Sciences
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7035

The letter was "signed" by Neil H. Parker, M.D.: Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs; Chairman, Admissions Committee
Ahhh, it's Friday... maybe some status changes today?
no change here: interviewed mid-december. **more waiting+pity+

I would also like to know when the next batch is coming out. If anyone here's anything other than 'by March 15th' or 'in the next couple/few weeks,' be sure and let us all know!
so did we decide if there was a correlation between getting the background check email and an acceptance?
UCLA needs to send all their decisions NOW! especially for people who interviewed 4 months ago...

My sentiments exactly!

:boom:I'm going nuts. I interviewed in early November and can't believe that UCLA is making me and people who interviewed earlier than I did wait so long while they have given acceptances to people who interviewed just a few weeks ago. I mean, come on. I know there's a 99% chance what I'm waiting on is a waitlist or rejection, but they should at least have the courtesy to let people who interviewed long ago know of their fates before giving out acceptances to people who interviewed a few weeks ago. Sheesh.
My sentiments exactly!

:boom:I'm going nuts. I interviewed in early November and can't believe that UCLA is making me and people who interviewed earlier than I did wait so long while they have given acceptances to people who interviewed just a few weeks ago. I mean, come on. I know there's a 99% chance what I'm waiting on is a waitlist or rejection, but they should at least have the courtesy to let people who interviewed long ago know of their fates before giving out acceptances to people who interviewed a few weeks ago. Sheesh.

Here is my theory: When I interviewed, my faculty interviewer showed me the initial review form for my primary and secondary application. Apparently they assign each application a "Cumulative Score" before the interview. I assume (and this has been confirmed to me by others) that after the interview they update your cumulative score, giving you a number score for your entire application. It would make sense that they accept the people with the highest number scores, but they obviously have to set a threshold for who to accept and who not to. This is impossible to do unless they have reviewed enough applications to know where exactly to set this threshold such that they will let enough people in, but not too many since scores will vary by year. I think that they have not set this threshold yet. They gave acceptances to those people who had such high cumulative scores that they knew for certain that they would surpass the threshold and have not handed out acceptances to anyone else. This would also explain why most people that have been admitted so far have extremely high stats-much higher than UCLA's averages. This should also lead us to believe that there is a lot of space left in the class. I say, if you haven't gotten a decision yet you are still in the running.
Here is my theory: When I interviewed, my faculty interviewer showed me the initial review form for my primary and secondary application. Apparently they assign each application a "Cumulative Score" before the interview. I assume (and this has been confirmed to me by others) that after the interview they update your cumulative score, giving you a number score for your entire application. It would make sense that they accept the people with the highest number scores, but they obviously have to set a threshold for who to accept and who not to. This is impossible to do unless they have reviewed enough applications to know where exactly to set this threshold such that they will let enough people in, but not too many since scores will vary by year. I think that they have not set this threshold yet. They gave acceptances to those people who had such high cumulative scores that they knew for certain that they would surpass the threshold and have not handed out acceptances to anyone else. This would also explain why most people that have been admitted so far have extremely high stats-much higher than UCLA's averages. This should also lead us to believe that there is a lot of space left in the class. I say, if you haven't gotten a decision yet you are still in the running.

I think that's the case for most rolling schools; I'm pretty sure Dartmouth does the same. They probably also factor in the probability that you will attend. I imagine that keeping yields high is pretty important.

I'm out of state, and I haven't received word on an interview yet. I'm surprised I haven't gotten the pre-interview neg yet. I sent a letter of interest, so maybe that's why they held off on neg'ing my file in the last adcom meeting.
I think that UCLA falls somewhere in the middle between rolling and non-rolling. Kind of like OHSU.
So I got into UCLA/Drew. Still no word from the regular Geffen track adcom. Since it seems to be all the same, I'm not really that worried about hearing from the regular track adcom anymore. Anyone thing I should just withdraw my name from consideration and go with the UCLA/Drew track. No use in taking up the adcom's time and possibly holding a second spot in the class, right?
Here is my theory: When I interviewed, my faculty interviewer showed me the initial review form for my primary and secondary application. Apparently they assign each application a "Cumulative Score" before the interview. I assume (and this has been confirmed to me by others) that after the interview they update your cumulative score, giving you a number score for your entire application. It would make sense that they accept the people with the highest number scores, but they obviously have to set a threshold for who to accept and who not to. This is impossible to do unless they have reviewed enough applications to know where exactly to set this threshold such that they will let enough people in, but not too many since scores will vary by year. I think that they have not set this threshold yet. They gave acceptances to those people who had such high cumulative scores that they knew for certain that they would surpass the threshold and have not handed out acceptances to anyone else. This would also explain why most people that have been admitted so far have extremely high stats-much higher than UCLA's averages. This should also lead us to believe that there is a lot of space left in the class. I say, if you haven't gotten a decision yet you are still in the running.

I was accepted in the first batch with a 3.44 GPA and 31R MCAT. Therefore, that batch does not only include people with extremely high stats. I interviewed early Jan. Good luck everyone, do not lose hope.
...This would also explain why most people that have been admitted so far have extremely high stats-much higher than UCLA's averages.

and that the majority of those already accepted use SDN :p
Here is my theory: When I interviewed, my faculty interviewer showed me the initial review form for my primary and secondary application. Apparently they assign each application a "Cumulative Score" before the interview. I assume (and this has been confirmed to me by others) that after the interview they update your cumulative score, giving you a number score for your entire application. It would make sense that they accept the people with the highest number scores, but they obviously have to set a threshold for who to accept and who not to. This is impossible to do unless they have reviewed enough applications to know where exactly to set this threshold such that they will let enough people in, but not too many since scores will vary by year. I think that they have not set this threshold yet. They gave acceptances to those people who had such high cumulative scores that they knew for certain that they would surpass the threshold and have not handed out acceptances to anyone else. This would also explain why most people that have been admitted so far have extremely high stats-much higher than UCLA's averages. This should also lead us to believe that there is a lot of space left in the class. I say, if you haven't gotten a decision yet you are still in the running.

That sounds like a reasonable theory and I hope you're right. Personally, I've been disappointed too many times by situations like these to expect much anymore.
So I got into UCLA/Drew. Still no word from the regular Geffen track adcom. Since it seems to be all the same, I'm not really that worried about hearing from the regular track adcom anymore. Anyone thing I should just withdraw my name from consideration and go with the UCLA/Drew track. No use in taking up the adcom's time and possibly holding a second spot in the class, right?

I think that's a good idea, imo. Unless you don't want to go down the Drew track, which only differs from the regular track the last two years, it would take a burden off your shoulders waiting around and might give someone else a better chance. Also, I think it's a slim chance that UCLA accepts you for two programs for the reason you mentioned above (don't quote me on this, and let me know if I'm wrong). I got accepted to the regular track, and wanted to do their UCLA-prime track, but haven't heard back from them since I turned in my secondary.

Anyway, congrats on UCLA-DREW~! I guess we'll be classmates if you decide on going!

That sounds like a reasonable theory and I hope you're right. Personally, I've been disappointed too many times by situations like these to expect much anymore.

i believe it. this is almost exactly how ucsd does it (spoke with someone on the adcom), except they set a threshold score from the start. you get a score calculated from: primary + secondary + undergrad institution. then your score is updated with your interview score. if you're borderline or under = waitlist. if well over = acceptance.
So I got into UCLA/Drew. Still no word from the regular Geffen track adcom. Since it seems to be all the same, I'm not really that worried about hearing from the regular track adcom anymore. Anyone thing I should just withdraw my name from consideration and go with the UCLA/Drew track. No use in taking up the adcom's time and possibly holding a second spot in the class, right?

I respect your decision to withdraw from David Geffen, and not hold a second spot in the class. The Drew/UCLA students are the same as the regular UCLA students. They have the same classes, rotations, and MD degrees from the same institution.

Good luck.
I think that's a good idea, imo. Unless you don't want to go down the Drew track, which only differs from the regular track the last two years, it would take a burden off your shoulders waiting around and might give someone else a better chance. Also, I think it's a slim chance that UCLA accepts you for two programs for the reason you mentioned above (don't quote me on this, and let me know if I'm wrong). I got accepted to the regular track, and wanted to do their UCLA-prime track, but haven't heard back from them since I turned in my secondary.

Anyway, congrats on UCLA-DREW~! I guess we'll be classmates if you decide on going!


I was actually accepted to both Drew and the Regular Geffen track but either one is awesome. :thumbup:
just curious everyone, how good is ucla about accommodating ppl on their selected interview days (on the website)? and does ucla typically take a long time to get back to applicants about a mutually acceptable day? i kinda really wanna book my flight for LA like asap....
from my experience, i dont think they are that flexible at all once you have given them your choice dates and they have selected one. nor do i think you can change the date once its been chosen. good luck!
I was also trying to book tickets cross country and coordinate my travel schedule, so I called the office to schedule instead of sending in the form and they were very helpful. So maybe try calling?
I actually had to change my interview date after it was scheduled. I had a professor change the syllabus and changed a test date to the date of my interview. My professor said I would have to take a zero on the exam, he had a no make-up policy, and UCLA changed the interview date for me. I'm still a little nervous though about changing the date.. I hope it doesn't affect my admissions.
I was accepted to UCLA as well :)
found out last tuesday...anyone know when 2nd look takes place?
best of luck to all of you!