The waiting is killing me!

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nervous ned

Yikes! I am so tired of making the scariest 42 steps to the mailbox everyday waiting to see where I will spend the next four years of my life! I have interviewed at seven schools, been accepted at two, wait listed at one, and am waiting to hear from four. It just so happens the four I'm waiting to hear from are my top four choices. It is such a helpless feeling, my fate is in the hands of complete strangers, as to where I will be for the next few years. I hate not being in control of my own destiny. Atleast I have been accepted to med school, and for that I am really grateful, however I sure would like to hear from these other schools so I can end this anxiety. Anyone else feeling like this?

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I'm in a similar situation. Just relax and remember that you already hold acceptances. Many, many people do not even have one acceptance.

It might help you feel better if you think about going to the schools that you already have been accepted to. Focus on the positive aspects of those schools.
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Heck, this is only the beginning of a very long road. Might as well get used to it now.

I'm not looking forward to the day in fourth year when I discover where in Canada I'll be moving to do my residency. I think the previous poster hit it just right. Remember that you did get into med school, and many other applicants worked really hard and haven't yet reached that goal.

Focus on the positives of each school you've been accepted into, and have lots of fun, whereever you end up going.

Ian, MS1
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Imagine the pain and suffering of the people who haven't even heard *anything* (like me

[This message has been edited by Tigger Tiger (edited 12-14-1999).]
Chin up buckeroo.

I spent all the end of October and all of November waiting on my first acceptance letter. I had interviewed at five schools, and none of them said anything at all for 9 weeks.

Typical PMS. Walking excitedly to the mailbox only to find that the big envelope that you suspected could be an acceptance letter was just a letter from Ed McMahon telling me I may have won 10 million dollars.

Then on Decmeber 7 I got a letter from one of my top three choice schools. Relief set in, but I still wanted to know where I stood with the other schools.

Nervous calls to the FAO of each school yielded nothing more than the same information I already knew.

Then it happened. Yesterday I got a big letter from my state school. The school that is a rocks throw from my home. The school that I thought of when I pictured myself practicing medicine. My top choice came through. Not only did they come through, they did so in very short order.

The letter was dated just three weeks after the day I interviewed. In spite of being the last school to interview me (five weeks after everyone else), they were the second to accept me.

The moral of this story is that if you are interviewing as frequently as you said you are, and as early as you did you are a very good candidate. Be patient and stay strong.

Remember, there are many people out there waiting for interview invitations the way you are waiting on acceptance letters. You can help eliminate this anxiety in others by releasing the hold on those multiple acceptances as early as possible. Then some other person whose first choice is the school that you are accepted to can get "the big letter" sooner.
nervous ned,

No need to worry. I think you are in great shape! You've already made it into a couple schools! As for me, I am still waiting for interviews
I got an interview for my #1 school, but was put "on hold" for my #2 school (isn't that a nice way for telling me that I got rejected?). I am very grateful that I at least got an interview at my top school. You should be glad that you have a future somewhere because some people still don't have that same privilege that you have
Good luck next year!

Congrats on your acceptance to medschool, I to am hoping to be accepted at the medschool in my hometown. FYI, I have notified one of the two schools that accepted me that I will not be attending. No sense in holding a spot any longer then necessary. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be making a happy walk back from the mailbox real soon.
I'm still waiting for word on an interview from the Univ of Miami. Has anyone heard from them regarding interviews. I took the Aug 99 MCAT so I'm sure that slowed things down but it's getting fairly late in the cycle and I'm getting worried. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Ugh the wait is killing me too. Have you guys heard back yet?
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LOL. Epic necrobump.
On a side note, thank God for e-mail.
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Some say, they are still waiting to this very day.
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Hahaha, I saw Aug 99 MCAT and was suddenly.....suspicious >_>
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I'm still waiting for word on an interview from the Univ of Miami. Has anyone heard from them regarding interviews. I took the Aug 99 MCAT so I'm sure that slowed things down but it's getting fairly late in the cycle and I'm getting worried. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Dude, me too. They said April 6th, but they've been taking their sweet time.

And how did y'all schedule interviews back then? Was it by phone?
People from the 1990s,

We have the quote function now. : D
Nervous ned is a next level user. Can't even click his name or see his post count. 1999 internet hackers man...
Some days, it does kind of feel like I've been waiting 17 years to hear back.
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Man op counted the steps to their mailbox. Thats hardcore obsession
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