***The Official 2016-2017 Osteopathic Underdawgs***

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's.
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester :(
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (37 units science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ applied to every single DO school
_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.23/3.72/AUG/Verified 7/19/ Military medic with multiple combat tours. 10 years clinical exp. ~3.9 last 86 cr.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM[/QUOTE]

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's.
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester :(
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.23/3.72/AUG/Verified 7/19/ Military medic with multiple combat tours. 10 years clinical exp. ~3.9 last 86 cr.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Last edited:
So I noticed the thread split a few pages back - so I took the two lists and compiled them. So they're all back together (including mine and a few others).


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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's.
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's.
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
To all of the underdawgs, we are doing great and will keep doing great this cycle.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM, ACOM, CUSOM, LMU; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
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4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
  • Like
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/waiting on secondaries to arrive
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
  • Like
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
Members don't see this ad :)
QUOTE="_lubdub_, post: 18082641, member: 794486"]INSTRUCTIONS!
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4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. URM. II: ACOM
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Su
bmitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Su
bmitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Reactions: 1 users
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


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4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/ 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM. Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research

No updates on my end, Just added back in the top part to clarify who's and underdawg and who's not. I also added a link to the current Thundercat thread for those who don't fit the Underdawg criteria.
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
  • Like
Reactions: 2 users
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
So is ACOM the only school that has sent out acceptances so far? I count 7 acceptances on the list and they are all ACOM lol.... guessing I should move their secondary to the top of the pile, gonna fill it out tomorrow.
So is ACOM the only school that has sent out acceptances so far? I count 7 acceptances on the list and they are all ACOM lol.... guessing I should move their secondary to the top of the pile, gonna fill it out tomorrow.
CUSOM and DMU have also sent some!
  • Like
Reactions: 1 users
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 1st = 488 (121/124/122/121) 2nd = 501 (125/124/125/127)/Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs, Volunteer Firefighter
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE]
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research

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  • Like
Reactions: 1 users
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication

Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM

Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
  • Like
Reactions: 4 users
This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


1) Click Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication

Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM

Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/Early August/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July (VCOM, PCOM, DMUCOM)
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research

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Wow! Nice work

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This thread is meant to help each other through secondaries, interviews, and beyond I want us to be able to post anything and have similar individuals comment and provide feedback.

It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24 MCAT or less than 3.25 sGPA or cGPA. It can be either of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well.

Below is to help those who are applying this year with the new MCAT scoring system (the following assumptions are considered hypothetical as scoring scales vary from test date to test date):

Based on a hypothetical chart showing old (before 2015) MCAT conversions between the estimated scale score (1-15) and the percentiles of each of those scores (0-100), the 50th percentile is a composite score of around 25. So one could consider the individual scores within Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences of 7-8 to be around the 50th percentile as well. So thus we can consider underdawgs to have a composite score that is below the 50th percentile (or around a 24).

So with that in mind, we can consider the 2015MCAT composite score of 500 to be the 50th percentile. So scores below 500 could be considered "underdawg" range (or individual scores below 125).....again, this is VERY hypothetical as percentiles vary slightly across test dates).

Perhaps the most difficult of having OK academic stats is getting through the primary and secondary screens to land and interview. In many cases, an interview is a subliminal message from the school that they believe you can succeed in the preclinical and clinical curriculum of medical school.

If you feel any additional information can be added to help those in this situation feel free to PM AlteredScale or any of the other pre-DO mods.

If your stats are above the criteria posted above, please feel free to post your information in the Thundercat thread.


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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
After getting my academic update verified today I am no longer an Underdawg so I'm going to stop updating my IIs here. But I'll leave my old GPAs and IIs up until this point for other pre-meds who haven't applied yet and look to this thread for hope.

Just wanna say y'all are killing it this cycle, it's been a honor going through this process with you all. Keep it up fam

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
robotfishbrain 3.37/3.51/511//Submited 06-03/Verified 06-08/ II: BCOM, MUCOM/Acceptance: BCOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
redrocks39 3.1/3.1/Retaking 9/10/Verified 9/13/Strong LOR's and EC's
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
robotfishbrain 3.37/3.51/511//Submited 06-03/Verified 06-08/ II: BCOM, MUCOM/Acceptance: BCOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
Last edited:
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2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM, ARCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
Last edited:
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE]
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
Kovalchuk71 3.2/3.2/503/Submitted 09/06-Verified 9/21. Lots of Community Volunteering (Youth Hockey Coaching) & University Leadership Positions II: CCOM, ATSU-SOMA, VCOM-SC
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Austintr 3.3x/3.4x/507 - Submitted 09/29 Special: 10k+ clinical hours, paramedic, massive upward trend
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE]
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4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Austintr 3.3x/3.4x/507 - Submitted 09/29 Special: 10k+ clinical hours, paramedic, massive upward trend
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research

No offense man, but you're not an underdog, thundercat thread might be right for you

No offense man, but you're not an underdog, thundercat thread might be right for you[/QUOTE]

I figured that would be the case...I still consider myself an UD though because I have been one for so long. Started with a ~2.5 GPA before retakes and 8.5 years for a bachelor's, etc. If AACOMAS verifies my GPA the way I think it will, I'll ask the next posters to edit me out of this one though. Thanks for the input and good luck this cycle!
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Austintr 3.3x/3.4x/507 - Submitted 09/29 Special: 10k+ clinical hours, paramedic, massive upward trend
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptances: ACOM, LECOM-SH
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 (127,123,124,125) / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student

pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane, Rosalind Franklin.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM, BCOM, CUCOM,UIWCOM, NYITCOM, WVCOM/ Acceptances: VCOM, ACOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student

pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane, Rosalind Franklin.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE]

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM/ Acceptances: VCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
Pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Accepted: WVSOM, Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane, Rosalind Franklin.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research[/QUOTE]
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

_lubdub_ 3.42/3.55/26 (29 taking best in each section)/submitted 8/10/16/verified 8/17/2016/submitting secondaries...
Aaron S. 3.19/3.34/ 27 (1st), 497 (2nd), 503 (3rd)/ Submitted 7/20/16 - Verified 8/2/16: Lots of research & Solid EC's. II BCOM
Aestivas 3.15/3.03/3.02 (gGPA) ; 28/23/507/ Submitted 7/13/2016 - Verified 7/18/2016 / II: LUCOM, NYITCOM / Strong ECs/LORs
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16/II: BCOM, ACOM, LUCOM/Acceptances: ACOM
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
BeachBlondie 3.36c/3.10s/4.0 (heavy science grad)/30/Verified: 8/23/16/Special consideration: 20+ research publications, book chapters, supplements
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.0/3.1/514 (127,129,129,129). Verified 6/28 II: LUCOM, TUNCOM, ATSU, BCOM
bengalsfan0525 3.93 / 3.91 (4.0 grad) / 499 / Verified 6/21 / II: ACOM, CUSOM, WVSOM, ROWAN, LECOM-Er / Acceptances: ACOM / mucho research
CantStop_WontStop 3.85 / 3.81 / 501 (123/126/127/125) / DUI / Submitting Secondaries
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/II: LECOM-SH
Dr. Ivy 2.97/3.06 ( upward tred afteer shots freshman/soph year)/486 first time, 507 2nd time ( 126/126/127/128) Submitted 6/21/16 Verified : 7/6 URM NCAA DI Athlete, Publication
DrTexDoc 3.82/3.86/499 / Verified 07/13 / II: ARCOM, VCOM, ACOM/ Acceptances: VCOM
fazd5 3.68/3.6 (combined ug and grad)/3.82 MS in Biomedical Sciences/494 (124,123/125,122) Submited 6/3/16, Verified 6/22/16. International, 1 publication
FedForPres 3.67c/3.75s/498 (127,123,124,124)/ Submitted 07/28/ Verified 08/02 / II: LUCOM
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02/II: ACOM, MSUCOM, BCOM (cancelled), KCUMB/Acceptances: ACOM, MSUCOM
Flyingjoshua05 3.17/2.92/3.77 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13, Verified 06-29/URM/II: BCOM, Tulane, SLU/Acceptances: BCOM
GBCrzzyy 3.5/3.4/ 488/501 /Verified 07/27/ Strong ECs II: ACOM
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/II: LECOM-Erie,ACOM,NOVA/ IA(2011)
girlonfire101 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 /rare disorder and research/ II: LMU; BCOM; UIWSOM/ Acceptance: BCOM
Hellobello18 3.27/3.14/(pending August 2016)/Verified 7/26/Strong clinical experience, PB and masters/IA during Fall 2008 semester
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
ilovemydog 3.11/3.00/23, 500 MCAT (CARS 123). 3.8 post bacc. URM AA. Verified 06/21. / Interview invites: ACOM, SOMA, KCOM, UTRGV (MD school in Texas ) Accepted: ACOM.
JennyHavoc 3.07 (3.4 post-bac)/3.0 (??? post-bac) /508/not submitted yet
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
levigarrett 3.21/3.33/4.0 (science post-bacc) /502/ verified 6-16/ II: ACOM
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified. II: LECOM, BCOM (cancelled), ACOM, CUSOM (cancelled), LMU (cancelled), TUNCOM ; Acceptances: ACOM
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
Mr. D.O.five 3.35c/3.35s (only 2 retakes; hill-like trend), 1st: 503, 2nd: 512(130/126/128/128) submitted 07/10, verified 07/22 1000 hrs combined research 2 projects, 3000+ hrs scribing
mulcahysj: 3.2/3.7/MCAT AUG/Military medic with multiple combat tours, 10+ years clinical experience, ~3.9 last 86 credits
nemourspremed: 3.3/3.4/29 (11/10/8) grad GPA 3.58 Submitted 6/22/16 (awaiting Verification)
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
parpar2222 3.27 (upward trend), 3.11/ 22/507 (128, 124, 128, 127)/ Submitted secondaries July
Parttime Bookworm 3.29(upward)/3.1(upward)/508 (126, 130, 126, 126) retook on Aug. 4/ Verified July 14/ Submitted Secondaries early August/International student
Pr3m3d3r 3.5/3.3/24/Verified/ Secondaries submitted late July/ II: WVSOM/Accepted: WVSOM, Multiple 3rd world volunteering trips, Great LOR's
PreMedOfTheSouth 3.19/3.12 (Lots of retakes)/507/verified 07/15/Military
ritts 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09/ II: ACOM, BCOM, LECOM-SH/Acceptance: ACOM
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/505/verified 7/19/ II: ACOM, CUSOM, UP-KYCOM, BCOM
Signdoc2500 3.6/3.4s/486 MCAT-retaking 8-5/Submitted July 8th/Athlete, ECs, extensive patient care hours, good LORs
SkiBum8: 2.87c/2.69s/518 MCAT/Verified 7/7. Non-Trad. II: ACOM, Tulane, Rosalind Franklin.
Soon to be surgeon 3.64/3.04 verified 6/7/16 496 on the 4th retake, secondaries submitted from early June-now. Special Consideration: Over 5000+ clinical/shadow hours, lots of research, multiple physician rec letters (4), applied to all DO schools.
stardust379 3.15/3.19/508/great ECs + LORs. Submitted: 06/15, Verified: 06/24. II: BCOM, ACOM, UIWSOM, MU-COM, ATSU-SOMA
sweetdreamzzz14 3.4/3.3/22, 499, 502/verifying
Tony101 3.45/3.28/504/Verified 6-16-16/ II: ACOM, LECOM Setan Hill/ Acceptance: ACOM
Trilliums 3.2c/2.88s/3.8 MS in Med Physio/500 (125, 124,127,124), Submitted 6/23, URM, Extensive clinical research, pubs, strong ECs and leadership
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
wadels 3.35/3.12/38/Not yet submitted/40+ hours shadowing MD, 1 paper, extensive research
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