***The Official 2016-2017 Osteopathic Underdawgs***

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Agreed! I don't think my 513 completely makes up for the F's on my old transcripts.

It all depends on how schools look at it. Vcom is heavy gpa, and some school like ccom and Tourou Are mcat heavy

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.65/3.45(hopefully/pending)/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16 - Pending Verification
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.65/3.45(hopefully/pending)/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16 - Pending Verification
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs

Finally got verified!!
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs

Finally got verified!!
I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I'm simply going to call out those who are not underdogs.
Lut, your GPA's are above average for every single school, and even with the 122 you will be fine. Some schools may screen you out but I think those that don't will show you some love. Not really an underdog.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs

Alan, your cGPA is low, but your sGPA is outstanding, not to mention your great MCAT and 10+ years clinical experience. Again, some may screen the low cGPA, but those that don't will show you love. Not really all that much of an underdog.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Pending Verification
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
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I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I'm simply going to call out those who are not underdogs.
Lut, your GPA's are above average for every single school, and even with the 122 you will be fine. Some schools may screen you out but I think those that don't will show you some love. Not really an underdog.

Alan, your cGPA is low, but your sGPA is outstanding, not to mention your great MCAT and 10+ years clinical experience. Again, some may screen the low cGPA, but those that don't will show you love. Not really all that much of an underdog.

You're ignoring the spirit and the qualifications of the thread to apply your own judgment to people's applications that you know nothing about other than numbers. I don't think that is appropriate. I have looked forward to joining this thread for years! This is a place to support people who don't fit the academic profile of a typical pre med in some way or another. You should respect that.

Via @AlteredScale
"It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24/500 MCAT OR less than 3.25 sGPA OR cGPA. It can be EITHER of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6/124 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well"
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Yeeeeees I'm digging it. Ill be joining as soon as I finish this biochem class and take the mcat in 26 days.:nailbiting:. As of right now 3.2c,3.1-2s
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Lut, your GPA's are above average for every single school, and even with the 122 you will be fine. Some schools may screen you out but I think those that don't will show you some love. Not really an underdog.
I think that's a fair assessment, I just really loved lurking the 2015-2016 underdog thread and I was excited to be a part of it this year but if others feel the same that a <124 subsection is insufficient for the underdog thread you can take my name out of the list-- but i'll happily keep lurking in this thread too! I feel this cycle will be kind to all of us! Best of luck guys!!
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I think that's a fair assessment, I just really loved lurking the 2015-2016 underdog thread and I was excited to be a part of it this year but if others feel the same that a <124 subsection is insufficient for the underdog thread you can take my name out of the list-- but i'll happily keep lurking in this thread too! I feel this cycle will be kind to all of us! Best of luck guys!!

I believe you can stay on the list. Since I think we should welcome everyone who fit one OR the other criteria, or BOTH. And I feel like 502 is kinda low MCAT. For both me and you
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You're ignoring the spirit and the qualifications of the thread to apply your own judgment to people's applications that you know nothing about other than numbers. I don't think that is appropriate. I have looked forward to joining this thread for years! This is a place to support people who don't fit the academic profile of a typical pre med in some way or another. You should respect that.

Via @AlteredScale
"It is is reserved for those w/ less than a 24/500 MCAT OR less than 3.25 sGPA OR cGPA. It can be EITHER of those particulars, or both. Additionally, I would consider those that have 6/124 or below within a subsection of the MCAT to be within the underdawg range as well"
I'm not disagreeing with you, there's no way I could look at someone's app beyond the numbers. (Which is what I'm doing, just looking at numbers.) From what I saw at least numerically they seemed fine, but I'm not saying take their stats down haha. Like you said, this is a place of encouragement, and I'm not meaning to take anything away from anyone, in fact I'm trying to say that their admission into medical school wont be as hard as they think :laugh::laugh:
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
Congrats on the verification @Alienman52 !! I know I kept checking AACOMAS maniacally until they verified me. I didn't think they did verifications on weekends
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Congrats on the verification @Alienman52 !! I know I kept checking AACOMAS maniacally until they verified me. I didn't think they did verifications on weekends
Thank you! Yeah I thought it was a business day only thing...but hey I'll take it. The sooner the better!
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.

Also I organized the list! Please keep the list in alphabetical order!
@MADD!!! Your GPA apparently is the highest in those underdog right now haha. We wish you good luck, sir.
Congratulation on @Alienman52 verification. is the GPA going up a little bit?
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I'm not disagreeing with you, there's no way I could look at someone's app beyond the numbers. (Which is what I'm doing, just looking at numbers.) From what I saw at least numerically they seemed fine, but I'm not saying take their stats down haha. Like you said, this is a place of encouragement, and I'm not meaning to take anything away from anyone, in fact I'm trying to say that their admission into medical school wont be as hard as they think :laugh::laugh:

Haha alright I'll accept the vote of confidence. :)
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/ IA
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
@MADD!!! Your GPA apparently is the highest in those underdog right now haha. We wish you good luck, sir.
Congratulation on @Alienman52 verification. is the GPA going up a little bit?

I don't consider myself an underdog, but just added in good fun. Thank You though, still hoping to get accepted somewhere! I applied very broadly
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent: 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8)/verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area. BUT I retook mcat and got a 499 the second time, bombing the psych/soc section :( do I have a shot?
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.[/QUOTE]
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent: 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8)/verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area. BUT I retook mcat and got a 499 the second time, bombing the psych/soc section :( do I have a shot?
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
Hey @hopefullyafutureDOstudent!! Glad to see that you joined haha love to have ya. I'm just going to fix the formatting of your name really quick.

As I mentioned in your thread, the 499 will hurt you after the 27 along with the low sGPA, BUT your chances aren't nill. Apply broadly!!! I think you mentioned you applied to 32 schools correct? I think you'll be able to get at the very least 1-2 interviews. Just nail those!! Good luck!!!

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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
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As an underdog from the previous cycle, I truly wish the best of luck to all of you! It's going to be a long year, but there's going to be a light at the end of the turnnel! Lastly, when schools say that grades aren't the only thing they look for in an applicant, they mean it! So, don't be too discouraged if you have lower than average stats. Again, good luck!
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As an underdog from the previous cycle, I truly wish the best of luck to all of you! It's going to be a long year, but there's going to be a light at the end of the turnnel! Lastly, when schools say that grades aren't the only thing they look for in an applicant, they mean it! So, don't be too discouraged if you have lower than average stats. Again, good luck!
Thank you so much for the positivity :) if you don't mind me asking what were your stats?
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Thank you so much for the positivity :) if you don't mind me asking what were your stats?
From the last cycle's post: "zincmask 3.2/3.4/26 (8/10/8)/Verified 6/10/15/ Military/ Interview invite: ACOM, TUNCOM, LUCOM, CUSOM, KCUMB, VCOM-VA, MSUCOM/ Acceptance: MSUCOM " Good luck!!
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Reactions: 6 users
From the last cycle's post: "zincmask 3.2/3.4/26 (8/10/8)/Verified 6/10/15/ Military/ Interview invite: ACOM, TUNCOM, LUCOM, CUSOM, KCUMB, VCOM-VA, MSUCOM/ Acceptance: MSUCOM " Good luck!!

Congrats! Are you a Michigan resident?
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From the last cycle's post: "zincmask 3.2/3.4/26 (8/10/8)/Verified 6/10/15/ Military/ Interview invite: ACOM, TUNCOM, LUCOM, CUSOM, KCUMB, VCOM-VA, MSUCOM/ Acceptance: MSUCOM " Good luck!!
Hm, I wonder how many schools he applied to. Thats fantastic, MSU is a great school. Motivational!!
From the last cycle's post: "zincmask 3.2/3.4/26 (8/10/8)/Verified 6/10/15/ Military/ Interview invite: ACOM, TUNCOM, LUCOM, CUSOM, KCUMB, VCOM-VA, MSUCOM/ Acceptance: MSUCOM " Good luck!!
Damn that's impressive congrats!!!!!!!!!!! What were your other EC's and what would you say stood out for your app?
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.[/QUOTE]
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
QUOTE="notevenmyfinalform, post: 17840521, member: 778156"DO NOT ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Click "Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.QUOTE
QUOTE="notevenmyfinalform, post: 17840521, member: 778156"DO NOT ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!
1) Click "Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
chocolatalover 3.48/3.29/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/rare disorder; research; upward trends
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.QUOTE[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
someone should create a similar thread but for secondaries they received and the prompts. That would be beneficial for everyone!
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someone should create a similar thread but for secondaries they received and the prompts. That would be beneficial for everyone!

Aren't there threads for each individual school already? Those usually have the prompts.
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Aren't there threads for each individual school already? Those usually have the prompts.

Possibly. but idk I feel like if its all in 1 thread then it makes everything easier to find for neurotic pre meds such as ourselves haha
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
1) Click "Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
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4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
Dude wut? There are no known planets on which you should be a member of this thread...
Yeah, I know, somebody pointed that out to me. I was dumb and thought it was just an everyone thing. Didn't realize that underdawgs was referring to actual underdog candidates, just thought it was a catchy name. I'd remove myself but I'm unsure how to exactly since someone has already posted after me
Last edited:
1) Click "Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Submitting ASAP
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
1) Click "Reply" on the most recent underdog list.
2) Delete the quote brackets at both the top and the bottom of the post.
3a) Add your username alphabetically if it is not on the list.
3b) To update your information, just find your username and ONLY change your information!
4) If you see some formatting errors and you have time, try to fix them.
5) Click "Post Reply"

Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA

Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Submitting ASAP
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile[/QUOTE]