The new Terminator movie sucked: Change my mind. *SPOILER ALERT*

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Aug 21, 2007
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The first :45 minutes were cool, because you saw how deadly the new Terminator could be in its own unique way. You saw a cyber-enhanced soldier do some ass-kicking, and you saw Linda Hamilton strut around the desert with heavy artillery. Oh, and seeing what happened after the NEW apocalypse was cool, too.


1.) They killed John Connor immediately, and for no good reason other than introducing a new and unwilling/unlikely messianic figure. The WHOLE TERMINATOR FRANCHISE has been about John Connor and his survival/demise. He's one of the big reasons that we're attached to the franchise. But; the year is 2019, and all heroes now must be female because reasons. Star Wars has Rey, Leia, and a whole bridge of all female generals constantly being condesending towards male "flyboys". There was "Ghostbusters 2". There was "Ocean's 8". I'm no misogynist, but killing off John Conner to replace him with a less-than-capable chick, and "swapping" out Kyle Reese with a skinny "cyberGrrrl" (who looks like a pre-pubescent boy) seemed pretty freaking lame. Sure; Linda Hamilton has always been a bad-ass. That's cool. Thankfully, they didn't screw with that character.

2.) The new terminator is cool enough; but the writers seemed to forget how unstoppable he can be. The guy can create katana blades out of his forearms at will, but Sara Connor successfully manages to "tangle him in the parachute" while falling from the Hoover Dam?! Sucka, please. He shrugs off anti-tank rounds and can walk thru the guardrail and other obstacles (in the opening chase) unscathed, but CyberGrrrl tears his limbs off with the chain-whip from Castlevania near the finale? SpanishGirl17 also manages to kick him in the face several times and stop his progress, despite being tossed about like a ragdoll for most of the film.

3.) Tropes. Tropes. Tropes. They had to say every predictable thing. "Its not safe here; we have to move." Sara Connor has a "dislocated shoulder" but survives falling to earth in a Humvee after the cargo plane explodes, which (of course) is immediately fixed by a simple twist while she grits her teeth. An audible "crunch" let you know how much it hurt. SkinnyBoyGrrrl says something like: "Go on without me! I can't move anymore!" - but manages to pull thru. THEY SERIOUSLY CRASHED THROUGH A FRUIT CART IN THE EARLY CHASE SCENES! The terminator is finally slain with the sacrifice of a comrade. Puh-lease.

4.) The fight on the plane ? Forget it. I couldn't follow anything that was going on. Everything was floating one way, then the other, then up, then, down. People are fighting in mid-air. That was 10 minutes of confusion and nausea. I should have taken a pee during that whole combat sequence.

5.) Drive right into an air force base, and have your homeboy major just "slide you an EMP" because you're old buddies? Okay, Linda Hamilton. You're wanted in 50 states. This isn't happening. Who wrote this nonsense?

6.) NOBODY said: "Hasta la vista... baby."

I could go on, but its late and I'm tired.

I'll be back.

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A human kicked and slowed down a Terminator? Maybe a mostly broken, torso only T-800 with no weapon and a missing hand, but not some fancy Terminator. I read your description because I only accidently found out they made another one, that it's now the alleged direct sequel to T2, and decided I didn't give a **** if I know the plot.