Talking about interest in working with LGBT populations

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7+ Year Member
Dec 9, 2015
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Is there a proper way to address an interest in working with LGBT populations as a motivation to medicine? I am not necessarily trying to only refer to learning about medical issues that relate to LGBT (which I also want to learn more about) but just in general being a medical resource for the community. I work with the transgender community specifically and I feel like there is often a feeling of disconnect between the community and doctors/ the medical field in general and I am hoping to change this as much as I can when I become a doctor. Does this sound too unrelated or idealistic or is there a better way to address this and still have this sound related to medicine? Is this even worth mentioning? Also, I am hoping to talk about this as an answer to "Is there anything in your application that you would like to explain to the Admissions Committee?"

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Is there a proper way to address an interest in working with LGBT populations as a motivation to medicine? I am not necessarily trying to only refer to learning about medical issues that relate to LGBT (which I also want to learn more about) but just in general being a medical resource for the community. I work with the transgender community specifically and I feel like there is often a feeling of disconnect between the community and doctors/ the medical field in general and I am hoping to change this as much as I can when I become a doctor. Does this sound too unrelated or idealistic or is there a better way to address this and still have this sound related to medicine? Is this even worth mentioning? Also, I am hoping to talk about this as an answer to "Is there anything in your application that you would like to explain to the Admissions Committee?"

I believe that is a perfectly fine thing to mention if you haven't gone into it in other sections of your app!