Summer Plans?

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Dec 26, 2007
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Hey guys,

Someone kind of brought this up on another thread, but I'm curious to hear what those of you who are starting vet school in the fall are doing this summer. Any exciting plans? Are you keeping your same jobs or switching it up?

I'm trying to embrace, as much as logistically possible, the freedom before school starts (without suffering too badly the financial penalties of such decisions). I know I am going to Europe for a month right after I graduate (woohoo for buying graduation presents for one's self!) and then the plan was to come home and work the rest of the summer. But, then I couldn't pass up an 80-mile/7 day backpacking trip in the High that will be another week of vacation. I'm currently trying to decide if I will spend my time at home working at the specialty clinic I've worked at over my last 2 breaks or doing something totally random (non veterinary or research related). Will probably come down to what will bring home the largest paycheck since vet school debt is looming (and I will probably be broke by the time travelling is over). Yay for one last hurrah into immature teenage decisions :)

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I'm probably going to take August off and:
- Visit my sister & her family in Texas
- Go backpacking (Pups, my SO & I are talking about doing the Rae Lakes loop out of King's Canyon)
- Decompress!
I will be doing absolutely nothing ...NOTHING :)

it's been 6 long hard years with no vacations at all so I will be embracing freedom.

Probably just DJ out here in the local clubs at night and sleep during the day

last time that will ever happen
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Well, I'm not accepted yet...if I don't get in, I'll probably be working on strengthening my application for the next cycle.

Ideally, though, I'll get a fun outdoor job. I applied for 2 bird monitoring positions, 1 in Washington and 1 in Alaska, where I'd spend my summer doing point counts in gorgeous national parks (getting paid to go backpacking all summer!). My timing could've been better though - I'll hear back in the next 2 weeks, right as I'm waiting on news from Mississippi and TAMU (and perhaps the elusive Penn?)

Of course, lazing around watching TV and eating popsicles sounds mighty appealing too...
Ooh, this is a fun thread! I haven't been accepted yet either, and if I'm not, I'll work all summer and try to get some additional varied experience to strengthen my apps for next year. I have very little large animal experience, so that might be something to work on.

If I do get in, however, I am taking August off to go on a road trip with my mom and sister, visit everyone I can before I leave, pack, and sit around the house being lazy! I'm considering stopping work a little earlier, though, but I'm not sure if I should because 1) I need the money and 2) if I have too much free time with nothing to do, I'll get bored. :rolleyes:
I posted this on the slacking off thread, but make sure you take time off before vet school. Vet school is very draining, and I only took off enough time to move, and I really wish I had taken a trip or something beforehand. You'll have plenty of cool opportunities to work the summer after first or second year, so relax while you can!!
Going to the beach for a week, getting married, and going on my honeymoon in Hawii!!!!!!!!! I suppose there will be some sort of random job in there as well...
Smokey Mountain camping trip baby!!!! Then stalk my new home state and try and find a job there... switch license plates, get a new drivers license....oh yeah find a place to live... woah!!!! :) we're going to be BUSY!!!
Not in yet either.... but this year is New Zealand & Australia for 2 weeks. :D
I'll keep working at my current job (research), until probably the beginning of August. SO and I are going to visit some of his family and friends in St Louis for a week this spring, and once I stop working in August I'll probably 1) sleep really late a bunch of times, 2) take the dogs for as many hikes as I can, 3) go somewhere fun! :) We haven't decided on a destination yet, but we're thinking of flying out to Vancouver and then driving down the coast through Washington and Oregon.
Everyone keeps talking about taking August off. I know a few schools have said that their orientations (mandatory) start August 18th. Are there other schools out there that are later than that? Because in my mind, August is blown with packing, moving, setting up the new apartment (getting furniture we didn't feel like going through the hassle of moving, setting up utilities, and the million other little things you always have to do when you move), changing drivers licenses, new plates for car, voter registration, etc etc etc. Who will have time for fun then??? (Maybe I'm just too much of a worrier :))
I will be doing absolutely nothing ...NOTHING :)

it's been 6 long hard years with no vacations at all so I will be embracing freedom.

LOL. I'm with you on that one, VetDJ! That's exactly my plan for this summer after long summers of work/internships/school, this is going to be my do NOTHING summer:)
Everyone keeps talking about taking August off. I know a few schools have said that their orientations (mandatory) start August 18th. Are there other schools out there that are later than that? Because in my mind, August is blown with packing, moving, setting up the new apartment (getting furniture we didn't feel like going through the hassle of moving, setting up utilities, and the million other little things you always have to do when you move), changing drivers licenses, new plates for car, voter registration, etc etc etc. Who will have time for fun then??? (Maybe I'm just too much of a worrier :))

At Ohio State we start orientation on Sep 19th.
I posted this on the slacking off thread, but make sure you take time off before vet school. Vet school is very draining, and I only took off enough time to move, and I really wish I had taken a trip or something beforehand. You'll have plenty of cool opportunities to work the summer after first or second year, so relax while you can!!

I am wholeheartedly with you there pressmom! As for me, I will be researching GnRH (and be in class until July)
I'll be wrapping up my time with a great company/employer and handing the reins of my business over to somebody else which includes walking away from a fat paycheck. But money isn't everything - right!?!? I am trying to decide what date to actually call it quits - Aug. 1st or 15th. I'd like the three weeks of down time, but one last paycheck would be nice...
I am wholeheartedly with you there pressmom! As for me, I will be researching GnRH (and be in class until July)

Good 'ol gonadotropin releasing hormone...we just had a test on that! Go endocrine!

I'm researching renal scintigraphy to discover ureteral obstructions in cats. Pretty cool stuff.
WhtsThFrequency: I just got news that I've been accepted into an NIH funded summer research program at school. Hopefully will be doing studies on nutrition (high processed vs low processed) and its effects on inflammation markers in mice - or maybe horses, depending on who my faculty mentor will be)- with chronic inflammatory conditions. Yes! Plus I get a free trip to Michigan to do a poster presentation at a symposium at the end (well, if things go right that is!

Now that sounds interesting,too! That's the sort of stuff that I can't wait to be thinking about...
Im going to continue working 3 days a week, get our house ready to sell, and train & show my new puppy! I'm hoping to move down to Champaign, IL in the begining of August in time for us to get well settled before school starts.