Student loan debt now greater than credit card debt

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Where do asian values come from? Is it because there are so many Aaians in Asia with less opporunities for success and it's really hard to stand out so they have kind of like an inferiority complex, kind of? Do they feel like they have to get all A's and play piano and have 0 sleepovers in the USA to "prove themselves"...

This is a good question. I'm not even sure that there is truly one set of "Asian Values" that apply globally to all Asians. I mean, the continent of Asia is pretty darn diverse.

Also, I have friends who don't wish to be referred to as "Asian." They prefer their own specific ethnic identity: Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, etc. Or some of them just consider themselves to be American. :shrug:

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ah... karma is a biatch. I act like a dic*head to the proud chinese pharmacist who wants start a scholarship in China to discover the next Newton (though I think he should do it in the US since it's the US that gave him the opportunity), then I go out and slice my AC pipe and lose all the freon while trimming the hedge around the house!!!

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Where do asian values come from? Is it because there are so many Aaians in Asia with less opporunities for success and it's really hard to stand out so they have kind of like an inferiority complex, kind of? Do they feel like they have to get all A's and play piano and have 0 sleepovers in the USA to "prove themselves"...

Well, all4 is right about 1 thing, not all asians have the EXACT same values, but in general they are pretty similar. The values are shaped by Confusian, Daoist, Buddhist, karma... over thousands of years. This probably need a Ph.D in Asian studies to really answer.

While people think that Asians came to the US for freedom, but most probably really came for opportunities. There are 1.3 billion chinese in a land mass that's no bigger than the US. Another 1.1 billion in India. Japan is one of the densest populated land mass. Combined with recent history of lots of wars and some communism. There is just not enough wealth and opportunities to go around, not un-like the European immigrants that came to the new world.

And yes, there is a lot of competition and pressure by parents on their kids to prove themselves. Some to do with "face" which is another Asian thing. Some, however is because, as my father told me, "They will always see us as foreigners. We can't just be average and make it on their land."

ah... karma is a biatch. I act like a dic*head to the proud chinese pharmacist who wants start a scholarship in China to discover the next Newton (though I think he should do it in the US since it's the US that gave him the opportunity), then I go out and slice my AC pipe and lose all the freon while trimming the hedge around the house!!!


Don't worry about it man. You actually do have money to spare. :)
Well, all4 is right about 1 thing, not all asians have the EXACT same values, but in general they are pretty similar. The values are shaped by Confusian, Daoist, Buddhist, karma... over thousands of years. This probably need a Ph.D in Asian studies to really answer.

While people think that Asians came to the US for freedom, but most probably really came for opportunities. There are 1.3 billion chinese in a land mass that's no bigger than the US. Another 1.1 billion in India. Japan is one of the densest populated land mass. Combined with recent history of lots of wars and some communism. There is just not enough wealth and opportunities to go around, not un-like the European immigrants that came to the new world.

And yes, there is a lot of competition and pressure by parents on their kids to prove themselves. Some to do with "face" which is another Asian thing. Some, however is because, as my father told me, "They will always see us as foreigners. If we are just average, they will always pass us over for one of their own."

Don't clump everyone together. You do it and your father seems to do it too. It isn't that straightforward. Everyone is raised differently, has different viewpoints, etc. even in China and India and on and on.

As for your father's comment- he doesn't seem very optimistic on the whole accepting individuals thing. I wonder if he would pass up an average "white" guy for an average Chinese one if he was hiring someone...
Don't clump everyone together. You do it and your father seems to do it too. It isn't that straightforward. Everyone is raised differently, has different viewpoints, etc. even in China and India and on and on.

As for your father's comment- he doesn't seem very optimistic on the whole accepting individuals thing. I wonder if he would pass up an average "white" guy for an average Chinese one if he was hiring someone...

Not clumping everyone together, but it is impossible to describe a culture, race, value system, society etc without some generalizations.

My father accepts that there are some innate tendencies will never be fully overcome by law or social institutions. In this case that he accept that people will naturally gravitate more towards those of who are similar, whether its appearance, launguage, culture, religion, etc. Yes, Chinese are subject to the same human tendencies.
My father accepts that there are some innate tendencies will never be fully overcome by law or social institutions. In this case that he accept that people will naturally gravitate more towards those of who are similar, whether its appearance, launguage, culture, religion, etc. Yes, Chinese are subject to the same human tendencies.

Ok, so there may be some "innate tendencies", but it is not that bad as it used to be. Remember the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's? The way they showed the Japanese guy was just . . . ridiculous . . . that scene would never fly today.
Ugh. A few years ago, I narrowed my potential career path down to two options: stripping and pharmacy. I KNEW I picked the wrong one :mad:

I swear I remember hearing a story about a student who stripped her way through pharmacy school. At the time I believed it, but now I wonder if I wasn't suckered.
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We should play 20 questions to figure out who it is.

You act as if stripping should be something someone should be ashamed of... I would more quickly shame an unemployed teenage mother with 3 kids by 4 different fathers living off welfare.
You act as if stripping should be something someone should be ashamed of... I would more quickly shame an unemployed teenage mother with 3 kids by 4 different fathers living off welfare.

I would rather not shame anyone. Value is subjective, everyone has different goals and everyone has different characteristics. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and so long as we aren't actively hurting others, I am not sure why any one person should look down on the choices of another.
Ok, so there may be some "innate tendencies", but it is not that bad as it used to be. Remember the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's? The way they showed the Japanese guy was just . . . ridiculous . . . that scene would never fly today.

Agreed, and was much worse not long before that movie was made. We have a come a long way, especially out in the open.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program on student loans. :)
i would rather not shame anyone. Value is subjective, everyone has different goals and everyone has different characteristics. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and so long as we aren't actively hurting others, i am not sure why any one person should look down on the choices of another.


I know several cabbies that make significantly more money than I do... They work weekends & holidays though. I know a dude that pulled down more than my monthly salary working Christmas & New Years' weekends last year (6 or 8 days total).

We should play 20 questions to figure out who it is.

We should play 20 questions period. I kinda feel bad bugging PharmB though... Can't believe I killed it with boogers. :laugh:

That's nothing!

I have given away millions of dollars, 100's of gallons of blood, all accessory organs, and two vital ones! How? I regrow them of course. How else will I be able to end the organ shortage? What keeps me alive? My smug sense of superiority of course. I will only die after having personally ended the transplant shortage.

Are you sure you don't just have a thyroid disorder? Well, on top of your X-Man regenerative DNA.

That's nothing!

I run a wealth & organ swap where I give away other peoples' stuff (and sometimes my own) to get them what they need. More wealth has passed through my hands than the entire combined economy of the former USSR; more organs than were transplanted in Indian hospitals since 1995. I shamelessly skim off the top - I have 3 kidneys, 2 hearts, and an overabundance of bone marrow, some of which is yours. If I get enough, I have a theory that I will regenerate as well. Some people call me Robin Hood, some people call me The Butcher. I prefer the latter moniker.
I just dumped an entire paycheck towards one private student loan (minus $12.73). :laugh:
I'm not a pharm student, I'm a med student. Tuition and fees + cost-of-living is about $70k a year, times four, plus undergraduate debt --> $300k+.

$425k....that's pretty damn high. I'm assuming a large chunk of that is undergrad?
I'm not a pharm student, I'm a med student. Tuition and fees + cost-of-living is about $70k a year, times four, plus undergraduate debt --> $300k+.

$425k....that's pretty damn high. I'm assuming a large chunk of that is undergrad?

He said part of it was. He also took out some extra to put a small downpayment on a house, which I thought was dumb. He wants ortho, and lets just say he's gonna have to be willing to move to do ortho.
For 6.8% interest for federal stafford loans on 400K, you're paying almost 30K a year in interest alone and I'm sure he would have other loans with higher rates than that. 2K a month payments wouldn't even cover the interest!!!! How does someone rationalize doing that...
For 6.8% interest for federal stafford loans on 400K, you're paying almost 30K a year in interest alone and I'm sure he would have other loans with higher rates than that. 2K a month payments wouldn't even cover the interest!!!! How does someone rationalize doing that...

He isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
He isn't the brightest crayon in the box.

But you can't get out of that kind of debt. By the time he's making money the interest for 400K will balloon out of control. The government wont give you that much loans so IBR would only go so far, but I guess he would have to do that on all his gov't loans and then pay off anything private ASAP. Man If I hit 150K I'm going to puke. I know pharmacy will cost me a little over 100K, but I also have a little less than 20K in unergrad debt, plus some obnoxious medical bills and with interest building from day 1 of school I'm afraid it could reach up to 150. And with that whole no more subsidized stafford on the first 8,500 has me PISSED! No wonder I went to the cheapest 3 year school I could find!

I agree completely. There is got to be some balance. I am going to be 30 when I graduate. I would rather be paying my loans over the 10 year period then to waste the best years of my life slaving to have those loans paid off in 5.
I agree completely. There is got to be some balance. I am going to be 30 when I graduate. I would rather be paying my loans over the 10 year period then to waste the best years of my life slaving to have those loans paid off in 5.

I hear you, it is a bit tight for me and I have some luxuries I could probably live without, but I want to a live a little. I am 31 and graduated on 2010, I need to able to do some things for myself, so I have a killer set of golf clubs and i swing them at the white ball at least once weekly.
For 6.8% interest for federal stafford loans on 400K, you're paying almost 30K a year in interest alone and I'm sure he would have other loans with higher rates than that. 2K a month payments wouldn't even cover the interest!!!! How does someone rationalize doing that...

+1 sad but true