*STATUS UPDATE* (I'm Dating a Med Student...Long Distance...HELP)


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Oct 17, 2009
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I was just wanting ppl to know that as of my post about a month and a half ago, things have been going amazing with my (very long distance, 2nd year medical student) boyfriend. We are still long distance (boo) but we have learned how to communicate so we both feel acknowledged, and I'm taking my winter break to spend with him down south (20 whole days-his idea!!). I can't wait! And he can't either, he tells me every chance he gets...

Don't worry I'm still wary/skeptical/waiting for the distance to weigh in when Board exams come around...BUT...

I am very happy at the moment, and I believe my 2nd year med student is as well.

We celebrate two different holidays in December (family bckgrounds differ too hahah), but I can't wait to see if spending this time will bring us closer and help to figure out what "our" next step will be. Whether its closer together, or deciding this is too much of a challenge, I don't know. Either way, I'm enjoying the experience, and SO FAR it can be done. Patience is way more than a virtue in this situation, its a way of life.

Thanks again for all the responses I got to my question a while ago.
My first blog/thread/discussion: Great Experience :p


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A month and a half is nothing. I'm now on my 14th month of long-distance, and it is considerably more difficult than the first year.
Glad it's working out for you so far. I wish you guys all the best.

I just wanted to share my (almost) success story to give you some hope and let you know that a long distance relationship *can* be done for a long time. My (now) fiance and I have been long distance for 3.5 years while I have been in dental school and just got engaged back in August. I'm finally interviewing for jobs where he is and will be heading out there in May.

So it can be done!! Good luck to you guys! Just be patient and it will all work out! :D
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I'm soooo happy to hear about your engagement! I appreciate the view that it *can* work because I would like to think if two people WANT it to work, it will most likely be difficult at times, but you can pull through and be together eventually (thats what I'm trying to convince myself of anyway).

I know this relationship will either get harder or easier...thats what I have found in ALL of my relationships. What is meant to be will be.

During this trip I met his entire family (mom, dad, bro, sis, bro's gf) and there's been only one other girl who has met them. It went as well as it could I believe...the one thing about it is that I think they are used to their kids dating more "professional" or "well-off" people. I have an undergrad degree and I'm a freelance makeup artist...not quite like their doctor and lawyer kids :p Oh well, I am what I am. And the bottom line is our parents are of very different classes. So, my bf and I have many hurdles...but he also talked about kids, marriage, future things during my 3 week trip...and he said he got "choked up" after he dropped me off at the airport (think thats a point in my column).

I really appreciate all the replies, even the ones that aren't glowing because life isn't perfect.

Again, I really believe things happen for a reason, and if he and I are meant to be together we will be. Otherwise I'm going to be fine :)

And also, if I were in your part of the country, I'd love to do your makeup for your wedding!!! ;)

Oh and now its been 5 months....and counting!!!
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Well, no one ever said long distance relationships are easy...especially when one of you is in a health profession school =]

I'm a first year physical therapy student and have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, almost all of it which has been long distance (we started across the country, then I moved 2 hours away from him to work, and now I moved back to the East Coast for PT school. He's still on the West Coast). It hasn't always been the easiest and it's required sacrifices from both of us, but we have been making it work. I hear about so many people and friends breaking up with their boyfriends/girlfriends, long distance or not, when they begin medical/dental/other health professional schools, so it's always nice to hear about a couple who have been making it work!

The work in PT school can be quite exhausting, and there are times when I find that I really just need to study and don't have time to talk to my boyfriend...but I end up squeezing in some time to talk to him anyway, even if it's just for a half hour, everyday. We are seeing each other for at least 3 months this summer, and if everything works out with clinicals, then we may be together from April-early September, traveling together, so I'm pretty excited.

Keep your head high, it's not easy, but if you can make it work, it's worth it :)