Society for Pediatric Research Toronto/Hawaii

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The Society for Pediatric Research and the American Pediatric Society

are holding their annual meeting in Toronto this May. If any of you are going, please post here or PM me and we can meet.

However, for those who are residents or even 3rd yr med students, be advised that NOW is a great time to finish that little research project to have it ready for submission for SPR 2008 which is going to be in Hawaii

Abstract deadlines are usually about December 1st each year and it is a "competitive" abstract review so not all abstracts are approved. Still, few programs can resist sending a med student or resident who has an abstract approved for presentation! So, if Hawaii sounds like it is a worthwhile destination to strut your scientific stuff, get that data together this summer, then fine tune it and we'll see you in Honolulu:D

Also remember that the deadline is in late winter (?February) each year for the SPR summer research program for med students.

for more details.

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Can undergrads involved with clinical research submit abstracts?
Can undergrads involved with clinical research submit abstracts?

Abstracts need to be "sponsored" by an APS or SPR member, but the sponsoring member doesn't have to have been involved in the research, they just have to sign and FAX a form saying they've read the abstract and it doesn't have any bad words in it:rolleyes: . I've not seen undergrad research get presented, although it certainly isn't impossible. I have seen medical students get oral presentations which is quite impressive.
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I will be in Toronto (presenting in the HSR platform session Saturday afternoon). I should also be in Hawaii since I'll be a fellow, and ready to write up my APA funded project :).