Sleep Medicine Fellowship Prespecialty

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Slow Wave Smurf
15+ Year Member
May 24, 2006
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So what is the composition out there? Mostly Pulmonary or mostly Psych or mostly Neuro?

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Most sleep centers are multi-disciplinary. Having said that, most physicians running sleep labs are pulmonologists, followed by neurologists, internists and psychiatrists. This is due to prior major focus on breathing related sleep disorders. This is changing with more attention being paid to insomnia and other similar sleep disorders.

Sleep centers will remain multi-disciplinary but less pulmonary people will be interested on pursuing an additional year of fellowship after the "grandfathering" period is over.

In addition, there is so much interface of sleep issues with psychiatry. There is already so much research on sleep symptoms and lab findings being considered potential biomarkers for psychiatric disorders. For example, insomnia is increasingly being thought of as an imporant predisposing factor rather than just one of the symptoms of depression. So keep tuned, more will come...
Most sleep centers are multi-disciplinary. Having said that, most physicians running sleep labs are pulmonologists, followed by neurologists, internists and psychiatrists. This is due to prior major focus on breathing related sleep disorders. This is changing with more attention being paid to insomnia and other similar sleep disorders.

Sleep centers will remain multi-disciplinary but less pulmonary people will be interested on pursuing an additional year of fellowship after the "grandfathering" period is over.

In addition, there is so much interface of sleep issues with psychiatry. There is already so much research on sleep symptoms and lab findings being considered potential biomarkers for psychiatric disorders. For example, insomnia is increasingly being thought of as an imporant predisposing factor rather than just one of the symptoms of depression. So keep tuned, more will come...

Sounds like the board of sleep medicine and most fellowships are governed by grandfathered pulmonologists? If that is the case then i agree with your assessment. Many will not want to spend another fellowship year after their fellowship. I suppose that's good news for neurologists and psychiatrists.
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Sounds like the board of sleep medicine and most fellowships are governed by grandfathered pulmonologists? If that is the case then i agree with your assessment. Many will not want to spend another fellowship year after their fellowship. I suppose that's good news for neurologists and psychiatrists.

You are absolutely right about the first point. What will happen in future remains to be see.....