Should I take additional science courses?

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Dec 4, 2019
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Hey y'all... So I am currently applying this cycle to DO schools all over the country, and I received an email from one or two programs saying that I should increase my sGPA by taking more upper-level science courses to be a more competitive candidate. Now, here's the catch: I graduated with my Bachelors in May 2018, and I have not pursued any sort of SMP or post-bacc program. Therefore, I'm not enrolled in any university right now and I'm not sure how to approach this since we are currently in the middle of the cycle. I have a few options that I have considered:

1) Non-matriculate into a few graduate/undergrad courses through a local university in the spring, but I have to double check that they have spots open. If this is the case, should I take grad or undegrad courses? Which do you think will help me out the most?
2) Take undergrad courses online either through CSU, HES, or UNE COM. The only fear I have about this is that they say the courses are upper-level, but are they really? A lot of them are just science pre-reqs for DIY post-baccs, and I have already completed most of them. Will it actually help if I take them?
3) Non-matriculate into a regional university, like SUNY, and take undergrad upper-level courses online.
4) Just totally disregard this whole thing since it might just be my neuroticism talking, and patiently wait it out until the cycle is over.

I feel really lost in this situation and I would appreciate any of your input, advice, or experiences! Thank you so much! :)

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Without stats of gpa and mcat we can’t help you optimally. Also, what is your bachelors in and what science courses have you take aside from the prereqs. How many science credits do you have which will tell us how easily you could raise your sgpa
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Without stats of gpa and mcat we can’t help you optimally. Also, what is your bachelors in and what science courses have you take aside from the prereqs. How many science credits do you have which will tell us how easily you could raise your sgpa
That's fair. I received my Bachelors in psychology. As far as science classes go, I've taken Gen Chem 1 & 2, Orgo 1 & 2, Bio 1 & 2, Genetics, Physics 1 & 2, and Biochemistry, and each is 4 credits (my school used a different value for credits, so this is according to what AACOMAS says after my app was verified). I have a sGPA of 3.0-3.1, and my MCAT is 504.

Edit: I forgot to add this too, I have a cGPA of 3.5-3.6
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You should 100% enroll in some upper level science courses that you can do well in. You can easily raise your sGPA, and should look to do so with some classes that somewhat mirror the curriculum of a med school. Genetics, Cell Bio, Biochem 2, etc. Take these classes at a university if possible, a CC if it's the only feasible option. Make sure you get an A in all classes. Assuming a 3.0, getting an A in 16 credit hours would bring your sGPA to a 3.3. 36 credit hours would get you to a 3.5.
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Oh ya. You have barely any science credits. It will be easy to get up to the 3.25 cut off most places want as minimum. I think if you take a full year of 9-12 units and get A’s this will do wonders for your gpa and acceptances
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You should 100% enroll in some upper level science courses that you can do well in. You can easily raise your sGPA, and should look to do so with some classes that somewhat mirror the curriculum of a med school. Genetics, Cell Bio, Biochem 2, etc. Take these classes at a university if possible, a CC if it's the only feasible option. Make sure you get an A in all classes. Assuming a 3.0, getting an A in 16 credit hours would bring your sGPA to a 3.3. 36 credit hours would get you to a 3.5.
Oh ya. You have barely any science credits. It will be easy to get up to the 3.25 cut off most places want as minimum. I think if you take a full year of 9-12 units and get A’s this will do wonders for your gpa and acceptances
Thank you so much for your inputs! I definitely think I am at a disadvantage since I was a non-science major in college, so it might be in my best interest to take some classes. With that being said, is it alright if I have to take those courses online? Also, do you think I am able to receive that many credits before this cycle ends? I have already applied, so I am trying to think realistically about how to do this.
Thank you so much for your inputs! I definitely think I am at a disadvantage since I was a non-science major in college, so it might be in my best interest to take some classes. With that being said, is it alright if I have to take those courses online? Also, do you think I am able to receive that many credits before this cycle ends? I have already applied, so I am trying to think realistically about how to do this.

No online coursework. You aren't going to change your application this cycle by taking courses now. Realistically, you probably won't get an A this cycle. Sign up for classes in spring and summer. If you're lucky enough to matriculate this cycle, you'll start next summer so you won't have interfered either way.
No online coursework. You aren't going to change your application this cycle by taking courses now. Realistically, you probably won't get an A this cycle. Sign up for classes in spring and summer. If you're lucky enough to matriculate this cycle, you'll start next summer so you won't have interfered either way.
Wait, but why can't I take courses starting in the Spring? Most of the reasons why I didn't do my best with my previous courses was because I took it early in my college career. I ended up getting a 4.0 GPA my last semester of undegrad, which included upper level science courses. My study habits now have drastically changed, and I know how to handle these courses. Plus, if I become a non-matric, I don't see why not they wouldn't allow me to take their courses, especially if they are not filled up and I am going to pay for them lol. I will just notify the schools that I am taking additional courses through letters.
Thank you so much for your inputs! I definitely think I am at a disadvantage since I was a non-science major in college, so it might be in my best interest to take some classes. With that being said, is it alright if I have to take those courses online? Also, do you think I am able to receive that many credits before this cycle ends? I have already applied, so I am trying to think realistically about how to do this.
i think not being a science major is actually helping you because you have way less credits to raise your sgpa to the absolute bare minimum of 3.25 to apply DO. I say 3.25 because some programs state that (KCU) but also because it’s a good rule of thumb thrown around on sdn for min
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Wait, but why can't I take courses starting in the Spring? Most of the reasons why I didn't do my best with my previous courses was because I took it early in my college career. I ended up getting a 4.0 GPA my last semester of undegrad, which included upper level science courses. My study habits now have drastically changed, and I know how to handle these courses. Plus, if I become a non-matric, I don't see why not they wouldn't allow me to take their courses, especially if they are not filled up and I am going to pay for them lol. I will just notify the schools that I am taking additional courses through letters.

I feel like you misread my post somehow.

Sign up for in person upper level bio classes for the spring semester. Take them. Get As. Do the same thing in summer to strengthen your app. Reapply next cycle.
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I feel like you misread my post somehow.

Sign up for in person upper level bio classes for the spring semester. Take them. Get As. Do the same thing in summer to strengthen your app. Reapply next cycle.
Ohh okay. I saw the A in your post as an actual letter grade lol :smack: My bad!! Believe it or not, I am actually waitlisted at a school as of now, so there is still a shot. I was hoping that if I tell schools that I am doing extra courses to boost my GPA it might give me more of a chance for IIs this cycle. I guess only time will tell!!
i think not being a science major is actually helping you because you have way less credits to raise your sgpa to the absolute bare minimum of 3.25 to apply DO. I say 3.25 because some programs state that (KCU) but also because it’s a good rule of thumb thrown around on sdn for min
Yeah I guess it is a blessing in disguise in this case. I will look to take some courses in my area. Do you think they should be upper level, as in 300-400, or can it be any level at this point?
Yeah I guess it is a blessing in disguise in this case. I will look to take some courses in my area. Do you think they should be upper level, as in 300-400, or can it be any level at this point?

Upper level. Your science GPA needs repair. Your repair will look best with courses that mimic a med school curriculum. Biochem II, genetics, cell bio, immunology, etc.
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Upper level. Your science GPA needs repair. Your repair will look best with courses that mimic a med school curriculum. Biochem II, genetics, cell bio, immunology, etc.
Alright that's fair. My old college was small, so I am not aware that larger universities have these subjects as separate departments lol Thank you so much for all of your input! I really appreciate it! :)