Dental Should I retake my classes to get a better GPA?

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Resident Periodontist
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Jun 7, 2015
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Hello. I went to a community college and ended up with a 3.37 (had a 3.7) and a 3.1 sGPA. I had taken antidepressants which really messed with my head and made it impossible for me to focus.

I am now in a 4 year university.
I so far took (in cc):
Gen Bio
Gen Bio 2
A&P 2
and scored B+ in all of them.
But Inorganic Chemistry 1 & 2 I scored a C+ and a C, which really dropped my science gpa by a lot. Should I retake these courses in my 4 year school to bring my gpa back? Do dental schools give you the higher grade or they factor them together? I really need to know, I am so lost.

How far are you in your 4yr school? How has it been going?

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Grade replacement is not a thing for dental schools. Both grades will count, although the school will see that you retook the course for a higher grade (hopefully). Biggest thing is to continue acing courses.
Also, is it bad that I will be taking pre reqs senior year? Do schools wait for you to finish senior year to input your final grades then offer acceptance?

Depends on the missing prerequisites, but they can extend an offer conditional to your passing the classes.
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