September 6th MCAT club???

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So I was scrolling through all of the threads and couldn't find any thread for the september 6th test date. I had to double check my test date on the AAMC website to make sure that my test is on the sixth and that I wasn't high on something. Anyways, if there are any september 6th test takers out there, join this thread so we can keep each other informed...:D

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So I was scrolling through all of the threads and couldn't find any thread for the september 6th test date. I had to double check my test date on the AAMC website to make sure that my test is on the sixth and that I wasn't high on something. Anyways, if there are any september 6th test takers out there, join this thread so we can keep each other informed...:D

RIGHT HERE!!! God, I was hoping someone would start a thread.

Anyways, I'm wrapping up my practice tests and review today. Imma take the Thursday and Friday off. Can't wait to get this beast over with and continue on with my normal life.

How are your practice tests? I'm scoring straight 32s on AAMCs with no variations. Very irritating.
RIGHT HERE!!! God, I was hoping someone would start a thread.

Anyways, I'm wrapping up my practice tests and review today. Imma take the Thursday and Friday off. Can't wait to get this beast over with and continue on with my normal life.

How are your practice tests? I'm scoring straight 32s on AAMCs with no variations. Very irritating.

I'll probably do some light review tomorrow and then take Friday off. I definitely am deserving of a long vacation after this test is over and done with. I've been averaging 32-33s on my AAMC tests too. Just can't get over that hump.. Let's hope we'll both peak come test day:laugh:
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I was beginning to think I was the only person taking the test this Saturday.

How does everyone feel?? I'm nervous and confident at the same time.
Yay! I won't be the only person in the country on the 6th! Y'all are doing better than me-- I was steadily frustrated with the 31-32s and then scored a 36--and then a 28! I'm about to take another in the hopes of boosting my confidence. Let's hope the downward trend doesn't continue.
I went from 24 (free TPR test online) at the beginning of the summer to 35s on AAMC 3,4,8,9,10 last week. I reworked EK 1001 physics questions this week as PR was my lowest score, so hopefully I can either maintain or score above my recent practice average. I'm going to lightly review some biology concepts (renin-angiotensin, etc.) tomorrow, but that's it.

As soon as I leave the testing center I am going to take 5 consecutive irish car bombs :thumbup:
Taking Saturday as well! Good luck all, unless your applying to the same schools I am haha.

I've got a football tailgate after the test so hopefully I'll be able to unwind after the 2 months of 60 hour weeks in the Lib over the summer.
Taking Sep. 6 too... I'm finishing up my studying today and taking Friday off- after today I will never study for this beast again.. woohoo!! Good luck everyone
the suspense is killing me. It's like when you are right in the middle of the eye in a hurricane.
I must try to relax. Let's rock this guys!
Hey guys! I'm also taking the test Saturday.

I'm pretty much the worst studier ever; started "studying" with the start of my June 1st Kaplan class, but only ever did the reading for each chapter. I was originally signed up for the August 15th exam, but realized that I had procrastinated too much and decided to push it back til today. I still slacked off for a bit, but started hardcore studying a couple weeks ago. Might be too little too late, but fortunately I've been doing well on the practice exams (35/35 on Kaplan #3/4, 34/36/37 on AAMC #8/9/10). Despite these scores, I keep imagining the real exam is going to test much more specific / rarer stuff that I haven't reviewed enough to get a good grasp on... but even if that does happen, I deserve what I get.

I'll probably do some light review tomorrow: go over the stuff I missed on the AAMC exams again briefly, review the Kaplan QuickSheets, and then chill. Play some Xbox, go buy the snacks I'll need for breaks. Speaking of, what are you all bringing? I'm thinking Gatorade and some power bars.

Good luck to everyone! Just think, we'll be completely finished in just a short bit!
Taking it tomorrow too. Just want to make sure: All we need to bring is the appropriate ID and show up 30 minutes early?
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Steeler, for snacks I'm bringing almonds, a boiled egg, and green tea with ginseng.
All reported to be good "brain food". After missing so much stupid stuff on the practice exams (that is, not because I didn't know the information, just didn't pay attention to the question/passage), I'm willing to try anything to help!
I'm about to explode I'm so nervous! I can't make myself stop studying/stressing. I keep thinking that one thing I didn't bother to review today might be what shows up tomorrow.
So I take it I'm not the only one memorizing obscure equations today then? I just went through all my notecards today no prob so hopefully I'll crush it tomorrow.
So I take it I'm not the only one memorizing obscure equations today then? I just went through all my notecards today no prob so hopefully I'll crush it tomorrow.

Yeeah from what I've been hearing the PS has been very calculation heavy, and the BS like another verbal section. So it would be wise to go over those calculations.
So I take it I'm not the only one memorizing obscure equations today then? I just went through all my notecards today no prob so hopefully I'll crush it tomorrow.
Yeah, I'm skimming my QuickSheets for the "high-yield" stuff.

I'm just hoping I can sleep well tonight.
Hey all just passing by to wish everyone good luck on the Sep 6 test...i took mine yesterdy the 5th...Hopefully everyone is asleep by now...resting..........
yes good luck to you all tomorrow... i know exactly what you guys have gone through and what you will go through tomorrow... just know that you are not alone and most importantly keep your minds clear, dont panic! =) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets all get into med school! was said earlier "this is the time when your in the eye of the hurricane".......

I'm in greenville, NC...and I'm in the eye of hurricane Hanna right now hahaha

I'm sitting in my home about to eat my breakfast and I'm going to leave in around 45 minutes. Anyways, see you guys again this afternoon. Hope you guys slept well. I actually slept decently well. Good luck.
Wow, am I glad that is over! Here's my opinion of the test:

PS. Fairly straightforward. Many of the questions seemed only loosely associated with the passage. There seemed to be more calculation problems than were on the practice exams. Hopefully I did ok.

V. BORING! This is usually my strong point, but it's hard to judge because the passages were putting me to sleep this time.

WS. Meh.

BS. Had 2 organic passages. Biology consisted of 2 virus passages, 2 experiment passages, and 1 disease passage. Seemed straightforward, too. I have to agree with previous posters on BS becoming verbal biology.

Overall, I didn't think it was that bad. It was definitely grueling and exhausting, but I didn't feel like I had been severely raped (just gently) upon leaving the test. I hope everyone else had a similar experience!

To being finished with the MCAT! *takes shot of whiskey*
wow, it's great to be done the MCAT after studying so much of the summer away. i voided the the test i took in august because i didn't think i was ready, but this time things went more smoothly. i really hope i don't have to take that test again.

here are my impressions:

PS- harder than the practice tests, especially one of the passages in particular.. i had to guess on a bunch but i finished in time at least

VR - there wasn't any one passage that was completely incomprehensible...they were all pretty readable but.. of course, a lot of the questions were vague & ambiguous, but that was expected

WS - prompts were relatively easy. my first essay was pretty decent, but the second one was weak... so hopefully they will balance each other out and i'll end up with something around a P

BS - i had to guess on a lot of the straight content (discrete) questions, and some of the passage questions were tricky too

Hoping for a decent score so I don't have to retake that test! Guess I'll find out in a month
Definitely glad it's over. I spent 2 hours trying to fall asleep last night, but today I was calm throughout, focused, etc. I can't blame anything on nerves, although I do feel I was more cautious today going through the questions. I took up more time than normal, was able to finish everything without being pressured but didn't get to go over everything like I could in my practice sections.

PS: Relatively easy. I felt comfortable with all the equations you needed to use, the questions weren't very passage based. This will probably be my highest section.
VR: Usually do well on this section, I guess these passages were alright overall. Not a big fan of the transcendentalism passage.
WS: Topics were straight-forward, didn't really proof read the first essay though.
BS: I'd say this was more or less on par with verbal for difficulty. Questions were pretty passage based, was uncertain on some of the discretes. Reading through the mouse passage, the questions they asked were what I expected.

Overall, I think it was pretty good as far as MCATs go. I'm hoping my PS score will compensate for my VR and BS scores a little, but I was doing fine on those sections in the AAMC exams so hopefully that will continue.

We're done!
I only had 20 seconds left when I finally checked the "score it" bubble.

I don't know what happened! I thought I was as ready as I could be, but when the five minute reminder popped up on the PS I was on #23. That's right, I didn't even read over half the questions!
VR: I'm of Irish descent, so I really enjoyed this section!
Writing: I spent about ten minutes staring at the scratch sheet and beating myself up over PS. First essay amounted to about five sentences. Second was decent, although I hit my stride at the six minute mark.
BS: most of it pretty straightforward, and I recognized some of the passages from practice tests (that was a pleasant surprise!) Some were really obscure, and I swear I think at least one question didn't have a correct answer in the choices.
Glad its over, I thought it was kinda similar to AAMC so hopefully I'll do a bit better on the real thing since I was much more focused. Started out PS very nervous but got over it in about 2 passages

PS: Not awful, I thought it was much more chem than physics, not a single magnetic question and maybe 1 wave/optics.

VR: I found it hard to focus, very boring passages. The humanities werent too crazy hard like they were on some AAMC/Kaplans

WR: Easy prompts I thought

BS: Definitely very passage based, few "pseudodiscretes" in each passage. Some of the passages you really didn't need too much background bio. About 3 or so were experimental with tables and graphs, not my forte but I still think I managed to squeak by ok.

Also this was my first MCAT. I was soooo nervous before the test but there is really no need to be. Just relax.

Now onto praying I got a 30+!
did anyone else think those BS passages (3 and 7) were ridiculously harder than any of the BS science passages on AAMC 3-10? or was that just me. gotta hope for a good curve.
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did anyone else think those two BS passages about the bacteriophages and rats (3 and 7 i think) were ridiculously harder than any of the BS science passages on AAMC 3-10? or was that just me. gotta hope for a good curve.

Bacteriophage passage? which one was that?

I thought BS was a lot more challenging than I expected. Far too passage based.
Congrats everyone! :D Now that you're done, try to enjoy the rest of your weekend. Anyway, I just wanted to remind you guys about the AAMC regulations (it's for your own good):

Do not discuss specific questions.

The AAMC takes this very seriously.

Please use common sense when posting on the SDN forums. Copyrighted materials (which include MCAT questions) should not be posted without the express consent of the copyright holder (the AAMC).

Additionally, by discussing specific questions, you may be giving an unfair advantage to future MCAT examinees.

Because posting copyrighted material on SDN is a violation of our Terms of Service (TOS), we will close threads or delete posts when we are notified of copyright violations. Repeated violations will result in closure of accounts and possible IP bans.
If you do see someone who you think is violating any rules, please do NOT quote them. The best thing to do is to report their post and let us deal with the situation before the AAMC does. Remember, this is for your own protection. If you are unsure of what would consider a violation, you could PM either me or any of the other mods. I encourage anyone to remove comments that describe or hint a question on your test.

Acceptable posts:
  • I had a passage on circuits and I thought it was hard
  • The writing section can be discussed
  • I had an easy orgo passage about nucleophilicity.
Unacceptable posts:
  • Are there two or three bonds on this compound
  • Do you remember what the question on circuits was about?
  • What questions do you remember
  • Quoting unacceptable posts from other users
You guys have been doing a great job following the rules, so keep it up! :D
PS- Difficult. Missed a few really easy questions because I'm a dumb ass

VR-Not bad. Not good.


BS-I got owned. They should call it verbal part two.

I'm a very good science student (4.0 BCPM) and I studied harder than ever but I don't feel like it paid off much. I'm really bummed out. :(
PS- Not much calcluations. I was expecting more calculations. But some of the questions were definitely tricky. There was so much physics! Like 70 % was physics and most of them were mechanics. I don't know, but this was definitely harder than the AAMCs.

VR- I was surprised it went so smoothly. I thought it was easier than the AAMC verbal. Passages were all right and not too boring. This was definitely my best section.

WR- It was okay.

BS- Almost no genetics. Like two discretes on genetics, that pissed me off. And two orgo passages. This section was hard! What's up with so much microbiology and experimentals!? That bactierophage one was tricky and the marathon one was total crap. :mad:

Iono. God I just want a 30+ so I don't have to take this again. I was getting 32s on AAMCs but this was harder than the AAMCs, especially PS.
it wasn't so bad...AT LEAST IT'S OVER!

except i'm worried that maybe i accidentally voided my exam since i didn't read the choices properly. EEEK!!!!!!!!!!!:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
my bad. didnt realize i was breaking copyright laws. but holy crap. the PS and BS were harder than AAMC but the VR was a little easier. were the VR passages longer than AAMC or was it just the format of the screen?
I had the joy of voiding my Aug 26th because I made an easily correctable error in getting too involved with one of the really rough passages on BS which forced me to guess on about 5 questions at the end as I ran out of time. I knew I could avoid making the same stupid mistake again and since I only want to show one good score I voided it and signed up for the 6th as soon as I was able.

Of course just after the 26th my allergies went nuts, ragweed in MN came out, and I've been on Zyrtec and Sudafed and can't sleep. Thursday night I got about three hours of sleep so I was exhausted on Friday driving the 1 1/2 hours to the only testing center that had a spot open. I was pretty confident having had so little sleep that I'd be in great shape to get plenty of sleep last night. So I got to the hotel in plenty of time, went over some material and jumped into bed around 9:30pm with a 5am wake up call.

...and there I laid, 11pm, hrmm boy I can't seem to quite get over that last little hump of consciousness, I keep coming back to an alert state. 12pm, uhh please change my wakeup call to 6am...2am $#^%$%^#@ WTF is going on? 3am. call my wife back home, "guess what dear, I'm still awake!" Okay I may not be at my peak but I can get by on 2 or 3 hours I bet. 4am. This is unbeleivable. I've been laying down in a quiet room trying to sleep for 6 hours! 5am. well this is just great I'm still not asleep. 5:58am I WAKE up and look at the clock, I was somewhat giddy that I had actually finally fallen asleep it seems since I couldn't remember anything after 5:30am. How fitting after 3 1/2 hours or less of sleep in two days I still wake up before the alarm. There goes void number 2. WHAT A WASTE!

It wasn't really nerves because I slept fine before the 26th and was in even better shape content wise now. I can only imagine the allergy meds were keeping me awake or the constant sore throat. It was such a shame too because this one was easier than the 26th, I would have done pretty well had I not nodded off in each section.

The real question now is do I try to retain all the content over the next 5+ months of classes, maybe trying to make it all permanent knowledge that I'll be able to mentally work with even more adeptly? Perhaps content review a few hours every week or do I ignore it and see how much I retain next spring and spend a month going over it all again?

Good luck to everyone else btw.

P.S. I'm still awake, I haven't been able to sleep still.
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Oh definitely, that one space passage had about 10 paragraphs

VR really wasnt too difficult to understand but the questions were a bit tricky. I really lost focus for the first two so I had to go back at the end and couldnt check the later passages :(
I hate this test and I'm glad it's over!!

PS: Way easier than I was expecting. Felt like this was my best section.

VR: Passages were definitely long and boring. Could've gone either way for me on this section.

WS: Easy prompts.

BS: Holy crap! I definitely didn't need to do any content review on this one because 90% of the section seemed passage based. Imo...lame..

So glad it's over....but kind of wish I didn't have to wait a whole freakin month for my results..I was taking my test with OAT and GMAT peeps and they got their results after their tests....WTF?? It would be so nice to know how I did...even it was a raw score..
I had the joy of voiding my Aug 26th because I made an easily correctable error in getting too involved with one of the really rough passages on BS which forced me to guess on about 5 questions at the end as I ran out of time. I knew I could avoid making the same stupid mistake again and since I only want to show one good score I voided it and signed up for the 6th as soon as I was able.

Of course just after the 26th my allergies went nuts, ragweed in MN came out, and I've been on Zyrtec and Sudafed and can't sleep. Thursday night I got about three hours of sleep so I was exhausted on Friday driving the 1 1/2 hours to the only testing center that had a spot open. I was pretty confident having had so little sleep that I'd be in great shape to get plenty of sleep last night. So I got to the hotel in plenty of time, went over some material and jumped into bed around 9:30pm with a 5am wake up call.

...and there I laid, 11pm, hrmm boy I can't seem to quite get over that last little hump of consciousness, I keep coming back to an alert state. 12pm, uhh please change my wakeup call to 6am...2am $#^%$%^#@ WTF is going on? 3am. call my wife back home, "guess what dear, I'm still awake!" Okay I may not be at my peak but I can get by on 2 or 3 hours I bet. 4am. This is unbeleivable. I've been laying down in a quiet room trying to sleep for 6 hours! 5am. well this is just great I'm still not asleep. 5:58am I WAKE up and look at the clock, I was somewhat giddy that I had actually finally fallen asleep it seems since I couldn't remember anything after 5:30am. How fitting after 3 1/2 hours or less of sleep in two days I still wake up before the alarm. There goes void number 2. WHAT A WASTE!

It wasn't really nerves because I slept fine before the 26th and was in even better shape content wise now. I can only imagine the allergy meds were keeping me awake or the constant sore throat. It was such a shame too because this one was easier than the 26th, I would have done pretty well had I not nodded off in each section.

The real question now is do I try to retain all the content over the next 5+ months of classes, maybe trying to make it all permanent knowledge that I'll be able to mentally work with even more adeptly? Perhaps content review a few hours every week or do I ignore it and see how much I retain next spring and spend a month going over it all again?

Good luck to everyone else btw.

P.S. I'm still awake, I haven't been able to sleep still.

awww, man I feel your pain. I think you need a nice and long vacation doing stuff that is totally non-MCAT related for about a month or so and then come back ready to kick some ass. I'm sorry about your situation. Hope it goes well for you.
my bad. didnt realize i was breaking copyright laws. but holy crap. the PS and BS were harder than AAMC but the VR was a little easier. were the VR passages longer than AAMC or was it just the format of the screen?
Nope. You're not breaking copyright laws if you discuss topics of the passages (ie that passage about optics and waves was hard), but only if you're discussing a specific question. Your originial post was fine.
congrads guys and gals!!!! we killed the beast!!!!! im sure everybody did fine, well at least try not to worry about it for the next month
so how do u find out yr score online?
I had the joy of voiding my Aug 26th because I made an easily correctable error in getting too involved with one of the really rough passages on BS which forced me to guess on about 5 questions at the end as I ran out of time. I knew I could avoid making the same stupid mistake again and since I only want to show one good score I voided it and signed up for the 6th as soon as I was able.

Of course just after the 26th my allergies went nuts, ragweed in MN came out, and I've been on Zyrtec and Sudafed and can't sleep. Thursday night I got about three hours of sleep so I was exhausted on Friday driving the 1 1/2 hours to the only testing center that had a spot open. I was pretty confident having had so little sleep that I'd be in great shape to get plenty of sleep last night. So I got to the hotel in plenty of time, went over some material and jumped into bed around 9:30pm with a 5am wake up call.

...and there I laid, 11pm, hrmm boy I can't seem to quite get over that last little hump of consciousness, I keep coming back to an alert state. 12pm, uhh please change my wakeup call to 6am...2am $#^%$%^#@ WTF is going on? 3am. call my wife back home, "guess what dear, I'm still awake!" Okay I may not be at my peak but I can get by on 2 or 3 hours I bet. 4am. This is unbeleivable. I've been laying down in a quiet room trying to sleep for 6 hours! 5am. well this is just great I'm still not asleep. 5:58am I WAKE up and look at the clock, I was somewhat giddy that I had actually finally fallen asleep it seems since I couldn't remember anything after 5:30am. How fitting after 3 1/2 hours or less of sleep in two days I still wake up before the alarm. There goes void number 2. WHAT A WASTE!

It wasn't really nerves because I slept fine before the 26th and was in even better shape content wise now. I can only imagine the allergy meds were keeping me awake or the constant sore throat. It was such a shame too because this one was easier than the 26th, I would have done pretty well had I not nodded off in each section.

The real question now is do I try to retain all the content over the next 5+ months of classes, maybe trying to make it all permanent knowledge that I'll be able to mentally work with even more adeptly? Perhaps content review a few hours every week or do I ignore it and see how much I retain next spring and spend a month going over it all again?

Good luck to everyone else btw.

P.S. I'm still awake, I haven't been able to sleep still.
Oh I'm sorry Tutmos. I agree with blueelmo, take a little MCAT break, and then get back on it. The third time's the charm!
I had the joy of voiding my Aug 26th because I made an easily correctable error in getting too involved with one of the really rough passages on BS which forced me to guess on about 5 questions at the end as I ran out of time. I knew I could avoid making the same stupid mistake again and since I only want to show one good score I voided it and signed up for the 6th as soon as I was able.

Of course just after the 26th my allergies went nuts, ragweed in MN came out, and I've been on Zyrtec and Sudafed and can't sleep. Thursday night I got about three hours of sleep so I was exhausted on Friday driving the 1 1/2 hours to the only testing center that had a spot open. I was pretty confident having had so little sleep that I'd be in great shape to get plenty of sleep last night. So I got to the hotel in plenty of time, went over some material and jumped into bed around 9:30pm with a 5am wake up call.

...and there I laid, 11pm, hrmm boy I can't seem to quite get over that last little hump of consciousness, I keep coming back to an alert state. 12pm, uhh please change my wakeup call to 6am...2am $#^%$%^#@ WTF is going on? 3am. call my wife back home, "guess what dear, I'm still awake!" Okay I may not be at my peak but I can get by on 2 or 3 hours I bet. 4am. This is unbeleivable. I've been laying down in a quiet room trying to sleep for 6 hours! 5am. well this is just great I'm still not asleep. 5:58am I WAKE up and look at the clock, I was somewhat giddy that I had actually finally fallen asleep it seems since I couldn't remember anything after 5:30am. How fitting after 3 1/2 hours or less of sleep in two days I still wake up before the alarm. There goes void number 2. WHAT A WASTE!

It wasn't really nerves because I slept fine before the 26th and was in even better shape content wise now. I can only imagine the allergy meds were keeping me awake or the constant sore throat. It was such a shame too because this one was easier than the 26th, I would have done pretty well had I not nodded off in each section.

The real question now is do I try to retain all the content over the next 5+ months of classes, maybe trying to make it all permanent knowledge that I'll be able to mentally work with even more adeptly? Perhaps content review a few hours every week or do I ignore it and see how much I retain next spring and spend a month going over it all again?

Good luck to everyone else btw.

P.S. I'm still awake, I haven't been able to sleep still.

Sucks to hear that, man. My advice - take a quick breather from intense mcat studying. Also, it's better to try to content review a few hours a week to keep it fresh in your mind than to cram it in one month or so. Hope everything goes well for you!
Thanks for the kind words all. As my 6 year old daughter would say, "you're all growed up daddy." meaning I'm a 30 something student so this isn't such a big deal. The money isn't a big issue, a waste but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.(plenty of pun there on the sleep thing) :laugh:

I posted my little tale as a way to vent and maybe give others a little entertainment. It's spilt milk at this point, yes a shame and something I was hoping to have moved beyond already, but just an irritant at this point. I'll probably be really mad and morbid and not nearly as mature about all this after a good nights sleep hehe. As I told my wife when I got home, "are you sure there's not some way I can blame this on you?" :p

Good luck on scores again everyone.

PS- was pretty easy.
Written: I think I did well, but who knows how these guys mark.
VR- no clue, nervous about my results!
BS- I thought this was the hardest part! As people have already said, very much passage based. Some of the answers also seemed a little bit *too easy*, so I'm pretty sure I was missing out on some important concept. Arghh!