Searchable online IM resources?

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Jan 4, 2022
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Quick searchable online references? ABIM Longitudinal Assessment as a Trivial Pursuit exam.

Our ability to search online is TERRIBLE, has anyone found a quick tool that really works?
For example try finding the side effects of chemotherapy for non-hodgkins lymphoma quickly. Yes the time limit on each question is too short.

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Quick searchable online references? ABIM Longitudinal Assessment as a Trivial Pursuit exam.

Our ability to search online is TERRIBLE, has anyone found a quick tool that really works?
For example try finding the side effects of chemotherapy for non-hodgkins lymphoma quickly. Yes the time limit on each question is too short.
It’s 4 minutes!
And it’s called up to date…
Or maybe just say “hey Siri”…
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Quick searchable online references? ABIM Longitudinal Assessment as a Trivial Pursuit exam.

Our ability to search online is TERRIBLE, has anyone found a quick tool that really works?
For example try finding the side effects of chemotherapy for non-hodgkins lymphoma quickly. Yes the time limit on each question is too short.
Honestly you picked a bad example.

The answer is: pretty much anything.

But I do agree this is a tough question to google.
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I have uptodate but find its very difficult to search. Google is quicker but scope is very strange.
Has anyone any suggestion on IM texts eg. Harrisons or Cecil's online?
I have uptodate but find its very difficult to search. Google is quicker but scope is very strange.
Has anyone any suggestion on IM texts eg. Harrisons or Cecil's online?
I mean, the search for your question took me about 15s to get to the drugs used in UTD. If I didn't already know the answer, another minute would have gotten me the list to cross-reference with the possible answers in the question.

But yes, UTD or Google if you need it.
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I have uptodate but find its very difficult to search. Google is quicker but scope is very strange.
Has anyone any suggestion on IM texts eg. Harrisons or Cecil's online?
Exactly how are you searching in utd? It’s pretty straightforward…type in why you want to find, and search…??
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