Retake in August(?), when to apply?

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May 18, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I took my DAT 2 years ago and got a 17AA. I've been studying to retake it August 2 or July 28. First question, does it matter which of these days I take it? Second, should I submit my app before August so I can get the supplemental apps out of the way? Will schools look at my app before I fill out the secondary app? I'm assuming no, but this part of the timeline really confuses

My plan was to apply before my retake, get the secondaries in before the retake, then fax over my unofficial scores the day I get them. Assuming I have everything completed for my app today, what should be my timeline to get the schools to look at my app as soon after my retake as possible?

If you guys could help me sort out when the best time to send my app in, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.

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Doesn't matter when you take it.
You should submit your app as soon as you finish everything except the DAT and LoR which can be submitted after application submission.
Sometimes schools look at your app before your secondary but some require it to be complete before they even look at it.
Schools will start looking at apps around early July. In terms of when they'll look at YOUR app, it depends on when you submit your app and submit your DAT scores.