Resources to learn about billing and business in pathology?

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Jan 27, 2018
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Hello, I am a US MD MS4 applying to pathology this year. I am interested in learning more about the billing and business aspects of pathology practice, things that noone teaches you in med school or in residency really. Anyone have any books or powerpoints or pdfs to share? Thank you!

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Need to find a older, wise mentor. A mentor who through trial and error, blood sweat and tears has forged a multi-million dollar path empire and yet never did jail time.

A mentor of sterling moral character and monastic devotion to the art and business of pathology.

PS- Are you an attractive young female applicant? Cheers Dr. H Weinstein.
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The CP Quick Compendium book has a chapter on medical directorship which covers some of the basics.
I really like this one from CAP. You could probably get it via Inter Library Loan.

Also, I'm confused by how pathologists are paid. Are they paid by the slide, by tissue block, or by case/accession number? Do multipart cases pay more than single part cases. Do you get paid for immunostains?
Also, I'm confused by how pathologists are paid. Are they paid by the slide, by tissue block, or by case/accession number? Do multipart cases pay more than single part cases. Do you get paid for immunostains?

My, my, my, how times have changed. Can y’all imagine that this young’un must ASK if we get paid for immunostains?
Just the question exemplifies how screwed up the remuneration for pathology (and medicine in general) is.
Who knows WHAT physicians get paid for anymore.
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