Reapplication Buddies-August!!!

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Hi guys,

It's Sunday, August 1. There are 13 days left until the MCAT for those of us taking it. My studying has gone pretty well. I'm scoring better than I did last time around on my practice exams. I hope to peak just in time for the exam. Good luck to everyone else on studying. Other than that, that's the latest and greatest. I still haven't received any secondaries, but this early, and the realistic part of me thinks that my application may be on hold until they receive my scores, which really sucks. Then again, I may get them next week and my stress will be for naught. Anyway, everyone keep pressing towards the mark. Everyone else is welcome to post in my stead until after the 14th!!! :laugh: I am going to take a few days before the exam and just relax. It might do me some good.

Reminders for the MCAT:

take plenty of pens and pencils
take a jacket
don't eat anything crazy the night before--gas during the MCAT is not good!
get a good night's sleep before the test
drink responsibly after the test :laugh:


P.S. Those of you working on secondaries, get them in ASAP!!

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OMG, I cannot believe it is August already. Here is my update - I have turned in secondaries from U Iowa, U Chicago, and St Louis U. Still working on Rush U and Medical College of WI. I have secondaries from Loyola and Creighton, but I don't have any non-science profs that I know well enough to write me a letter, so I am not sure if I will send those back. Waiting on U Kansas, Case Western, Rosalind Franklin. Got rejected from Nebraska pre-secondary.

Time is flying by...I'm still looking for a job, but having no luck so far. I acutally applied to Target and Best Buy the other day. Seriously, I have one more paycheck from my current job, then it's over. And if I don't find something by the end of August, well, I'm boned. Starting to write up my research paper for my MPH, too. And starting to plan the wedding. Just so much to do right now...I can't imagine trying to study for the MCAT like some of you. Glad I already have that out of the way.

Anyway, there is my story. Best of luck to those of you taking the MCAT in a couple of weeks. Take mrsmac's advice. You will do fine.

I'll take a second to update my progress so far as well. So far I have received 5 secondaries (University of MN-Duluth, Creighton, Iowa, MCW, and Loyola). I have the first 4 listed finished and letters sent out. I just need to check on a few of them at the end of the week or so and make sure my file is complete. I'm going to work on Loyola this week and hopefully finish it up by early next week. By then I hope that a few more secondaries show up (I only applied to four other schools).

Like kmjannie, I'm also trying to find a job by the end of August. Turns out that research labs don't hire that many research techs/junior scientists when a science-hating Republican administration is in office and funds are drying up. Who would have thought?

Anyways, I hope everyone is managing to stay sane throughout this whole process. Just think that in a few months we'll have all these applications and interviews behind us and can sit back with our acceptances, sip a martini, and reminisce about how silly the whole process really was.

Good luck to all MCATers!
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Well since it seems to be update time, here goes nothing:
Secondaries recieved from:
George Washington
and Pitt

Submitted all but case/cclcm and gtown (case b/c i havent had time yet; the latter since i am doing a program at gtown, they told us to wait on it)

Heard from VCU and Wake - they said they will get back to me.

MCATs. I just got the stirring feeling. I doing tons and tons of passages, but am getting really scared, especially since i havent been able to do a lot of studying because i had to get a tooth pulled last week, and then was at a wedding this summer. so im getting nervous... we'll see how the next few days go.

well i think thats about it. thought id throw it out to you all.
Oh wow, now we're supposed to start reporting on secondaries?

Let's see, I've done Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, University of Rochester, UCI, Penn State, New York Medical, Creighton, Wake Forest, St. Louis, Jefferson, and Tulane.

I have Pritzker, Loyola, USC, UCSD, and soon Mount Sinai (they said they sent me an email I never got) still sitting on my desk.

And I have a phone interview with Mayo on Tuesday.

Besides that, I'm going to Phoenix next week to see my best friend. She received a Fulbright grant and will be spending the next year in Hong Kong. I just feel like I have to brag for her because she would never do it herself.

Nine days until the MCAT!! Good luck studying everyone!!
Oh, the secondaries. I cranked out a bunch over the weekend: SUNYs Buffalo, Downstate, Upstate, also Jefferson, Dartmouth, Rochester, NJMS,NYMC, GW

Ones not complete: UCONN, Keck, AECOM, Albany, Georgetown, Temple

Ones I am not completing b/c they won't accept my LOR substitution: UIC, UVM, UMDNJ-RWJ. Somehow RWJ had no problem telling me I was conplete and taking my money last year with one less academic LOR.

Rejected pre secondary: NYU. Or at least I am not being asked to complete a secondary at this time.

I applied to 30 schools, so there are a bunch I am waiting on.

I hope all of you who are taking the MCAT are doing well. Best of luck to you!
yes well i have done 8 out of the 16 secondaries that i have and am still waiting on 3 more to come. have already been placed on "hold" at upstate without an interview. how depressing is that? not yet 10 days after they've received my $100 check i'm on "hold". this process is unbelievable. and how is everyone paying for their secondaries btw? i'm on my own and this is literally financial death at its finest.
Hi, Mrsmac, et al:

Good to hear that most everyone is feeling pretty good. Mrsmac, you are so chill about the upcoming MCAT -- I'm very jealous b/c I'm feeling completely unprepared and as of late this afternoon, rather panic-stricken. I hope it subsides soon. This is my second MCAT, and I'm still on 2 waitlists, with diminishing hopes, of course. I guess I really thought I would get in somewhere because I'm finding myself in disbelief that I'm actually going to have to take this again.

In that sense, it would probably have been better had I just been outright rejected by both schools, and therefore would have actually prepared adequatley for the MCAT.....oh well. I'm taking next week off of work to review and to try to relax for a day or part of a day....and to be home when Einstein or Stony Brook calls!! ;-)))

Good luck to everyone whose re-taking the beast on the 14th. I wish I could give advice that I could actually follow (like relax, don't worry, you'll do great), but I can't do that.

I'm going to start my secondaries after the MCAT; I'm only applying to 5 or 6 schools, so it's not that much to do.

Hang in there and keep the faith!!!!

Bunsen Honeydew said:

Good to hear that most everyone is feeling pretty good. Mrsmac, you are so chill about the upcoming MCAT -- I'm very jealous b/c I'm feeling completely unprepared and as of late this afternoon, rather panic-stricken. I hope it subsides soon. This is my second MCAT, and I'm still on 2 waitlists, with diminishing hopes, of course. I guess I really thought I would get in somewhere because I'm finding myself in disbelief that I'm actually going to have to take this again.


Hey guys:

Chill....Ha Ha. You are so funny. I am in fact trying to keep from losing all the information in my mind. I am going to keep hope alive for you concerning your schools. But with the MCAT approaching FAST take some time, relax, and review a test or two and call it a day. I'll be taking exams tomorrow and next Wed and after that...I'm done.

BTW, I have started to receive some secondaries (There is hope still) I only applied to 5 schools so my pool is pretty limited. As for how I'm paying for that, 5 schools may not sound pretty bad, but thank God for a spouse who is supportive. When you have a family to support, there are some things you have to limit, so I couldn' t apply to 35 schools, even though I sure would like to. I had some friends in college (back in the day) who maxed out their credit cards, maxed out their parents, and took out small loans to help them. Of course at the time I thought they were crazy, but now, most of them are doctors, but doctors with a lot of debt. But that wasn't the best course for me. Sometimes I feel like its money gone down the drain, but when that acceptance letter/call/email comes it will sure be all worth it.

Oh well, that's it for now. Keep pressing everyone and wish us August MCATers luck.

Hey, Mrsmac:

thanks for the good advice. Despite your claims to the contrary, you do sound chill; I'm sure you don't feel it, but you are acting it, which is half the battle. Do you have children? I ask b/c I have a 3+ year-old who is pretty angry with me right now for having abandoned him suddenly -- I started studying about 3 weeks ago, and since I work full-time I have very little extra time for him. My spouse has picked up the slack and then some of course, but I feel very guilty. This is a really rough process when you have small children.

Good luck to you next week!!!!

Hey guys,

I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but the dreaded beast of the MCAT is over, so I'll be back to my thread keeping duties! I cannot express how glad I am to be done with that exam. I think I did pretty well but I don't want to jinx it by saying anything too positive. I will say that I did the best I could and I have no regrets. For the first two minutes of the exam I thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest. After that I calmed down. When it was over I thought, " this is too much for a 29 year old woman to take". Once again, I'm just glad it's over.

Now, I can focus on my secondaries. I hope that all of us who took the exam on Sat are now recovering from their celebratory experiences :laugh: My husband actually drove to the test site and dropped a gift bag in my car (a card, message oil and powdered doughnuts-my favorite) I actually started crying when I saw my 4 year old had written "good job mommy" in 4 year old letters. The people parked next to me probably thought I'd bombed the test because of the tears :) So, I guess I'll find out in October how I did. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing and excited about hearing when you guys will be receiving interviews. Don't sit too long on those secondaries folks!

Congrats to everyone who's done, including moi! I also am so glad it's over. I don't think I could/would take this test again.

Your husband is so sweet, Mrsmac. And, your 4-yr. old's card, how cute!!! My husband did a yeoman's job over the past month while I was working f/t and studying at night. Our 3-yr. old son is a handful, and he's basically been parenting him by himself, esp. on the weekends.

I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine and spending time with friends and family. I'm only applying to 5 schools and will probably get my secondaries out this week. I don't, however, have an overwhelming feeling that I did better this time than last, despite much better diags going in this time. It just felt so dang hard, and long. I'm glad I gave it another chance, but if it doesn't work out this time, I'm very ready to move on.

Good luck to everyone, and here's to hoping that the next 6-8 wks. goes quickly!!

MariaS43 said:
yes well i have done 8 out of the 16 secondaries that i have and am still waiting on 3 more to come. have already been placed on "hold" at upstate without an interview. how depressing is that? not yet 10 days after they've received my $100 check i'm on "hold". this process is unbelievable. and how is everyone paying for their secondaries btw? i'm on my own and this is literally financial death at its finest.

First of all congrats to all who just finished the MCAT!

As far as how I am affording my secondaries, I am eeking them out in terms of how many I can afford each pay period, every 2 weeks. It sucks. I am also doing the easiest ones first. UCONN has 6 essays. Ew. It isn't ideal, b/c I will still be submitting secondaries all through September, maybe October too, but it is the only way I can afford it. I think I am about half way.
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I have to say that you all really impress me. You make me realize how easy I have it. I took the MCAT once, I have my parents around to help me pay for applications and interviews (thank God). And then I read about retaking the MCAT, trying to raise children, not sending out applications until the next paycheck comes in. Sure, it might have been great to have gotten in the first time, but I don't think a lot of those people understand the work others put into getting into med school.

You guys are an inspiration, and I hope you all get in. I definitely think you deserve it more than I do.
jetskigirl said:
I have to say that you all really impress me. You make me realize how easy I have it. I took the MCAT once, I have my parents around to help me pay for applications and interviews (thank God). And then I read about retaking the MCAT, trying to raise children, not sending out applications until the next paycheck comes in. Sure, it might have been great to have gotten in the first time, but I don't think a lot of those people understand the work others put into getting into med school.

You guys are an inspiration, and I hope you all get in. I definitely think you deserve it more than I do.

You are so sweet. Can I include this on my secondary applications as to why I should get it??? Hope everyone is well. Has anyone heard from Waitman?? I hope he did well this past Sat. Well I've completed 3 secondaries so far (grand total...$150) This is ridiculous. I have got to get a job before my hubby kicks me out :D (He must really like my chicken casserole in order to help me pay for this ;)
To mrsmac and all of my other buddies, I will write you all letters of rec so great that no school would dare reject you. Then we can all live happily ever after in the medical student forum.

So my numbers now are 16 secondaries in (thank you again Mom and Dad for the loan), 4 left to be done, still haven't heard if I get one from UCSF, and I have an interview with Georgetown next month. I am going to be so excited in a week when I turn in my last secondary. You may all hate the MCAT, but secondaries are the bane of my existence. I hope they're going better for all of you.
Hey, Mrsmac:

Sounds like you're looking for a job, right? I've overheard (at the MCAT no less) that a lot of people are getting lab tech jobs at university hospitals. I'm not sure where you live (NYC area, I think, which is where I'm at). I've heard that Colubmia University and Cornell are hiring. The pay isn't great (about 30-35K from what I've heard), but it's great bench experience and some $$ and benefits. Check out their websites. The girl I heard talking actually said that she used her orgo lab experience to get the job -- talked up having experience with TLC, fractional distillation, etc. Who knew that this dreaded class would come in handy?

Also, check out other hosptials for clinical research experience -- NYU, Mt. Sinai, etc. They run a ton of clinical trials and need study coordinators and other more administrative (but great experience) type positions. This is what I do at another teaching hospital in NYC. Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

Good luck and please hang in there -- it's going to happen for you!!

So what happened to all of our other reapplication buddies? I thought I was going to hear lots of stories about the MCAT and secondaries and the like.

Maybe everyone is just sooo busy sending in apps that they don't have time to stop in and say hi. That must be it.
Well, I am still job-hunting. This is all getting very very frustrating. I'm going to be living off of bread and water if things don't turn around soon. I received a rejection letter from the University of Wisconsin 2 days ago...that along with Nebraska are my only 2 pre-secondary rejections so far. Still waiting for one of my LORs to get in to Iowa, Chicago, MCW, Case, and St. Louis. Decided not to fill out secondaries to R Franklin, Loyola, Creighton. Waiting to get the Kansas secondary. Other than that, I am working on my Masters thesis. What drudgery. Keep filling out those secondaries, all.
I'll do a mid-August update as well. I have returned 6 out of a possible 10 secondaries, and am waiting for the schools to send out the remaining 4. This is especially annoying when my state school is one of those that have not been sent yet. I also got rejected this past weekend from the University of Wisconsin. They must really dislike those out-of-staters with less than perfect stats. Fortunately, the University of South Dakota has given me a chance to describe my "ties to the state" (I lived there for 14 years and have a lot of family there still), which means I might sneak past their screening.

I finally found a job, and was able to finangle a decent raise out of the whole deal thanks to experience in the field of research I will be staying in. Haven't heard from any schools for interviews, but I am hoping that by mid-September I'll have one or two invites.

Good luck everyone! Keep plugging away at those secondaries!

I see that you are feelin the love from U of Wisconsin too. Jeesh, I at least thought I would get a secondary from them...but then again, it probably would have been a waste of 60 bucks, and my rejection letter would have come the day they cashed the check :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Best of luck with the rest of your schools...maybe I will see you at some interviews.

Peace out.
kmjannie said:

I see that you are feelin the love from U of Wisconsin too...

Yeah, it was the same old story the last time I applied. You would think I would have learned my lesson about their obvious love of out-of-state applicants, but I somehow convinced myself that my tardiness in applying last time was a factor. I also have always thought Madison would be a cool place to live. Oh well...lots of other schools to hear from yet.

Here's hoping that all of us start getting some interview love soon. Things should be more interesting when we can share some funny interview stories, and maybe even an acceptance or seven

I hope that you are all doing well with the application process, whichever stage you find yourself. Maybe somewhere along the interview trail some of us will run into eachother and we can share our stories over drinks. God knows I'll need them by the time this whole process is through :D :D :D
Hey there buddies,

Things have been a little hectic here in Ohio for past few weeks. My daughter started Kindergarten yesterday, and today she rode the bus for the first time. :eek: So, I've had to switch gears from med school applicant to "Mommy, where is my bookbag?". I'm also in the middle of looking for a job, to offset the cost of applying and to save money for school tuition (always thinking positively). My dilemma is whether or not I look for something within my field (Env. Science) or do some retail/sales work. I'd do research, but I've already done that and I have no desire to come in at 8am on a Sat morning to check cultures!! But if it's only for a year (again thinking positively), should I think leisure (a job that easily allows for time off for interviews) or a job that pays well but has some responsibility (my field)? Am I rambling? Forgive me.

All my secondaries are done and people are writing letters of recommendation as I type this (supposedly). I'm just waiting on those darn MCAT scores. Thankfully, when they come in my applications should be complete. I guess next month we'll have to start a thread of where everyone is applying to/receiving interviews from so that if we are at schools at the same time, we can look for each other. Well, everyone keep doing what you're doing and keep pressing.

What's happening everyone? I'm totally exhausted after the NYC RNC march yesterday.

I have been getting totally bummed out and tire dof this process and then 2 things lifted my spirits. My boss let me read the LOR he wrote for me, and it was really amazing. He said such nice things about me it made me well up with tears.

Then, I got home and found an interview invite from UMDNJ-SOM in the mail. My husband isn't home, so I just had to share with someone right away. You are all it.

So hoping that everyone else is having a good afternoon/evening. :)
ma-bas said:
What's happening everyone? I'm totally exhausted after the NYC RNC march yesterday.

I have been getting totally bummed out and tire dof this process and then 2 things lifted my spirits. My boss let me read the LOR he wrote for me, and it was really amazing. He said such nice things about me it made me well up with tears.

Then, I got home and found an interview invite from UMDNJ-SOM in the mail. My husband isn't home, so I just had to share with someone right away. You are all it.

So hoping that everyone else is having a good afternoon/evening. :)

Wow, congratulations! Looks like we have our first Buddy interview invite! Here's hoping for many more rolling in during the next few weeks!
hey everyone.

amazingly i am alive. my time on SDN has obviously been non-existant lately. I took the mcats (already forgot about it... dont wanna think about it) on saturday the 14th, and then started class on monday the 16th. my life has been pretty crazy with class and all - its the gtown post bacc program and its a ton of work. plus i just moved to DC and have a place of my own and have been hanging out with friends in the area, plus headed down to Richmond to see some friends from college get married (i did just graduate in may... so its weird)

i am all caught up on secondaries - a couple of holds for MCATs and grades from gtown... no rejections (yet) which is a better sign than this time last year where i had probably 4 or 5 already.

sorry i havent been around... its just been kind of crazy - i got my first test next friday, and i need to be studying for that since its on the immune system. nearly everything you wanted to know about it. add to that an embryo final 3 weeks after that, with a midterm in between, and that equals a lot of stuff.

whelp... i seem to have wasted enough time as it is. im getting through - its probably not as bad as i make it out to be (in fact i know it isnt - i do my fare share of watching tv:)) but time on the SDN is limited - plus i don't wanna read all the mcat postings to get me stressed out!!! like i said, i have forgotten about them... cant let it get to me.

alrighty - peace out cub scouts
Congrats on the interview invite, ma-bas!! Since my MCAT scores have been holding me back, I dont' expect to get any invites until later this fall after scores come in.

And, also, big ups on getting out and joining the protesters this past weekend. WAY TO GO!!! I would have liked to have been there, but figured it wouldn't be the best place to bring my 3-year old.

Good luck on your interview!!

Thanks for the congrats. I am excited. It has definately lifted my spirits and fired me up to finish some more secondaries.

I saw some kids at the march on Sunday, which was pretty calm, but as the week gets more heated, it certainly doesn't seem safe for kids. I may go tomorrow night too. But tonight I'm going ti the US OPen to see some tennis. I don't play but love to watch! I got cheap tix through work, but usually you can get into the park for free and see marches on the smaller courts, the tix are only needed for the big stadium.
ma-bas said:
Thanks for the congrats. I am excited. It has definately lifted my spirits and fired me up to finish some more secondaries.

I saw some kids at the march on Sunday, which was pretty calm, but as the week gets more heated, it certainly doesn't seem safe for kids. I may go tomorrow night too. But tonight I'm going ti the US OPen to see some tennis. I don't play but love to watch! I got cheap tix through work, but usually you can get into the park for free and see marches on the smaller courts, the tix are only needed for the big stadium.

Congrats on the invitation!!! Man, my best friend lives in NYC and she cannot believe that the RNC decided to come there during the weekend of the US Open. Congrats on the tickets too!!! I love tennis. My hubby and I hope to go to Wimbledon on our 10th anniversary! Oh our 8th anniversary was yesterday and my 30th Bday is TOMORROW!!! I'm spending the day at the spa!! :D Things are pretty slow here. Two of the three people I've asked to write letters have received their information and the other hasn't. So I had to resend the entire packet to her. :mad: Darned postal system.

I'm now looking for a part time job. I interviewed at Bath and Body Works on yesterday and I may be working there. God, I hope so. I'll need the relaxation supplies going through this process.

That's the latest and greatest.

I'll post for September after Labor Day!
