Quoted: Low MCAT scores


Escape artist
Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Someone asks:

I took MCAT 2 years back and ended up with very low scores, 15 to be exact. I owe this to a very wrong strategy of bubbling the answer sheet at the end (I answered everything in the question sheet with out bubbling at the same time). I made a big mistake of not canceling my scores. I am planning on taking MCAT again next year. Assuming the score to be atleast 30's, would these previous score pose any problems in the application process. Do I stand a chance with these scores showing up on the MCAT score card even when I get good scores this time.

The 15 in the past will show up on your record, but won't be calculated by most schools into any formal determination. Because it is so low, you should briefly explain it somewhere in your essay as to what happened. If you really do get a score in the 30's next time, I suspect most adcom members will accept your story and move on. Don't forget to explain why you waited 3 years between retakes.

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