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Jun 24, 2017
Reaction score

I'm taking my MCAT on August 24th (late i know but mostly focused on DO). I heard schools won't look at your app till your MCAT scores are in (Question1: that's true right?), so I will most likely submit my application in the last week of August.
Question2- would it help me at all if I submitted my application in early September, even if my scores won't be in, or is it better to submit everything together when my scores come in in late September?
Question2.5- is it true that schools can screen you out for submitting your primary application w/o your mcat score?

I greatly appreciate your time and help. Thank You

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Schools won't toss your app for lacking a score, they'll just wait for the score. Sending your primary now vs right before your score doesn't matter. Not gonna get interview invite any sooner.
They won't look at you until you get your MCAT in but submit your application ASAP. Don't wait, get your transcripts in and get verified because that's going to take a long time anyway. You don't want to be behind waiting on verification when you get your MCAT score in. And no, they don't screen you out if you don't have your MCAT score, they'll just wait until you get it in. But don't wait around!! Submit your app!
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1. true
However, when you submit your application, it takes time to verify. So you had better submit application before you get your score (I think his will work for DO too).
2. plz submit before you got your score.
3. you can select a school you don't want to get in and submit your app.
Even if that school will screen you out, at least you will get verified before your MCAT score; then this is good.
thanks so much everyone!! i will go ahead and submit to one school first then and add the rest when I get my scores later.