Questions about Universities


High School Student
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Apr 14, 2008
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Well I live really close to Creighton University, and I was wondering does it help to goto Creighton for undergrad to get into their Medical School.

Also about 58% of each students tuition is paid by grants and loans. If I am highly above the stats average will I have a good chance to get full rides or close to?

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Well I live really close to Creighton University, and I was wondering does it help to goto Creighton for undergrad to get into their Medical School.

Also about 58% of each students tuition is paid by grants and loans. If I am highly above the stats average will I have a good chance to get full rides or close to?

Some schools do have linkage/feeder programs. Others just tend to accept higher percentages of applicants from their own schools.

Will it help? Maybe... couldn't hurt, but it's not a guarantee.

What you can do is take advantage of any special programs the undergrad/med school have that would put you in contact with the Med School Faculty or get you on the med school campus.

My roommate for the summer is an undergrad student who is doing research at the med school. He's meeting a lot of the faculty here and he'll probably get his name on a publication. The nice thing about this is that it's done through an official program through the school so when he applies to my school it will show on his application that he's already done some work here and it might jog a few memories. If he's smart, he could get a letter of recommendation from his Principal Investigator (PI= the doc running the lab) and that would probably carry more weight among the faculty here that know the PI than at other schools where it's just another name signed at the bottom of a piece of paper.

Summary: just attending the school, probably won't help. Being active and making connections, will help.

EDIT: can't speak for the scholarships, but if you're way above the average stats, I'd expect to have at least SOME money thrown at you.
metalhead- can you clarify whether that 58% is for undergrad or med school?

Jesuit universities tend to have a lot of scholarships and grants for their undergrads (all schools), and significantly less so for their medical schools (Georgetown, SLU, Loyola, Creighton). Of course, if you leave undergrad with little to no debt, then it's not as hurtful to tack on a more expensive med school. Hurtful, but not lumping it on top of another 50+K. :)

Best advice I can give: apply to Creighton and see where things fall. It's a great school, both for undergrad and med. And if you have questions about the med school, contact Mr Jarmon in admissions (can't remember his first name right now..). He's a REALLY nice guy.