Question about taking courses during gap years

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7+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2015
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So I'll still have around 2-3 courses to take after I graduate (started pre-med coursework late). I'm aiming to take two gap years so I'd take the courses in my first gap year, take the MCAT early that spring, and apply during the second gap year. I'd really like to pursue a research position during this time as I've found I really enjoy the research process. I'm also interested in public health/epidemiology so could potentially see myself working in public health or going to get an MPH in this time.

My main question is: for those of you who have taken gap years and had to take courses as well, how did you balance this with either work, research, or school (masters programs)? Did you work around your classes? How did you bring this up to your employer/PI?

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I work in boston in a lab full time 45hrs a week. Harvard Extension school is here and I was able to take science courses at night there. They have classes 6pm and later as most people who go to extension schools are working. My advice would be if you are working in a big city/area with big universities they probably have something similar
So I'll still have around 2-3 courses to take after I graduate (started pre-med coursework late). I'm aiming to take two gap years so I'd take the courses in my first gap year, take the MCAT early that spring, and apply during the second gap year. I'd really like to pursue a research position during this time as I've found I really enjoy the research process. I'm also interested in public health/epidemiology so could potentially see myself working in public health or going to get an MPH in this time.

My main question is: for those of you who have taken gap years and had to take courses as well, how did you balance this with either work, research, or school (masters programs)? Did you work around your classes? How did you bring this up to your employer/PI?

I went back to my undergraduate institution to take my premed classes. I found a job as a chem peer tutor so I could focus on my classes while keeping gen chem fresh in my mind for the MCAT. That position was part time at my school. My advice to you is to find a lab very relevant to a class you are taking, biochemistry/biology/orgo so that is benefits you and helps make connections with your coursework.