Question about physics class

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10+ Year Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Hi everyone, just needed some advice about my physics class I'm taking at a community college at the moment...I've decided to apply for schools this year, and I wanted to take physics since I thought it would help for grad school (I was not a CSD major, I majored in mass communications for my BA in 2009)...but I'm not doing well in the class at all. If I continue in the course I'm pretty sure I will get a C. Would it look terrible if I withdrew from the class since it will appear on my transcript? If I'm not doing well in physics does it not bode well for me in an audiology program?

I've taken psychology classes, A&P, biology, and chemistry but I worry since physics seems like that one crucial class (besides actual hearing science courses) and dropping it might raise some red flags. Or am I just worrying too much?

Thanks. I've been visiting this forum for over a year now and you guys have always been so helpful. I hope I can get in to a program, the low acceptance rate makes me really nervous.

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I've decided to apply for schools this year, and I wanted to take physics since I thought it would help for grad school (I was not a CSD major, I majored in mass communications for my BA in 2009)...but I'm not doing well in the class at all. If I continue in the course I'm pretty sure I will get a C. Would it look terrible if I withdrew from the class since it will appear on my transcript? If I'm not doing well in physics does it not bode well for me in an audiology program?

I'm not sure if you're on the quarter system or the semester system, but if you're as far along in classes as I am I highly suggest just powering through it. Maybe find a tutor who can help you? If you must drop it, though, consider taking a slightly-easier version in the summer so you can tell admissions committees you're still completing a physics class.
I think if you have done well in your other classes, including the science ones, you would probably be safe to drop with a W. Do the programs you are applying to require physics? Also, I am not sure if graduate programs accept high school AP courses -- you should check with the programs you are applying to. A lot of undergraduate colleges might give you course credit but still might not let you waive required courses with AP.

You will need some understanding of physics, especially waves, pressure, etc., for your AuD courses in hearing science and psychoacoustics, but I don't know if actually having a physics class will make a difference or not for how you will do in these classes. You should look at the admissions requirements of the places to which you are applying. They might require other pre-requisites like Phonetics or Language Development too, so don't overlook these!
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if it's gonna bring down your average i would just withdraw (as long as you don't already have lots of W's on your transcript) and save yourself a headache. it's not a requirement for most AuD programs. only one of the programs i applied to required a particular grade for the prereq's. the only reason prereq's are even required is for ASHA certification. and yes i think they do accept AP classes if you got college credit for it (even if it's only P/F).

it's up to you though. i don't think that it's gonna be dealbreaker either way.
Im not sure what physics class you are in, but there are physics classes that will be beneficial and those that you wont ever use in your AuD. It wont look terrible with all the other science course to be perfectly honest I think you have more science that about half of applicants. I had 3 W's on my transcript and one of them was a physics course (granted it was thermodynamics and I already had 5 other physics courses done lol). I will tell you this, acoustics, hearing science, and psychoacoustics are all physics heavy....however, they are APPLIED physics, not just abstract which helps understanding, and in general its interesting, otherwise you wouldnt be in the field to begin with so that makes it not so bad. I wouldnt sweat it, but focus on do the best you can with your other classes so when they see the W, they will also see A's right next to it.
Thank you for the all of the advice! I decided to drop it though because I'm applying to 9 schools and I'm going crazy just trying to figure out what every school wants and keeping track of it all without missing something (which I do fear may happen).

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