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7+ Year Member
Feb 17, 2016
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Hi all,
The 2015-2016 cycle was my first time applying to PT school and I have learned a lot from it. I applied to 8 schools and have been wait listed at 2, but the other 6 were "no's". At this point I'm holding out hope that I will get off the wait list, but I am preparing to reapply this summer.
I am planning on raising my GRE scores and I am willing to retake some classes, but I'm not sure what to retake.
My GPA is about a 3.47 which is about average for PT schools. However, during my freshman year of college I goofed up and got a D in human genetics (biology credit). This is dragging my biology GPA WAYYY down. On PTCAS my biology GPA is only a 2.35. Which then drags my science GPA to a 2.8. I would retake genetics for a better grade, but it is not offered this summer. I need to retake the classes this summer in order to get my grades in by application deadlines.
Should I retake some other biology classes that are offered this summer to raise the GPA? Could someone's give me some advice. I would greatly appreciate it!!!
Thank you

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if you're going to retake courses, I'd recommend retaking pre-requisites you didn't get an A in.

realistically, your app isn't going to drastically improve by taking a few more classes. you'll have to apply strategically. I recommend applying to developing programs - that may be your only shot at getting in.
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I think you should share your pre req grades to get the best answer here. I wouldn't worry about genetics and I hate for you to chase that one down if there are more obvious things to do.
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My cumulative GPA is a 3.47, my pre-req GPA is a 3.05. However, my biology GPA is a 2.35. Since that is so low it is dragging my science GPA down to 2.8.
I hope that helps! Thank you so much for your advice.
Of your 8 schools, how many required a specific science GPa? Did you meet it? If not, those were likely automatic one even looked at your application.

However, a majority of schools don't look at science GPA. It's fair to say the average school generally looks at cumulative GPA and pre req GPA (again check the school specifics). In that case, your pre -req GPA is pretty low. Human genetics shouldn't be part of the pre req GPA calculation which tells me you have other lower grades in there. I recommend you focus on retaking whatever pre reqs are dragging your pre req GPA you have any Cs in other pre reqs? Don't worry about the genetics UNLESS your #1 or #2 school requires a certain science GPA (but even then, you may bump that up retaking OTHER pre reqs). Generally I say, start with any pre reqs you have Cs in...retake those first, then move on to any pre reqs with B-s.