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2+ Year Member
Nov 27, 2020
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Hello all you informed pre-med/med people! I am a current junior in college (basically a senior since the year is practically over) and I am a film student who has made the ultimate decision to become a physician! I'm not going to use this space to give you my reasons why/how/etc but I was wondering if someone who has been through the career changer post-bac process could please give me a little insight on how they created their program list (I'm interested in formal programs, I've already exhausted the pros/cons list of DIY route), tips for PostbacCAS, personal statements, and anything else that you think would be helpful for an applicant! If everything works out, I would ideally enroll in a program beginning Summer 2022. ANY amount of advice is greatly appreciated!!

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I started by going through the list on Postbac to see what programs I might be interested in - use the filters on the left to select career-changer.

When it comes to personal statements, it all comes down to why you are wanting to make the switch. Doesn't have to be an Aha! moment, I wrote about the gradual exposure I had to medicine and why I was making the switch.

One of my friends from my program was a film major and worked in production for a few years, they're now an M2 at a great MD school.
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I started by going through the list on Postbac to see what programs I might be interested in - use the filters on the left to select career-changer.

When it comes to personal statements, it all comes down to why you are wanting to make the switch. Doesn't have to be an Aha! moment, I wrote about the gradual exposure I had to medicine and why I was making the switch.

One of my friends from my program was a film major and worked in production for a few years, they're now an M2 at a great MD school.
Thanks for the advice! and that's awesome to hear about your friend - I'm definitely experiencing some imposter syndrome about my journey so stuff like that is always cool to hear!