Practicing Both IM and Subspecialty

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15+ Year Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hello All:
I am a PGY2 Internal Medicine Resident. I truly love IM but equally enjoy some of my other rotations. Is it possible to practice both IM and another specialty separately? For example having an IM office (I am interested in private practice and poised to take over a family members practice) and another office for subspecialty. I know some IM and FM docs that are into cosmetic procedures or weight loss to expand their practices or services. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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I’ve known cardiologist who did lots of general medicine. Granted they lived in a non-metro area and probably couldn’t fill their time with solely their speciality work. Specialists tend to ultimately work mostly in their specialty area because it’s what they like and is more lucrative (usually).

You can practice the way you want to, as long as it’s within your scope of practice. Cosmetic procedures are out of my interest or area of knowledge..... but people do them.

If general medicine really is your love, I wouldn’t waste 2-3 years doing fellowship.

Edit. Lots of specialist, especially in academic centers, look down on general medicine and/or specialized to avoid the general medical stuff, but not all of them.
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Possible? Sure.

Likely (other than in a rural area)? Not really.

The reason most of us do sub-specialties is to be able to focus our attention and care on one area. Doing so (correctly) almost necessitates letting go of keeping up with all of the changes in general medicine. There are definitely people that do it, but I agree that if you know you want to be a generalist, don't bother with a fellowship.

If you know you want a sub-specialty, don't bother getting a job as a generalist and try to work your sub-specialty into it.
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I’ve seen it a few times. I generally would not do it personally... I got away from general IM for a reason. On occasion though there are some jobs which combine the two.

If you like general IM I would agree that it’s probably not worth the extra years of fellowship