political views of pharmacists poll

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So you know that behavior change usually requires more than education. Just knowing that something is addictive or that doing something risks your health isnt usually enough to prevent or stop you from doing it.

The donut I ate this morning speaks for itself.

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So you know that behavior change usually requires more than education. Just knowing that something is addictive or that doing something risks your health isnt usually enough to prevent or stop you from doing it.

The donut I ate this morning speaks for itself.
It sure stopped me from becoming addicted. You don’t agree that it’s the result of poor choices? Are people mindless robots programmed to self destruct? Do we not have free will?

I treat the patients with compassion because at work, it’s my job to help not judge. But that doesn’t mean they’re not responsible for their actions or their condition couldn’t have been easily prevented.
Youre right, we are responsible for our actions. It was my choice to eat that donut and I will have to deal with the consequences. But I wouldnt have eaten the donut if someone else didn't make it and offered it to me for free. I'm certainly not blaming that other person for the choice I made, I'm just saying my choice did not happen in a vacuum, and I would have made a very different choice if the donut wasnt easily accessible to me.

Did you mean to say that you would’ve made a very different choice if you had any sort of willpower to stick to your diet? This thread is getting odd.

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This thread is now a joke. People seriously think i should be responsible for the obese, gambling addicts, and poor, because they had no choice?

Every single one of these people made a choice in their life. That is not my problem.

Please would everyone get off their high horse. Your thoughts are wrong and no change would have prevented any of those people from becoming poor, obese, or addicted. They made those choices on their own.
I didn’t fill and verify that incorrect rx; clearly I️t was the physicians fault for writing I️t and not mine.

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Democrats: We are the party of science!
Republicans: LMAO! No, you are the party of crybabies and snowflakes.
Democrats: No we're no-
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I was making a joke about your lack of will power and eating said donut, and then blaming the guy who earns a living making donuts for causing you to gain weight because you didn’t have the discipline to not eat excess calories. You’re chasing the rabbit hole way too far. Liberal logic at its finest here.

Again, if I fill and verify an incorrect rx, is I️t my fault, or the physicians for writing I️t incorrectly? With your logic I️t wouldn’t be my fault (see donut example). In a court of law, who would be held liable for not catching the error?

Sure there are variables outside your control, but at the end of the day... your choice is still your choice.

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I haven't really talked much about blame and fault, but to your question, if it was my responsibility to fill the rx correctly and I didn't, then I failed at that responsibility and need to take accountability for it.

Thank you for finally admitting it's each individuals fault and they should take responsibility.

That concludes this thread everyone.
What is the "it" that you are referring to in this sentence? I don't think I ever disagreed with you that people need to take responsibility for things that they are responsible for. I think our disagreement lies in what exactly we are responsible for.

People are responsible for their actions. So if two teens have an accident together and now neither try to further their career, I shouldn't need to take care of them.
You should or shouldn't do whatever you feel is right and true to you. Another person might argue that it is their responsibility to take care of those teens, and that's not wrong either.
I'm just glad you agree that your opinion isn't necessarily right.

The question is, why aren't you giving $18k to charity right now?
Wait, so is my opinion that different people have different perceptions of what their responsibility is, and that those perceptions are neither wrong nor right but just are, is that opinion not necessarily right?

I'm just glad you understand your opinion may not be correct.

Is that the question? What would giving 18k to charity right now prove?

Don't you want to help others out?
Well, it's not like there's no entitlements for the rest of us. Sure, everyone paying for the mistakes of a few isn't an ideal system, but that's just a small part of the problem. There are so many issues as well if we want to go down that road.

Honestly, why should parents with kids receive tax deductions or receive tax credits for money used on child care?
Why allow people to utiliize 401k?
Why are public universities subsidized?
Why are capital gains taxes so low?
How do corporations get away with using illegal offshore tax shelters?

In our own way, we're all trying to "abuse" the system for our own benefit. I personally don't see the point on focusing on just the poor people abusing the system when the problem is obviously systemic. There are just so many ways to use or abuse the tax system.
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Sure, but there are a lot of different ways to help people. I am not sure that giving 18k to charity right now is necessarily the best way for me to be helpful.

But isn't this what you want? Or is it you want everyone to give and not just you? This is my point. Not everyone agrees that they should be forced to give out to "government charities", they want to choose on their own.

I'm pretty sure while most places love people to give their time to help out.....18k would sound much better.
Government's job is to protect the welfare of citizens, and can be held accountable for doing their job (via courts, elections, etc.), while charities, generally, cannot be held accountable to the same degree.

I don't think this can be said with certainty.

I guess I don't understand why you want to wait to pay more taxes and not give now.
Sorry, I just added a quick edit while you were responding to this... just to repeat, could i do more and be better about how I invest disposable income? yes, definitely. does that mean I should give all my disposable income to charity? maybe, if I truly think that's what I should do. I would be a lot more comfortable giving more money to charity if I knew that there was a solid safety net to catch me if I ever became disabled or lost my job.

Or to answer more directly to your question, because I have anxiety about scarcity.

Well that's why I'm waiting until retirement to contribute more to society, money wise at least. The more I'm able to keep and invest, the larger it will be unlike being taxed more.
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What I want is to take into consideration the impact my actions have on other people as I go about my life. I am not arguing that anyone needs to sacrifice beyond their means or martyr themselves (and if you owe so much in taxes that you end up homeless and starving, then something is wrong with the system and needs to be fixed, no argument there). If giving 18k to charity doesn't take away from your other responsibilities, like feeding yourself, saving for retirement, paying your mortgage, etc., and if you have any sense of obligation to that charity - say, they helped you or someone you care about when you were in a rut - then by all means, give to charity.

Also, lets be clear, giving to charity is not the same thing as paying taxes. Government's job is to protect the welfare of citizens, and can be held accountable for doing their job (via courts, elections, etc.), while charities, generally, cannot be held accountable to the same degree. Government has centralized power and authority that charities do not, and which allow government to be more effective and efficient than charities. Having a well-funded, well-functioning government is critical for my ability to earn an income, so I do feel an obligation to pay taxes. I acknowledge that it is not a perfect system - there is corruption and waste - but the solution is not to abandon the entire institution, but rather to work on making it better.

edit: could i do more and be better about how I invest disposable income? yes, definitely. does that mean I should give all my disposable income to charity? maybe, if I truly think that's what I should do. I would be a lot more comfortable giving more money to charity if I knew that there was a solid safety net to catch me if I ever became disabled or lost my job.

The solution is actually to shrink the power of the government so the people and the government can work in a symbiotic relationship. No one is saying do away with the entire government, but a lot of big government programs are completely useless and should be cut. There is corruption and waste because we give them so much power to do whatever they will with our income and taxes. With the amount of corruption that has been coming out of washington, Why would you think the government can spend your money better than you can? I would say it's debatable that the government has been held accountable more than private charities. That centralized power has grown too much in the past decade.
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@giga I actually want the programs, but I have a huge problem with inefficient use of our tax money, the corruption, waste, abuse, and fraud. What does suing the government accomplish? That just seems to punish taxpayers by stealing their money to pay for wrongs committed by the government. I want universal healthcare, but look at the VA.

Do you not know that lazy people get excited about getting a government job? They say it’s pretty much impossible to get fired so you can do whatever you want, good benefits, pension, good vacation time and all holidays off.

Does it not bother you that they don’t use taxpayer money to provide universal healthcare but somehow always have money for unjust wars (Iraq) and baby killing drones? The US war in Iraq cost TRILLIONS of dollars. That money could not have been used more productively on social programs here?

We already pay money into social security, but I’m being told I shouldn’t expect that money to be there for me when I retire. Why would people want to support government programs, only to be stolen from and lied to?

I am one of the few on here who was actually a Bernie supporter, and I agree that we need government programs like healthcare and education for all, but no one is addressing my concerns listed above.

It works in Europe but I don’t think it would work here. Our government has too many problems with corruption, war mongering, not representing citizens, etc. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like Western European governments are held accountable whereas ours is not. There is corruption everywhere, but to a lesser extent there.
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To all the people who act like they live in a bubble, we have a real mental health crisis in this country. You don’t want to pay for social and healthcare services for others, but it affects innocent people. Lunatics are running wild shooting down innocent people in elementary schools, movie theatres, college campuses, clubs, concerts, churches. Maybe if these people sought a mental health professional early on, some of these mass shootings could have been prevented.

I know from working in the ER that lack of mental health services is a huge problem. We have so many patients camping out in the ED waiting on a psych bed. Even when they are admitted to a psych unit, they don’t receive the help they need once they are discharged. What do you think happens to these people? You think they leave and they become helpful members of society from a short inpatient stay? They need ongoing help so they can begin to heal.
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