PharmD Personality Types

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what do ya know....i'm a about oddball of pharmacy HAHA j/k folks :D

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I came up with the same score/title (ENFJ). I mean I agree somewhat with it and the interpretation of the results by Keirsey did ring some bells with my personality but it got me to wondering: do most people answer honestly or instinctively answer the way that they perceive themselves as? and If so, does this test take that into account? (hmmm, I should ask my Biostats professor when I get back from vacation) I tried to answer as honestly as possible but like you I cant explain some of the conclusions that it came up with:I coundnt care less for rules yet it scored me w/ 44% judging. So Either that info from your seminar about perceivers vs. judgers is flawed or this test is. I know this isnt a "real" test but I was just wondering.

The test I took was much longer than the online tests posted. It was given by psychologists at a seminar. There were many questions that were worded differently based on situations. I believe that more questions will give you a more accurate picture of your personality type. You can probably find the long form online somewhere.
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I am an INFJ.

I found this on a website somewhere:

Perseving v Judgeing:
A J wants a watch: Looks at a few candidates and buys one. Done.
A P wants a watch: Looks at a few candidates and buys one. Keeps lookng at watches. Ya never know, might find something neat. Buys second watch.

A J wants to know what time it is: Looks at watch. Done.
A P wants to know what time it is: Looks at watch. Looks at second watch. They don't match. Can't decide. Need more data!
I got ISFJ
I = 22%
S = 1%
F = 38%
J = 44%

You are:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personal
I'm an ENTJ (Though the E is borderline and sometimes an I).

Anyone ever done a DiSC test? Those pretty good too. I'll see if I can find a link.
That test said I was ESTP type. HMMM.... not real sure if I agree with all these answers but whatever. Anyway I don't have to have the perfect personality to be a pharmacist, I'll find a way to make it work.
ISTJ all the way here........
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I've heard that those who do not handle stress well choose Pharmacy and those who can go to Medicine
I am borderline E/I this time I got ISTJ, sometimes I get ESTJ. The older I get and the more people I meet, the more "I" I become.
ENFJ- teacher idealist!
ISTJ too! Crazy

edited to add: my boyfriend called me up and said "You know how you said, 'wow so many people in pharmacy are ISTJ!!' well maybe its just the types of people who post on a pharmacy message board.."

I think the I and the J are on the slight end though, so I am *almost* an ENFP!:)
INTJ...with J being very slight...
i stumbled upon this and found it very interesting. Im an ENFJ and moderate for all. i think the ultimate determinant on how happy you will be in your profession is your everyday attitude. you've got to make a choice everyday to be happy doing it. i always see these threads about what makes a good pharmacist and what type of personality is suited for pharmacy. but a career as a pharmacist will be like everything else in get back what you put in. if all you are contributing is negativity then all you're gonna get is negativity.
i thought it might be interesting to see what careers are best for me according to my astrological sun sign to see if my personality fit pharmacy according to astrology. Surprise, it didn't. im an aries and according to this website virgo is the sun sign most compatible with a career in pharmacy. so im an enfj according to the personality test and an aries. before everyone goes and discounts astrology, i would like to point out that the test that said im an enfj, and listed several careers suited for my personality type. intrestingly enough, the asrology website listed the same recommended professions for aries. maybe there is something to astrology. anyway, fun facts for all of you who still haven't made up their minds. and if you are taking my advice and basing your career on some personality test or astrology you probably shouldn't be a pharmacist. both said i should be an optometrist.
i thought it might be interesting to see what careers are best for me according to my astrological sun sign to see if my personality fit pharmacy according to astrology. Surprise, it didn't. im an aries and according to this website virgo is the sun sign most compatible with a career in pharmacy. so im an enfj according to the personality test and an aries. before everyone goes and discounts astrology, i would like to point out that the test that said im an enfj, and listed several careers suited for my personality type. intrestingly enough, the asrology website listed the same recommended professions for aries. maybe there is something to astrology. anyway, fun facts for all of you who still haven't made up their minds. and if you are taking my advice and basing your career on some personality test or astrology you probably shouldn't be a pharmacist. both said i should be an optometrist.

Explains the way you see certain things.
ENFP . . . . .

i think theres something to be said for having a different personality than the "normal" pharmacist. You bring something to the table that very few others do, and if you channel your differences correctly could stand out as a better candidate for moving up in the business...just a thought.
Yes, I was wondering about that! I recently took the Myer-Briggs personality test and was researching careers associated with types. I'm an ESFJ and "pharmacist" wasn't listed as one of my "common careers." Hmm, ISTJ.. interesting.
I just took the test and I scored INFJ -- close!
Our P1 pharmacy class took that test and out of 90 people we did not have one person who was a P (perceiving). Kind of crazy.
I'm and ISTJ.
According to the test from the link above I’m INTJ
I'm an ESFJ too--we rock! w00t! :D :thumbup:
i'm INTJ too!
just did the test on and scored INTJ

I definitely should consider another career, probably real estate.....

well off i go..........
im ISTJ.. i see a lot of people are the same!
INTJ (there seem to be quite a few of us :D)
I took this my freshman year of undergrand, and again my senior year, while a lot changed, I was like 99& extroverted in both cases.

it seems odd to me that introverted personality types would be better suited to pharmacy. The part I like most is the interaction with (most) people

this is interesting

Edit: Ok I took the test (even though I need to be studying):

ESFP 78 12 25 22. That pretty much sums me up.
I'm an [SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2] ENTP

[/SIZE]22 38 1 56I'm not super strong in any one category, though I agree that I like to perceive more.
I'm an INFP. I've known about personality types since I was 13 years old. My mother wanted me to go to med school to be a psychiatrist because I'm good in science and the humanities, but after working in a pharmacy, I knew there would be enough crazy people to interact with:D My mother is an INTJ.
There are other websites which use Myers-Briggs typology, but they look further into the dynamics of relationships between the types.
The website that we currently use in called In Socionics, which is now very interesting, ISTJs and INFPs are activity partners.
This is a really interesting thread. I showed up as ISTJ by taking the test with the link provided.

Several years ago I took the Myers-Briggs test and came up as INTP.

I wonder if I'll change after pharmacy school...

To reiterate what someone else mentioned earlier, I also think some pharmacists can be obsessive-compulsive. Organization is important in working in a pharmacy.
I took it and Iam a INFJ

You are:
slightly expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

distinctively expressed feeling personality

very expressed judging personality

Interesting since I would consider myself an extrovert.LOL
i have been taking this test over for the past 4 years and i still get INFJ
This is a really interesting topic. I'm very much a creature of habit. I always sat in the same chair for class when I was in school. I always park in the same parking spot at work. Things that are repetitive don't really seem boring to me but are more comfortable since they are familiar. Adults throwing fits in front of me doesn't really bother me. I usually just let them finish the ranting and arm flailing then ask them with an amused smile if they are finished and ready to start acting like an adult so that I can help them. I think those two personality traits listed above will be helpful when I am working as a pharmacist. Repetition is just part of the game and grouchy people are just par for the course.

*Edit* I should probably also mention that the first time pharmacy was even mentioned to me was after I took a test in undergrad. It asked you a lot of questions about your personality/likes/dislikes and then matched your personality with different jobs. One was a hotel manager (already worked in hotels and I loved it), a physician (maybe if I was younger). Then pharmacist was mentioned. What? Like I'd want to stand around all day and count pills? Are they crazy?! Well after learning more about pharmacy and volunteering in a pharmacy I have to admit...the test was right.

Glowwyrm, I think your my twin, right down the the hotel experience. :)