"Pharmacy offers pot menu" - CNN video

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Pharmacy Supernerd
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Apr 24, 2004
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When I think of medicinal marijuana, I don't think of patients getting to choose from a line of products or of premade "edibles" being dispensed. And, what is up with a referral rather than a prescription? Is it not a CII in CA? :confused:

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isn't it a federal CI? I thought that the higher control class prevails? I never really understood how that could work
Cannibus is considered a C1. Damn CA and their werid laws. I wonder how does that work since state laws have to be "stricter" than federal law.
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One last thing... do you think she is being more of a manufacter than a pharmacist?
It definitely looks like there is some manufacturing going on based on the glance CNN provided.

Scheduling is a state's rights issue. Powers not specified in the US Constitution are reserved to the states and all that. When the distribution system extends outside of the state, the federal government can cite the commerce clause and claim they have the authority to regulate trade. If growth and distribution were done through in-state, closed systems that same authority would theoretically not apply. Who knows what is going on at that place.
The stricter law does apply.

California allows medical marijuana in their state, which means that they will not send state authorities to bust what is, in their eyes, "legitimate" trade of MJ. This has absolutely no effect on the federal government. The G-men are still perfectly within their rights to arrest and charge anyone involved in the process (and often do).

I'll have to find the articles, but I've read a few about the DEA and the like taking down the distributors and people growing it for personal use.
For those that missed it, the feds stated earlier in the year that they were going to stop enforcing marijuana laws in California.

I think it would be hilarous if the FDA came in and shut them down for improper manufacturing processes though...lol...
I heard her say it's used for depression. I really think that getting stoned as a treatment for depression would be a horrible idea. Overall, it might alleviate immediate symptoms like anxiety, but it's bound to make existing problems worse and evoke new ones. just a thought.
For those that missed it, the feds stated earlier in the year that they were going to stop enforcing marijuana laws in California.

I think it would be hilarous if the FDA came in and shut them down for improper manufacturing processes though...lol...

That's a cop-out if I've ever heard one. Every ***** with a fake toeache is going to be able to get marijuana now. If the government is going to allow California to have medical marijuana, then it should be regulated just like any other. Legitimate prescription (none of the "referrals" to the guy on the corner) gotten through legitimate channels (grown by a bona-fide drug company, not in a backwoods town in Chihuahua). GHB is on the marked as both a Schedule I and III drug, why can't marijuana be dealt with in the same way?

This is purely for medical marijuana, by the way. Legalizing it is a whole 'nother issue.
Anderson Cooper truly is one of the best reporters.... i would never be able to conduct this interview with such a neutral demise.... this is pretty ludacris to me... and as far as safety, wouldn't even think about opening a pharmacy like this. Too dangerous.
The DEA can remove their license any time now. Marijuana is still a C-1 drug. It has been decided when it comes to conflicting drug scheduling law, the stricter law always prevails.
I saw this last night on CNN and could not believe that California was doing this. I mean it's almost just like paying a doctor (apparently 200 dollars) to get a license to smoke pot. If they're going to allow Cali to do this they need to regulate it amongst all the states, it's just wierd that Cali is sitting over there in a haze of smoke.