Personal statement question

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Oct 14, 2018
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I am applying into family medicine this cycle. I failed comlex level 1 once. I was wondering if i should mention it in my personal statement and what it taught me?
I have had people say not to mention it in personal statement and some people say to mention it briefly.
What should i do?

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There's no "right" answer. If you really learned an important lesson and you can show how you did better once you made it to MS3 because of it, talking about it is fine. If it's just a bump in the road that you're glad you got past, it's fine to not talk about it too.

It is what it is, programs will either care or they won't and what you say about it probably won't make a huge difference unless there's a dramatic and tangible improvement you can point to.
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It will come up in your interview (if at all); you don’t have to mention it in your PS because it will be seen on your application either way.
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