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Jul 9, 2022
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For those in the outpatient setting -

Which office hours do you find are most in demand by patients?

As I get to be nearly full time in my practice, I'd like to block off some time to work out. Any advice as to the best time to do that, from a scheduling perspective, would be welcome.

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In residency it was always clear that appts first and last in the day were highest demand, presably due to work schedules. Also there were a clear group of vocal patients who didn't want to make any appts before noon. I'm curious if this is different for purely Tele practices.
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I am strictly tele in PP. Most in demand slots are 8-9:30 or so, 3:30-6, and, distant third, 11:30-1. Tele means people can duck out on their lunch hour.

If you were going to block out time to work out, I'd say 10 AM might be ideal.
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I'm kids so anytime after like 2:30PM is hot, sometimes earlier in the AM appts cause then they can go to school right afterwards. Agree that middle of the day (10AM-2PMish) is probably least desirable for most people, adults and kids as people either have to leave work or leave school middle of the day.
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Patients will generally work around your schedule esp with televisits. But beginning or end of day is usually busiest along with lunch
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I'm all about optimizing the schedule. Workout out before you start or after your day ends. Both give you a boost in different ways. Some people can't get to the gym by 7a or have energy at 7pm but if your maximizing profit 9-6 is not ideal assuming your booked solid.
I'm all about optimizing the schedule. Workout out before you start or after your day ends. Both give you a boost in different ways. Some people can't get to the gym by 7a or have energy at 7pm but if your maximizing profit 9-6 is not ideal assuming your booked solid.

Fair advice but my day is optimized for the benefit of my young children - as it shall be for many years hence - so my priorities are a bit different. I spent 2022 going to the gym at 9 PM but I tire of this. Sacrificing the productivity in the workday is very much worth it and is kind of my style anyways.

I thank you all for the input, looks like a bro-brunch rich in Iron at 10 AM may be best.
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I'm all about optimizing the schedule. Workout out before you start or after your day ends. Both give you a boost in different ways. Some people can't get to the gym by 7a or have energy at 7pm but if your maximizing profit 9-6 is not ideal assuming your booked solid.
Training in the AM is best IMO, especially if you train at a gym. No traffic, gym isn't crowded. Shower at the gym, get dressed for work, post-workout meal right after, then start work. Ride that post-training euphoria and zen-like state through your workday. Mental clarity for cognitive work much better for me after training as well.
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Agree that 10am is probably best workout time. Earlier morning patients can just go into work late and after lunch appointments allow them to leave work a bit early or just take the whole afternoon off. When I had open slots it was usually late morning or right before lunch.
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Training in the AM is best IMO, especially if you train at a gym. No traffic, gym isn't crowded. Shower at the gym, get dressed for work, post-workout meal right after, then start work. Ride that post-training euphoria and zen-like state through your workday. Mental clarity for cognitive work much better for me after training as well.

When my kids can find their own shoes in the morning, which at this rate will be their mid to late 20s, I may be able to hit the gym that early. For now I will pay the opportunity cost and do what it takes to get my lazy buns in there.
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