Technology PDA - Why not have a HD built in?

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Doctor G
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Jun 7, 2002
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If iPods can do it, why can't they through in a mini-HD into a PD to give you more memory? I am looking at them and want to use it as an MP3 player as well, but none of them have much memory (I haven't seen one with over 256MB). Thanks!

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Hard drives, no matter how small, have moving parts in them. Usually a rotor, a platter, and an arm that moves over / between different areas / platters when different parts of the disk are accessed. Because of this, a good amount of battery power is required to do the above. With present day battery technology, it becomes very difficult to provide power for an LCD screen, internal RAM, and processor for a reasonable amount of time before a charge is required. Compact flash memory is very battery friendly since it is solid state (no moving parts) and requires something like 5% of the power required by comparable disk drives. The physical limit of compact flash technology, as of now, is around 137GB but that'd be an incredibly expensive storage card. Point being, compact flash is much more expensive per unit of storage but much more battery friendly.

iPods have the luxury of not having a lot of what PDAs have so they can "afford" the added battery load of a rotating storage device.
To your second question:

You can buy stand alone compact flash cards in a variety of sizes from a lot of electronics shops / online resellers. Take a gander at, they usually have some sort of deal listing on one. Be sure, however, that the PDA you own / will buy has a CF slot on it.

I have a 512mb card and I can usually fit a movie + about 12 songs on it, or around 30-40 mp3s with no movie.
Thanks for the answers, I appreciate it! I have been looking into it more and I didn't realize before how big of flash cards you can get for a reasonable price. Thanks again, that makes perfect sense.