Only doing phase II for residency

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Jul 26, 2018
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This is my first time posting. Been a long time lurker. I am a P3 that had to take a year off school due to medical reasons and now I will be graduating the same time as my husband who is in medical school. I am interested in applying to a residency (more amb-care focused) but his residency match is at the same time as ASHP match so I will not be able to predict which city he will end up in/apply to programs near him. If I only participated in phase II, I would have a shot at being reasonably close to him. I don't want to live apart for a year and I was wondering if anyone had any experience ONLY participating in phase II for residency? I feel like it would be a long shot that one would be open near the geographical region he ends up and then to actually match to it. :/

I feel like this is a no win situation (live apart or not match) and I wish there was a couple's match like there is for med students.

tldr: anyone have any luck with only doing phase II for residency??

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I only did phase II and I matched. Just realize that your options are way more limited in phase II and what’s left may not be in the same city as your husband.