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10+ Year Member
Sep 13, 2013
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Can anybody recommend some good resources for clinical practice of OMT. Virtual, or physical,. If anyone has any links or PDFs even better!

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Can anybody recommend some good resources for clinical practice of OMT. Virtual, or physical,. If anyone has any links or PDFs even better!

Do you mean something for real practice or are you talking about something to prepare you for boards? If just clinically, I found the 5-min guide helpful. You can find it here:

Amazon product

If it's for boards, then I think Savarese (the green book) is still the primary staple. Wow, looks like there's a new edition:

Amazon product
If it's for boards, then I think Savarese (the green book) is still the primary staple. Wow, looks like there's a new edition:
Amazon product

Can confirm, even the 3rd edition (that hadn’t been updated for like a decade lol) was overkill for boards. And oh my god...dare I say that actually looks sexy?