OMG im so sick of these people

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Isn't that guy on the very left the doctor who was on the Bachelor? What a tool: "I used to be a doctor, but now I play one on TV."

Edit: Yep, it's him.

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i don't give a flying monkey's arse what people think, i wear scrub pants on a regular basis. why? because every other day i'm in research lab after class doing things with chemicals, stains, and other crap that could ruin the two actual pairs of pants that i own, and i can't afford to replace them. so yes, i'll go with the free pants from the hospital basement. yay for living on loans :thumbup:

The parents of the kids in their "karate uniforms," especially the yellow belts and the five-year-old black belts I see walking around in public all the time, are the true tools.
The parents of the kids in their "karate uniforms," especially the yellow belts and the five-year-old black belts I see walking around in public all the time, are the true tools.

haha I know all about that one. I used to see it at the dojo my brother went to all these years. I remember one time I knew this nursing student (nontrad) who had a son who was elem. school age at the time I knew her. He was in Tai Kwon Do and not that big and strong yet that one would expect him to have a black belt.

The owner was giving such trouble that she briefly changed over to a different form of Karate and expected that he should start from a higher belt color then white just cuz he was in Tai Kwon Do. It was kinda insulting in retrospect for her to do such because they were two different forms from 2 different countries with different traditions.

And at the Karate place the sensei didn't give black belts until you got a bit older then 10 or 11 i.e. 15 or so.

So I know all about it.
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Isn't that guy on the very left the doctor who was on the Bachelor? What a tool: "I used to be a doctor, but now I play one on TV."

Edit: Yep, it's him.

He may be a tool, but he has a pretty impressive education resume.

Travis Stork graduated magna cum laude from Duke University and earned his MD from the University of Virginia. He completed his emergency medicine residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. As of April 2007

Also, he is probably rolling in dough.
He may be a tool, but he has a pretty impressive education resume.

Exactly which part is impressive? If it said he graduated mag cum from MIT rather than Puke, I might be impressed. If it said he went to anywhere but a state med school, I might be impressed. If it said he went into a competitive specialty, I might be impressed. But he didn't.

He probably is rolling in dough though and props to him for that.
Exactly which part is impressive? If it said he graduated mag cum from MIT rather than Puke, I might be impressed. If it said he went to anywhere but a state med school, I might be impressed. If it said he went into a competitive specialty, I might be impressed. But he didn't.

He probably is rolling in dough though and props to him for that.
Since when is UVA a state school? Way to be a condescending snob.
Exactly which part is impressive? If it said he graduated mag cum from MIT rather than Puke, I might be impressed. If it said he went to anywhere but a state med school, I might be impressed. If it said he went into a competitive specialty, I might be impressed. But he didn't.

He probably is rolling in dough though and props to him for that.

Can't wait to be your colleague :annoyed:
Exactly which part is impressive? If it said he graduated mag cum from MIT rather than Puke, I might be impressed. If it said he went to anywhere but a state med school, I might be impressed. If it said he went into a competitive specialty, I might be impressed. But he didn't.

He probably is rolling in dough though and props to him for that.

You do know that many of the top programs are public right? U of M, UCLA, U of Wash (I assume wash is public at least), etc.
State school, private school. It doesn't matter in the end cuz one of those links above showed that the show has poor Nielson Ratings and is considered to be a flop anyways.

And yes there are quite a few public schools which are in the top 50 ranked schools. As some pointed out UMich, UCLA, UCSD as well, UTSW.

Hell, even UF (one of my state schools) is in the top 50 list of research ranked schools.
Knew I was going to take a hit with that one.

I go to a state school (actually I only applied to the school I go to), and yes I know that there are many great state schools.

I was merely pointing out that there were many things that would make his resume more impressive to me. Others may think it's very impressive.
Knew I was going to take a hit with that one.

I go to a state school (actually I only applied to the school I go to), and yes I know that there are many great state schools.

I was merely pointing out that there were many things that would make his resume more impressive to me. Others may think it's very impressive.

Oh I don't fault you on not liking the guy. I don't care about him one way or another. But like I said, the wiki link above says the show is down in nielson ratings. So it makes no difference one way or another.
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was merely pointing out that there were many things that would make his resume more impressive to me. Others may think it's very impressive.
Oh you knew you were being a little trollish and posted that anyway, nice work!

And yes, I realize UVa is defined as a state school legally, but in reality it's not so easy to define.

In 2004, resulting from a stark decrease in state support, the University of Virginia became the first public university in the United States to receive more of its funding from private sources than from the state with which it is associated.

It's kind of a hybrid. Plus, to use "state school" as a pejorative you're implying that the admissions requirements are sub-par. It's not exactly Montana State University.
The white coats are borderline funny. But looking at the guy in the scrubs always makes me chuckle. Where's the emergency?

Can't they just wear suits or something?

That bothers the crap out of me too. I first noticed it when I was home sick one day and was flipping through channels and Oprah had that Dr Oz guy on the show. He was sitting on stage with her wearing scrubs (plus $1000 shoes). He is a surgeon in NYC. Oprah films in Chicago. What a loser. I guess their audience research has shown that people now trust doctors in scrubs more than doctors in white coats (because doctors in scrubs can be your friend as well as handle your emergencies?). It's *****ic.
Oh you knew you were being a little trollish and posted that anyway, nice work!

Posting one's opinion does not make one a troll. Just because you disagree doesn't mean I'm wrong or you're right...simply difference of opinion.

To be completely honest I don't really buy into the thought that where you go to school makes that much difference. In my opinion the outcome of one's education is about 90% yourself and 10% your institution.
so today a buncha med students (i.e at least 70% of the class) went to some restaurant place to chill from finals for a couple hours and the crack addict that i mentioned in my OP that has a steth hanging from his rearview mirror decided to show up in....go ahead, guess....yep, scrubs and his white coat. and 2maro is our last final so unless he doesnt study, i highly doubt he was shadowing anyone today. plus hes out with an entire class of med students, so i guess he was trying to impress a waitress or random bystander. probably tried to look like a doctor with a sea of students following him.
so today a buncha med students (i.e at least 70% of the class) went to some restaurant place to chill from finals for a couple hours and the crack addict that i mentioned in my OP that has a steth hanging from his rearview mirror decided to show up in....go ahead, guess....yep, scrubs and his white coat. and 2maro is our last final so unless he doesnt study, i highly doubt he was shadowing anyone today. plus hes out with an entire class of med students, so i guess he was trying to impress a waitress or random bystander. probably tried to look like a doctor with a sea of students following him.


Have you ever asked him why he wears his scrubs/coat 24/7?

What is his personality like?
Ok, so reading through this thread I've come to realize that there are 2 extremes. Those that are anal about anyone wearing anything even remotely related to medicine, and those that are excessive about showing off the fact that they are in med school. Let me be clear that I find both groups to be equally annoying.

That said, I do have my own funny story. So we had one of those clinical medicine early exposure rounding things one day. Naturally you have to wear a shirt, tie, dress pants, white coat and stethoscope. After one of our sessions we were lost, walking around the hospital and this girl in our group starts talking about how much respect she gets in her white coat. I mean, this girl wouldn't stop, talking about how people see her differently, and all that fun stuff. Whether or not that holds true, it was getting on my nerves. So we are walking into an elevator to get to the cafeteria and there was a group of patients in there, they smiled and made room for us. As the door was closing, this girl smirked and was like "you see what I'm talking about... respect." Audibly. Now I'm thinking:


I was getting fed up. So I turn around to the group of people and I was like "yeah were new, this is our first day of class and we have no idea where we are. Can you guys help us get around." hahaha I'm pretty sure she is no longer fond of me, but I had to knock her down a notch, even if It took me with her. Thats ok, it was fun.

I'm pretty sure she went and hung out in Central Park after in her full clin med attire. Now THAT'S excessive.
I will admit it is quite fun making these people feel like idiots. I try not to talk to the guy I mentioned earlier, just because I would probably end up hitting him. But, there was another time when I saw another person from my class walking around the UNDERGRAD library (I needed a change of scenery) wearing coat and badge. I guess he recognized me and decided to come sit at the table next to me, but when he got close enough I said "You do realize we dont have interviews today right?" To which he answered (after several seconds of silence) "Oh, um ya. I dunno, its cold so i threw it on." May have slightly believed him if it wasnt for the fact he had a northface jacket under his left arm.
I will admit it is quite fun making these people feel like idiots. I try not to talk to the guy I mentioned earlier, just because I would probably end up hitting him. But, there was another time when I saw another person from my class walking around the UNDERGRAD library (I needed a change of scenery) wearing coat and badge. I guess he recognized me and decided to come sit at the table next to me, but when he got close enough I said "You do realize we dont have interviews today right?" To which he answered (after several seconds of silence) "Oh, um ya. I dunno, its cold so i threw it on." May have slightly believed him if it wasnt for the fact he had a northface jacket under his left arm.

hahaha. You straight up caught him. You know damn right what he was doing at the UNDERGRAD library. :laugh:
One girl I know, she has tatoo on her back that is symbol of medicine ( 2 snakes arounding rod). Its size is about 1/3 of her back...No kidding
By the way she is in pre-med. lol
^^ LoL, tell her that's not the correct "medicine symbol". (cuz it's NOT!).
I guess no one told her that the Caduceus is the symbol for commerce and the tattoo she was supposed to get is the Rod of Aesculapius.
The lesson here: Always do your research BEFORE getting some ink. Otherwise you'll have a permanent reminder of you toolbaggery. Last year, I heard of a pre-med that dressed up in scrubs and crocs before each new ER episode every thurs...that was a bit much.
I guess no one told her that the Caduceus is the symbol for commerce and the tattoo she was supposed to get is the Rod of Aesculapius.

True, but the military has been using it for quite some time now as a medical symbol. Maybe she wants to be an army doc? :D

Shame on me, but I've always thought the Caduceus was more pleasing to the eye because of its symmetry. I was going to get the Rod tatooed on my back after being accepted, but I decided skydiving was a better choice!
Oops my mistake it was Rod of Asclepius! She has right tatoo but my point was it was little bit early for pre-med :)...
so today a buncha med students (i.e at least 70% of the class) went to some restaurant place to chill from finals for a couple hours and the crack addict that i mentioned in my OP that has a steth hanging from his rearview mirror decided to show up in....go ahead, guess....yep, scrubs and his white coat.

Good Lord, if anyone in my class had done something this ridiculous in the first 2 years of med school, they would have been put in their place IMMEDIATELY. Word would have gotten around about what a DB so-and-so was, and then they would have been the butt of many jokes for the next 2 weeks, and rightfully so. I can't think of a single occasion during my first two years of medical school that called for me to wear scrubs and a white coat at the same time, anyway.

3rd year, you give people a little more leniency. Even so, my classmates would never be caught dead at a restaurant in scrubs/white coat (unless their attendings/residents were taking them to lunch or dinner during a work day or on a call night and they didn't bring anything else to wear). We recently had a social function inside one of the medical school buildings where we had catered food and drinks for the 3rd year students. Those of us who got off work at a decent hour had time to change and come back to school, but a lot of students did show up who were on surgery/OB/call with scrubs and/or white coat on. Some had just gotten off of work, while others were just taking a dinner break to hang with their classmates and ultimately had to go back. This was one of those situations where showing up in work gear was definitely acceptable. :thumbup:
i havent read through all 7+ pages of this thread.....but what about wearing a sweatshirt or tshirt that says X school of medicine? I wouldnt think that would be that tooly (especialy not compared to scrubs and a white coat), but you never know. Ive gotta learn the do's and donts before i get to school, or at least the ones that arent glaringly douchebaggish.
The best thing about scrubs is to wear them around the house the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas :D

I've seen exhausted looking people at the grocery store wearing scrubs. I am guessing they are residents coming off shift and just trying to quickly grab some food before they collapse at home. I can't even imagine thinking some guy is coooool and wanting to hang with him because he has scrubs/stethoscope on at a restaurant. I think what would run through my mind is...what a dork. I'm also trying to imagine what kind of pathetic females would be drawn in by this. It's just the prestige associated with being a doctor but, frankly, this is not where the big bucks really are anymore...GIRLS, wake up!
It's just the prestige associated with being a doctor but, frankly, this is not where the big bucks really are anymore...GIRLS, wake up!

wow haha
i havent read through all 7+ pages of this thread.....but what about wearing a sweatshirt or tshirt that says X school of medicine? I wouldnt think that would be that tooly (especialy not compared to scrubs and a white coat), but you never know. Ive gotta learn the do's and donts before i get to school, or at least the ones that arent glaringly douchebaggish.
don't flash it. it's just a tshirt, like any other tshirt. be cool. :cool:
You want pure tool?

I know a guy from college who got into a top med school. Like, top-top school. Bully for him, we all know he bought his way in off the waitlist.

So homecoming for college comes around, and this guy decides to come. He rolls up to the tailgates wearing:
1) scrub pants
2) "top-top med school" sweatshirt
3) top-top med school ID around his neck

All I could think was, he's an M1. All he could ever have need for scrub pants is to wear them to anatomy lab. And why on earth is he wearing his ID badge when he's over 100 miles away from his med school?

Of course, this same guy wore his party/bar plastic bracelets from spring break for like two weeks afterwards. I mean, really?

Well, he sure got your attention. :laugh:

My favorite dog walking attire, a pair of my scrub pants cut off under my fiancé's boxer shorts with a muscle shirt and red bandana. Looks cool and I get hit on by the old "codger" down the street with the toupee. :D
Well, he sure got your attention. :laugh:

My favorite dog walking attire, a pair of my scrub pants cut off under my fiancé's boxer shorts with a muscle shirt and red bandana. Looks cool and I get hit on by the old "codger" down the street with the toupee. :D
that's hot :laugh: