Official Pharmacy Investing (Stocks/Funds) Thread!

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They won't even bother to nab a patsy.'re like 0 for 30 this week. You're not even getting your crazy conspiracy theories correct. Slippin' man...

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Full List of Bankers at White House Meeting Thursday.

• Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO Goldman Sachs
• Jacques Brand, CEO Deutsche Bank Americas
• Michael Corbat, Chief Executive Officer Citigroup
• Jamie Dimon, Chairman, CEO and President J.P. Morgan Chase
• Sergio Ermotti, CEO UBS
• James Gorman, Chairman and CEO Morgan Stanley
• Gerald Hassell, Chairman and CEO Bank of New York Mellon Corpo ration
• Jay Hooley, Chairman, President and CEO State Street Corpo ration
• Abby Johnson, President, Fidelity Financial Services, Fidelity Investments
• Steve Kandarian, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO Metlife
• Brian Moynihan, President and CEO Bank of America Merrill Lynch
• John Strangfeld, CEO, Prudential
• John Stumpf, Chairman, President and CEO Wells Fargo
• Jim Weddle, Managing Partner, Edward Jones
• Bob Benmosche, President and CEO American International Group

Methinks somebody was in trouble in bullion market, hence the pow-wow of the International Working Group of Financial Markets, aka the goon squad for the Exchange Stabilization Fund.

And oh my, our Obamayomama has received a letter. This is getting rich. What's next? Letters to a network head, a SCOTUS judge, an American Idol contestant?

Let's see we've had a small-scale bombing and ricin letters. What could our thug govt have in store for us next? Cyber attack? Reports of mysterious mass animal deaths? Avian Flu outbreak? Nuclear reactor leak? MK-ultra suicide bombers on planes? Truck bombs? Or do we go bigtime and drop a nuke on a city and pin it on Lil' Kim or Imadinnerjacket? April 19/20 are coming. Go ahead and wiki those dates.

If they apprehend a suspect for Boston, it will be an idiot dupe the division-5 suckered into an operation like McVeigh. Perhaps they had the dupe in custody but he wasn't willing to play ball like Timothy who is now living large with Kenny Lay in Uraguay.

I'll be posting more later with links to very interesting stuff.
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It's been a few days now since the plunge in gold so the postmortems are coming in. I am crunching thru the material.

Here's Warren Pollack finally coming out of his Youtube hiatus:

Here's the Jackass with news that gold is $2000 if want it in tonnage:

Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson:

How the Chinese currency is replacing the U.S. Dollar in global oil markets

Keep your on the prize. Nothing has changed.
1) Interest rates are still negative

2) If the uneconomic buying of the deepest, most liquid market on the planet is stopped the world will implode financially within 6 months. QE can never be stopped w/o a reset of sovereign debt.

3) Of what asset on CB balance sheets would a revaluation fix the impaired balance sheet?

4) The BRICS alternate trade settlement system to bypass the USD will be coming online.
You realize Japan has twice our sovernign debt by GDP and is kicking around fine right?

You realize that the United States with a GDP/debt = 90% is pretty much the same as a pharmacist having $90k in student loans right? Not great but not end of the world right?
You realize Japan has twice our sovernign debt by GDP and is kicking around fine right?

You realize that the United States with a GDP/debt = 90% is pretty much the same as a pharmacist having $90k in student loans right? Not great but not end of the world right?

You realize the BOJ is monetizing the debt? Here's the take of a former Soros buttboy:
Wow! Did we just get our truck bomb in Texas?
Why does my position bother you? I chose to look at the debt in the system and recognize that is why the global economy cannot grow in real terms. Keynesism works when debt levels are low, but when saturation occurs then like Newtonian physics break down near light speed, Keynesism breaks down when the marginal utility of debt turns negative.

The stock market could go to 30k, but gold will go up to meet it at 30,000. The yardstick used to measure markets is being shortened to give paper assets the illusion of appreciation. Gold is the canary, the klaxon, the thermostat. It will be suppressed to give the appearance that debt instruments have value. It's gold versus the USTreasury bond. When debt deflates which would you rather hold? The move of recent is just part of the epic drama that will be this gold megabull market.
Why does my position bother you? I chose to look at the debt in the system and recognize that is why the global economy cannot grow in real terms. Keynesism works when debt levels are low, but when saturation occurs then like Newtonian physics break down near light speed, Keynesism breaks down when the marginal utility of debt turns negative.

The stock market could go to 30k, but gold will go up to meet it at 30,000. The yardstick used to measure markets is being shortened to give paper assets the illusion of appreciation. Gold is the canary, the klaxon, the thermostat. It will be suppressed to give the appearance that debt instruments have value. It's gold versus the USTreasury bond. When debt deflates which would you rather hold? The move of recent is just part of the epic drama that will be this gold megabull market.

You position doesn't "bother" me.

I think you are wrong. But nevertheless, you don't bother me, I find your conspiracy theories interesting to be honest.

I think widely inappropriate to hold all of one's assets in anyone one asset, whether it's 100% stocks or 100% gold or 100% bonds or 100% ammo.

Personally I choose to look at debt as someone else's income. If we as a country have zero debt; ie: if it was illegal to pay for something with a loan, whether it was a public loan ie: the federales or a private loan, ie: a car loan.... would we be better off? No.

Can we have too much debt? Sure. But it's not right now.

Right now the private sector is deleveraging. This is causing increased public sector borrowing and a public sector deficit. Whereas in the 90's we had private sector borrowing and spending that let to increased tax receipts and government surpluses.

Regardless----- I think you place too much value in a shiny, intristically worthless metal.
You position doesn't "bother" me.

Right now the private sector is deleveraging. This is causing increased public sector borrowing and a public sector deficit. Whereas in the 90's we had private sector borrowing and spending that let to increased tax receipts and government surpluses.

Regardless----- I think you place too much value in a shiny, intristically worthless metal.

The private sector really hasn't delevered. That's a myth that's thrown around. It's shadow banking that has collapsed and the Fed is trying to combat this deflation with QE. All this pushing of debt from the private banks to the public balance sheet will only socialize the losses in terms of a weaker currency. If the CB's take turns devaluing wack-a-mole style then it doesn't show up in the DXY but only against gold, hence the interventions time-to-time.

The odd thing is that Ben ultimately wants a high gold price to devalue the debt burden so a new credit cycle can start. He doesn't want a high gold price now until the banks have delevered of all nonperforming assets.

Another thing to consider is what happens when interest rates normalize with these debt levels? The bonds banks hold as assets will go down in price. This will destroy their capital base forcing the liquidation of bonds to raise cash in a self-reinforcing loop. The drop in bond prices will trigger interest rate insurance policies ( swaps) to pay-off. Any bank with net IRS exposure on the wrong side will have collateral calls and more pressure to sell assets furthering the pressure on bonds. Do you see the mess we're are in? This is deadly serious for everybody on the planet.

Again read Ben's 2002 Deflation speech, especially the two paragraphs under Fiscal Policy. He tells you what the way out is--it's devaluation against gold to repair the balance sheets. The is the "tradition" of gold. The fact that it has no real commodity use lends it being a Giffen good that can serve as a monetary anchor asset for CB's. Ask yourself, why do Central Banks hold gold on their balance sheets?
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Here's a letter from JSMineset today which emphasizes my point above.

"Blatant Falsifications Attempt To Hide The Drama

Dear CIGAs,

Since 1971 (when Nixon closed the gold window) the Dow Jones increased 15-fold and the dollar gold price increased 45-fold. What does this really mean?

The stock markets, economies, GDPs, increasing debt loads, and the financial industries are all corrupted and falsified. The Western economy has increasingly become a debt addict. Debt grows ever faster than the real economy.

The blatant falsifications of the financial industry served to hide the ongoing drama (debt/GDP). The entire financial industry doesn't represent the economy and its over productive debt load any more. That's why the Fed has to falsify financial industry paper gold to hide the evolving drama.

The entire world is now increasingly aware of the gigantic catch-22 we're in. The economy and financial industry is rapidly losing appeal. The affinity for gold metal therefore grows intuitively.

Gold value (anti-debt) will rise faster than the economy and the financial industry. Those in the know will leave the existing system and will move closer and closer to gold – the wealth preserve metal. A very natural process (transition) that grows from intuition (animal spirits).

This transition is irreversible. The Fed knows this as no other (corrupt) governing body. The money system and regime will try to keep this drama hidden from public awareness. This will backfire later on, sooner rather than later.

CIGA Patrick FG"
damn...oh man grumps forgot to take his meds again...this is the same conversation we had last week.
Fed's balance sheet up 66B this week to 3.337T

But that's not what's interesting. The balance sheet now has a separate entry for unamortized premiums on securities held outright and foreign currency denominated assets. They used to be lumped in together with other flotsam under Other Fed Assets.

Unamortized DISCOUNTS on securities held outright used to be lumped in with Other liabilities and capital. As of now it's a paltry 1.6B. Why give it it's own line? Why now all of a sudden?

Ben said in his 2002 speech he would buy foreign securities. Methinks we might get a surprise this Fed meeting.
Just contributed to my 2013 ira account and will convert to roth ira soon. Some pullback of the market this week.
So are they just going to kill the suspects? No trial?
Watching the footage of all the security queens gallavanting in their gear with the cameras so close and the footage of a husband/wife/blondechild escorted out of house early morning were obvious law enforcement role-playing for the cameras. This is all a production. Propaganda.
Ah now the painting of Russian KGB as the culprits. The building of a legend before the big false flag perhaps today or tomorrow. This mind control, sorry, tv coverage is really getting bizarre by the minute.
They caught the guy. Lets waterboard him and find out if he is working for the federal reserve.
FBI put kiddie porn on their computers. Threatened to tell mommy if they didn't perform a task.

Let's see him at arraignment if is alive.

Maybe he was killed last night and today was an exercise to see if a city would tolerate martial law. Get people acclimated to armoured vehicles and door-to-door searches.

Let's see if he's tried as citizen or enemy combatant. Public trial or military court.

What's really disturbing is with ubiquitous cameras, biometric software,and computer editing at any event anybody could be fingered, labeled public enemy #1, and eliminated w/o due process. There is no conclusive evidence these two had anything to do with the bombing. Photo evidence isn't what it used to be. All we have at this point is a narrative that benefits govt/security complex.

As for the Stein speech, the take-home point is that when a globally systemic important financial institution fails it won't be bailed out by taxpayer directly. The FDIC will take it into receivership and do a debt for equity swap. Unsecured creditors( depositors above the limit) and equity shareholders would get nothing. The problem is that SIFI's have trillions in derivative exposure and these derivative holders are at the top of the capital structure. These creditors would be asked to take writedowns and then given equity in the new entity. Problem is that once these derivatives are wriiten down these a daisy chain implosion would occur. All the SIFI's would have to be received at that same time for this to work even in theory.
F*ucking Bernanke! I knew it! My stocks have gone up, up, up! Why is he teasing me like this? He knows I am not going to retire any time soon!
Anybody catch all the calls on cspan this morning? Boy, there sure are alot of grumps out there.
Why $50,000 Gold?

Posted April 19th, 2013 by Jim Sinclair & filed under General Editorial.

My Dear Extended Family,

I have a huge number of emails all asking why $50,000 gold. The answer is that the bullion market is in the process of emancipation of the gold price from the fractional paper gold system. The actualization of the real price of gold will be its emancipation from the prison of paper gold. The emancipation will occur because there is no gold whatsoever behind the deluge of paper we have just witnessed.

The central banks have most of their gold under lease. That gold was leased by gold banks and then sold for cash. That cash has been dispersed.

There are no funds to re-buy the gold that the leases call for upon maturity. The central banks cannot lease out any more gold. The entire fractional gold paper scam sits upon gold leases that are exploding right now.

The attempt to hide reality by the can kick of pummeling the gold market with paper is going to fail miserably.

Every time you buy one gold coin you consume more physical. It is the physical market that is going to emancipate gold. Gold then will be free to react to not only the debt due to foreigners, but all debt.

Please take your time to watch the Canadian documentary on gold here on It exposes the fragility of the fractional paper gold system that is now burning down because leases cannot be repaid to central banks.

The real gold show is only starting. For a great deal of what the Free-Golders think, they are right.


The Free-Golders referred to are the cultists over at FOFOA blogsite. They are correct in that a massive revaluation in gold is coming but incorrect as to the monetary system that will emerge in the aftermath. They believe that only physical gold should be held and that miners will be nationalized and shut down. There will be no gold lending and savings will be held in gold in an isolated circuit above the physical plane. In effect gold would outside the Exter pyramid. I say balderdash. here are some of my posts over there refuting Freegold.

March 1, 2013 at 7:31 PM
GrumpsLabastard said...
"The BIS will not allow the distribution of all gold to settle claims. The mines of the world will be forced to sell to the BIS at the "locked" existing commodity price of gold. This will happen over many, many years as no other "official" market outside the BIS will exist."

This statement is absurd. This is just as bad as price-fixing. How can we on one hand have Freegold act as a spur 'n' brake for international trade and on the other hand have the BIS price-fix the miners.

March 2, 2013 at 2:27 PM
GrumpsLabastard said...
If govt taxes mines too high then they'll just hibernate until govt becomes reasonable. When Another was posting miners were hedged. That isn't the case anymore. The BB sold about 60,000 tons of paper gold. If there is honor in the system then this paper gold will be made good. That means mines will need incentive to work. It will be much easier just to print the money to buy it proper w/o the hassle of enforcing a punitive tax.

This is the weakest point of Another's forecast. It could be what we are seeing in paper gold market is not withdrawn support but a calculated operation to drain physical from the western CB's. Every takedown is being met with thick wall of Eastern CB bids that stand for delivery. Perhaps the Asians have decided they will control the gold market. If so then what does that mean for Freegold? Will the Asians let it trade freely or will they manage it?

March 2, 2013 at 7:53 PM
GrumpsLabastard said...
How can we have gold acting as trade settlement vehicle at one value, but the miners will be in this apartheid extracting gold for another value? We can't. They won't mine it for a regulated fee. Gold production would shut down and wait it out.

What Another posted should be separated into an account of what had happened to keep the oil flowing cheaply and his prognostication of how this naked paper gold would be settled. The former is a plausible explanation, but the latter is his opinion.

Yes, govt will control the mines through high royalties. But not so high as to be confiscatory. The Laffer curve illustrates that more punitive the tax the less blood you get from the stone.

If miners aren't allowed to enjoy some success, then nobody is going to explore for new projects. Grades that would be economical at Freegold prices, won't be bothered for a regulated fee that may change at that whim of govt--too much uncertainty.
So now how is all that naked paper going to be honored? The CB's sell their gold? War?

The Spice must flow.

March 3, 2013 at 5:23 AM
GrumpsLabastard said...

I'm referring to the gold on Eastern CB balance sheets. Not all is physical in their vaults. Some is still in Western vaults. Problem is that Western gold has alot of claims on it.

The paper gold that will burn is the unallocated held by shrimps. Allocated gold held by shrimps has been stolen to help fulfill obligations to the East. The Swiss are trying to keep a lid on this.

What Another said is that paper sold to the Asians will be honored if possible. If the Anglo-Americans are defaulting then that could explain the price action we've been seeing. The bull market is over and the Asians are manipulating the price as well in order to drain the West. I wouldn't be surprised if gold never gets past 2000 before revaluation.

There may be an agreement in place to hold off gold operations until China and Russia have enough so that a revaluation would give them 15% gold in their reserves.

Another's prescription for solving the naked short to the East is a clue his background. He's probably an academic technocrat involved in dealings with the BIS. The idea that mines will knuckle under and produce 2500 tons/year for just a fee is a central planner's wet dream.

March 3, 2013 at 4:35 PM
GrumpsLabastard said...

Once govt becomes an overbearing presence in an industry, capital withdraws. Confidence is lost b/c the rules may change. Take what's happening in China. All the gold mined is staying in borders, because the govt needs it either in citizens' hands or on PBOC reserves. They need that gold fast b/c the USG wants to dine'n'dash on its treasuries. Now they are paying the miners market price ( less any royalties). China knows command & control doesn't work. They've been there done that.

For another example, look what's going to happen under Obamacare. Doctors are withdrawing their labor b/c govt wants to dictate income.

For Freegold to work someone who wants to short gold must be confident that he can cover or get the gold back. If new mining supply collapses due to govt intervention then gold will go into hiding, it won't bid for dollars. Now fiat can't serve as MoE and trade collapses until a barter or stupid gold standard arises where gold is hampered by taking on MoE function. That 2500 tons/year of fresh supply is necessary for Freegold.

When Little Leto cornered spice production by donning the new skin and terraforming the desert so that he was the sole source of future production. Spice went into backwardation for 3508 years. Interstellar trade collapsed. The spice didn't flow. The power players CHOAM (BIS), Bene Jesuits, Landsraad (Black Nobility), and Guild (technocrats) had to make do miserly with their hoards until the ole bastard died.

Mine supply is our Arrakis. It should be treated well or else...

March 3, 2013 at 5:29 PM
GrumpsLabastard said...
How is the paper gold sold to the Asians going to be honored w/o new supply?

If no new supply comes onto market how can I be confident of making a round trip between gold and fiat over an extended period of time?

If gold stock stays static won't this be unstable? This would be a historic anomaly.

What I'm saying is that new mine supply is vital for Freegold to be stable, so that gold can function only as a SoV. If there is no future gold supply then what is the psychology of the gold holder? Do I dishoard now to start a business to grow my wealth? But will I be able store my grown wealth back into gold b/c the gold holder I want to buy from is scared of letting go?
To have that healthy dynamic that keeps gold out of hiding, the market must be confident of future delivery. That's why I used the Dune reference to illustrate what happens when the production of a Giffen good is taken offline.
I have to hurry before my next zyprexa dose...this just in

"... mother also decided to go the conspiracy route, and allege the boys conduct was "set up" and that the FBI had been following them for years."

There's a freaking video of them carrying a backpack in that matched the one that blew up, then leaving after the bomb exploded without the backpacks. Yeah, the FBI set them up...ok. :rolleyes:
You can argue that they dropped the backpack and ran when the bomb exploded. Just saying...
There's a freaking video of them carrying a backpack in that matched the one that blew up, then leaving after the bomb exploded without the backpacks. Yeah, the FBI set them up...ok. :rolleyes:
I've seen a lot of the videos, but none of them where you can see the backpack go off. Who's to say it was actually from the backpack?
Let's not fall for the primary purpose of this Boston event. It is to distract us and condition us for what's coming. The real story is the collapse of our economy and our Magna Carta rights. With the bail-in architecture in place our property is the Roman Cult's. It took them a 1000 years but they got it.
There's a freaking video of them carrying a backpack in that matched the one that blew up, then leaving after the bomb exploded without the backpacks. Yeah, the FBI set them up...ok. :rolleyes:

Remember this is the same media that didn't figure out Manti Teo's girlfriend wasn't real. They don't ask questions. There are legitimate questions that haven't been answered. They were running bomb drills that day with added security and bomb sniffing dogs. This hasn't happened at these events in a long time. This occurs in false flag events where the participants don't realize they have the real bombs. Where is the guy who was carjacked? He supposedly heard the bombers tell him that they were "the Boston bombers"? They let him live? Media hasn't found this guy. The older brother had interaction with the FBI years ago. Who cleared him? Could he have been a double agent?

We have to question everything we here from these official gov't sources. They just use the media as their tool. People in power have agendas and what better way to gain support.
also what happend to the guy they had on the ground and stripped naked that was all over the live coverage? who was he? a third suspect?
"The crowd is ignoring the obvious and will miss great opportunity, in our view. Today's negative real interest rates amid one of the most inflationary global monetary regimes on record presents a rare chance to capture significant Alpha if/when the monetary system resets again (which we argue it must)."-- latest from QBAMCO.

Boston Bomber Last message on Facebook to his Father : I have never done it , they set me up

"The crowd is ignoring the obvious and will miss great opportunity, in our view. Today’s negative real interest rates amid one of the most inflationary global monetary regimes on record presents a rare chance to capture significant Alpha if/when the monetary system resets again (which we argue it must)."-- latest from QBAMCO.

Boston Bomber Last message on Facebook to his Father : I have never done it , they set me up

Image doesn't look doctored at all. Seem perfectly legitimate.
Before police get me - "I have to hide because they know I did it".

Aren't all serial killers did the same thing? Deny x100 times even if they are already behind bars lol.
also what happend to the guy they had on the ground and stripped naked that was all over the live coverage? who was he? a third suspect?

He was the redneck patsy they were trying to set up. He is also pictured with a black backpack near the finish line wearing a blue jacket. Notice how the media dropped the story so quickly and never went back to it? They weren't the least bit curious who that guy was? It's almost laughable how obvious this is. Check out Alex Jones at There were several patsy groups set up near the finish line. This is clearly a false flag event.
He was the redneck patsy they were trying to set up. He is also pictured with a black backpack near the finish line wearing a blue jacket. Notice how the media dropped the story so quickly and never went back to it? They weren't the least bit curious who that guy was? It's almost laughable how obvious this is. Check out Alex Jones at There were several patsy groups set up near the finish line. This is clearly a false flag event.

really? this so called patsy just happened to be in the same area as the 2 susupects the night everything went down? seems fishy thats true...
Do you guys want to break rocks forever until you die? Or do you want to get rich?

The Rig Is Up
Posted April 25th, 2013 by Jim Sinclair & filed under General Editorial.

My Dear Friends,

Thanks to the revelation brought to the world regarding the paper gold fraud, certain gold shares will now advance by many hundred percents. Some are likely ten baggers like in the 1980s.

Good growing intermediate tier producing gold shares will lead gold majors, gold and all equities now to new highs in its own unprecedented bull market as the successful short of gold share hedge funds sitting with huge shorts have become complacent. There is a new definition to the right gold companies. They are the holders of the real physical supply.

The biggest move in gold shares in the 1968 to 1980 gold market was after gold broke from $887.50 to $449. The recovery from $449 to $750 witnessed the gold shares moving up by many hundreds of percents. The same is going to happen now because there is no significant above ground supply of gold. It has been stolen or purchased over the past many years.

The big dirty secret is out. There is no gold.

The formula for profits in gold shares in order of significance are:

1. Mid tier producers or those moving into that position.
2. Located out of the reach of North America or Euroland.
3. Strict control of overhead.
4. Huge comfortable short positions.

If true as David C says, the RIG IS UP.

Keep in mind that the repository of physical gold is the intermediate sized producer with low production costs and run tight ships overhead wise. Something other than the way colonialist majors are run with no attention to the shareholder or their host countries.

Physical gold unimpeded by the paper scam can trade at prices that will set your hair on fire.

It's time for people to put away your childish misconceptions and adopt a sober recognition of geopolitical reality. First, Matt Taibi's latest. Second, Lindey Williams' 4/24 declaration. And now Jim Sinclair. All converging on the idea that the countries we live in are not sovereign. There is a group of uber-wealthy families that guide events behind the scenes. The Venetian Black Nobility, the Papal Black Nobility, The Roman Cult. This is not tin foil hat conspiracy, it is commonly known but not talked about in the financial community until recently.

"People have to understand that going forward large deposits by ‘non-insiders' are no longer going to be permitted. The goal of this pre-arranged wealth destruction is to equalize the ‘new rich' and the ‘upper middle-class.' Those not on the inside, with the right families and the right companies, are not going to be tolerated in the ‘New Paradigm' of currency and metal that we are now moving into..."
The tally is in.

80% of deposit balances above 100k in Cyprus have in effect been stolen. 37.5% for immediate conversion into equity in a bankrupt bank, the other 42.5% as a future bail-in.

The FDIC has similar plans in the works. If you got money in a big money center bank........
Back to something with less tin foil and more akin to the thread title:

I have absolutely no investing experience (or capital at the moment!) but what is wrong with buying and selling stocks under $1? I have heard that it's dangerous and you'll lose big, but I have seen a few stocks fluctuate between 0.30 and 0.60 every single day. Why not buy when it's at the 0.30, sell at 0.60 and repeat ad naseum? It's been months that these ups and downs have occurred, so it seems unlikely you'll buy at 0.30 and it'll tank down to 0.05.
Back to something with less tin foil and more akin to the thread title:

I have absolutely no investing experience (or capital at the moment!) but what is wrong with buying and selling stocks under $1? I have heard that it's dangerous and you'll lose big, but I have seen a few stocks fluctuate between 0.30 and 0.60 every single day. Why not buy when it's at the 0.30, sell at 0.60 and repeat ad naseum? It's been months that these ups and downs have occurred, so it seems unlikely you'll buy at 0.30 and it'll tank down to 0.05.

check the bid/ask spread. check to see how often shares are traded. check to see how many shares are traded daily.
Back to something with less tin foil and more akin to the thread title:

I have absolutely no investing experience (or capital at the moment!) but what is wrong with buying and selling stocks under $1? I have heard that it's dangerous and you'll lose big, but I have seen a few stocks fluctuate between 0.30 and 0.60 every single day. Why not buy when it's at the 0.30, sell at 0.60 and repeat ad naseum? It's been months that these ups and downs have occurred, so it seems unlikely you'll buy at 0.30 and it'll tank down to 0.05.

Fast way to the poor house.
So what happens if QE fails to engender another credit cycle?

From QBAMCO's latest:

An inflationary leveraging perpetuates imbalances while deflationary deleveraging threatens the survival of the banking system at large. Hopes for organic credit growth, which would promote the former, are now fleeting. This, in turn, engenders the threat of the latter. Continued ZIRP, increasing asset purchases and a steep decline in the universal efficacy of it all suggests the time to press the reset button is quickly approaching. May to December 2013 may turn out to be the darkness before the dawn; a time we look back upon and choose to forget.....

When and if it becomes clear that Tim Geithner will ascend the steps at Eccles, we think it would already be too late to buy physical gold and resources.

If our scenario comes to pass, then bank, government and consumer balance sheets would be quite healthy following the reset and would be ready to expand.

We think all should question whether we are 100% wrong. If not, then prudence dictates some allocation to properly held precious metals. (Presently, it is less than 1% of all global pensions.)