Non-traditional Medical school route help!

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May 2, 2018
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I am a 2016 graduate with a degree in Communication Disorders. I have applied to Audiology programs twice now,and both times I have been waitlisted to the schools I applied to,and later rejected. One school told me,to my face,to considered a career path change..and so I terms of a go big or go home style.
During my senior year of college,i was observing audiologists in different environment settings,one being a hospital. I had also met with and ENT who had showed me the world of how cool and rewarding ear/facial reconstruction is with pediatrics.

The issue is,my bachelor’s degree is an arts and I definitely need to take most science pre-requisites to even try applying.
(Only knocked out chem l and all my biology)I’m 24 years old,and will consider any options that can help me better reach my potential goals
My overall gpa was a 3.25,COMD gpa is a 3.5 and I am currently working alongside audiologists and ENTs as an allergy technician. I’ve had medical experience prior to this job.

Has anyone else been in this situation? Is it too late? I’m not sure how to go around taking my science pre-reqs and beefing myself up in regards to looking good for possibly applying to medical school.

If there is anyone who’s in an AuD program also or already and AuD,is there any possible way of even trying a third time after 2 time waitlisted rejects?

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First of all... It's never too late. If med school is the route you want to pursue, I'd suggest checking out post-bacc programs to finish out those pre-req's and do upper division science courses if you can. Kill the MCAT, keep up your GPA's, get involved in some research at the university, and pursue activities that make you unique/fulfilled. I just finished a post-bacc. program and I'm matriculating this fall. As far as AuD programs, not familiar with the application process at all. But applying a 3rd time without making any changes to your application wouldn't be advised.
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