No More CLass

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15+ Year Member
Jan 18, 2006
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My last day of formal class in veterinary school is tomorrow. O. M. F. G.

Then just a few finals and CLINICS START MAY 11 :eek::love:

Holy moley, I'm excited. No more scantrons.:laugh:

So, as the months go on, if people have fourth year questions I'd be more than willing to answer, assuming I can escape from the wards!

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Congrats :)

It goes by fast doesn't it? I just realised the other day that I'm 1 month away from being 1/2 way through my program :oops:
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WooHoo! Me too. Clinics start on Monday. But we still get tested so I don't get to say good-bye to scantrons yet. But I do get to say good-bye to long hours sitting in the most uncomfortable chairs ever invented!
My last day of formal class in veterinary school is tomorrow. O. M. F. G.

Congrats Kris!!! Fourth year seemed so far away last I'm upstairs and finished with 2nd year...and I'll be where you are in just a year...and wow that's scary! But exciting too!!! I remember seeing your post of your rotation schedule too - lots of good path stuff for you, I'm sure you'll have a blast! :)
That's so exciting! When I head off to vet school this fall, I'll be starting by heading to clinics, though... :)
Okay, all my excitement has turned into me now freaking out. My schedule doesn't match up with the master schedule for my first and third rotations ... so I have no idea where I'm supposed to be on Monday. :scared: Oh the brilliant people who make these schedules! Grrr.

And of course it's the weekend so there's no one to call, I guess I'll spend tomorrow roaming the hospital to see if there's anyone there on Sundays who can help.
I think they'll understand some confusion on the very first day of rotations. I recall a girl that showed up for pathology rotations in the clin path lab, but she was doing the OTHER pathology - and I had to show her the way to OADDL.

Don't worry too much. :)
I think I have it figured out. Yay for professors who check their emails on the weekend!! :clap: The main problem would be that the rotation I was originally scheduled for doesn't start until 30 minutes after all the others. So even if they were able to direct me to the right place, I'd be at least a half hour late and miss the orientation part.

I'm still royally pissed that they (*cough*Lucy Kershaw*cough*) changed my schedule and never told me or else gave me the wrong schedule to begin with. I've spent most of the last week preparing for a rotation that I won't have for another two months. And I'm completely unprepared to start this rotation that I now have. Plus, now I'm scheduled for emergency on-call duty that I wouldn't have had with the other rotation. But I'll put on a happy face since part of our grade is our attitude. :):):)