New Paltz - NYCOM

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Oct 20, 2002
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Hi, I'm about to interview at NYCOM for their 7 yr med program with SUNY New Paltz... can anyone give me some advice?

Also, is there anyone here that can comment on the program?


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I can't comment on the New Paltz program itself but I'm sure it's equivalent to the NYIT -NYCOM 7yr. BS/DO program. Basically how the program works is you do you undergrad degree in three years and as long as you maintain a 3.3 gpa, 3.0 in the sciences and get a 24 on the MCAT u get automatic acceptance into NYCOM. At NYIT they fill about 35 slots of all applicants. When I got in I was #10 in my H.S. class and had a 1340 SAT score and LOTS of extracuricculars...they really look at that. They don't want applicants who get A's and sit around and study all the time...they want people who get A's and are very involved.
I saw 3 problems with the program. #1, you don't get to take several classes that would help you before you go to NYCOM. (Embryo/or histology, cell phys. etc.) #2 you don't get your B.S. degree until after your first year at NYCOM which means that you are locked into going to NYCOM and no where else. and #3, if you don't get the GPA or MCAT score before you're suppossed to go to NYCOM, you need to stick around another year and I know a lot of people then have a problem getting into NYCOM. (The school will tell u that you won't...but I know that a lot of people have in the past and are right now).
I personally switched out after my first year in the program because of it. I have already been accepted to 2 DO schools and I have to say, it's kinda nice having a choice on where u want to go. For me personally, NYCOM works.
If you know that NYCOM is ABSOLUTELY the place you want to end up and assuming you won't have any problems meeting their standards then this program may be right for you. It's really great not having to worry about getting into a medical school...with this program, you already are as long as you maintain their standards.
Hope this helps!
I'll look back at this post so feel free to ask any other questions!
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Can anyone help me with the interview? Is it panel or one-one?
For me, I first got interviewed by the head of the allied health department and then by a doctor from NYCOM...they pulled the good cop bad cop routine...but things went really well during it. It was so looooooong ago I'm trying to remember exactly what they asked. Mostly they question your extracurriculars and then the dr. from NYCOM asked me what I knew about Osteopathic Medicine, OMM, etc. Just know some background so they know that you really want to go into the field and so that they see you're mature.
If you get an interview that means you probably have the grades and the SAT score...they wanna make sure in the interview that you have a lot of extracurriculars and that you are a friendly person...It wasn't bad at all...Just relax and be yourself
so it's 2 on 1? and could you tell me why you chose NYCOM? and then perhaps why you switched out?

No...first I got interviewed by one person...then separately by may be completely different for you though so expect anything.

I'm still going to NYCOM but I switched out of the BS/DO program for the following reasons: You end up taking 20+ credits a semester which is a's not impossible to do but I felt that by taking so many credits I was cheating myself out of really learning and more importantly Retaining the information (which you need for the MCAT).
You also end up taking the majority of your classes w/ mainly other BS/DO students so you end up being around the same 30+ students for 3 years straight...while I really liked everyone, it made me realize I was cheating myself out of a real college experience.

For additional info. please refer to my previous post

There are various reasons I have chosen to go to NYCOM but the ultimate factor was residencies.
You can't beat NYCOM's hospital affiliations.
There are many other reasons why I chose NYCOM but you can read various posts in this forum about NYCOM to get additional positives about the school.
Yeah...I got into the program through Marist and Geneseo....I think it's a good idea...any idea which one would be better?