my chances at good school?

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Oct 6, 2002
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I am currently applying to med schools. I took the mcat my first time last year and got 29L : 11B, 12P, 6V. Not being very happy w/ my verbal score, I retook the mcat this august and scored
31M: 9B, 12P, 10V. I was very happy with my huge verbal improvement, especially since I am an ESL. I have a 3.9 sci, 3.85 overall gpa majoring in Biochemistry from UNC. My extracurriculars are pretty good, but i dont think exceptional. Since I was applying w/ not so good mcat, I didn't apply to any top schools (emory, duke,einstein,..) I wanted to. If I get into some med school this year(like ecu), do you think I should settle for it, or perhaps try to reapply next year to some of these schools early and try my luck? I would appreciate your opinions.


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Which schools did you apply to this year? You know you can still apply to non rolling schools i think (not sure so don't kill me if u can't :p). If you want to wait that's up to you but i would say give a shot (even late) to a few more schools. Your scores are good enough to put you in a few good schools.
What have you got to lose but a few dollares. I would really crank out lots of applications to top schools. You have a really good shot at top and middle schools with those stats.

If you get in anywhere, I would go unless you feel like you would be unhappy living in the area for four years.

Graduating at the top of your class from a lower ranked school will still put you in awesome shape for the match.
I agree with the previous posters that you should apply somewhere if you feel you have a shot, since you never can tell until you try. However, you should be aware that the two-point drop in the MCAT Bio score (which, by percentiles, 11 to 9 is a sizable drop) is something of a red flag and schools WILL ask you about it. You have an awesome GPA and solid overall numbers, so I'm not trying to tell you to get all worried. I'm just being honest that the drop in the bio score will raise some questions inside the minds of the committees.