Murder charges against Calif. doc seen as warning

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There are a lot of truly sick response on this post. Enough for me to consider again leaving this profession to seek a better strata of people to work alongside. Many of you imply it is the patient who is partially or wholly at fault when it was clear the woman was prescribing overdose levels of drugs. Many of you seem to be members of the now majority level category of physicians who think patients are irrelevant to medicine and treatment. It is really the highest form of wrong in medicine what some of you seem to by the implication of your words subscribe to. I know people like you, I call them killers. They ignore their patients and half do protocol while texting on their phones and lo and behold their patients frequently get sicker and then die. I am known where I work for testifying and offering to testify against "colleagues" when their patients die and I am witness to their misconduct. I take pride in my ethics and in being a very good person who wants to save people and take away their suffering and sickness.. I think many of you sound like the types of physicians and people in general who belongs in prison. What do you think?

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There are a lot of truly sick response on this post. Enough for me to consider again leaving this profession to seek a better strata of people to work alongside. Many of you imply it is the patient who is partially or wholly at fault when it was clear the woman was prescribing overdose levels of drugs. Many of you seem to be members of the now majority level category of physicians who think patients are irrelevant to medicine and treatment. It is really the highest form of wrong in medicine what some of you seem to by the implication of your words subscribe to. I know people like you, I call them killers. They ignore their patients and half do protocol while texting on their phones and lo and behold their patients frequently get sicker and then die. I am known where I work for testifying and offering to testify against "colleagues" when their patients die and I am witness to their misconduct. I take pride in my ethics and in being a very good person who wants to save people and take away their suffering and sickness.. I think many of you sound like the types of physicians and people in general who belongs in prison. What do you think?

Welcome aboard. How about introducing yourself and sharing your background and training?
Yeah, like Steve said more elegantly, WTFAY?
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There are a lot of truly sick response on this post. Enough for me to consider again leaving this profession to seek a better strata of people to work alongside. Many of you imply it is the patient who is partially or wholly at fault when it was clear the woman was prescribing overdose levels of drugs. Many of you seem to be members of the now majority level category of physicians who think patients are irrelevant to medicine and treatment. It is really the highest form of wrong in medicine what some of you seem to by the implication of your words subscribe to. I know people like you, I call them killers. They ignore their patients and half do protocol while texting on their phones and lo and behold their patients frequently get sicker and then die. I am known where I work for testifying and offering to testify against "colleagues" when their patients die and I am witness to their misconduct. I take pride in my ethics and in being a very good person who wants to save people and take away their suffering and sickness.. I think many of you sound like the types of physicians and people in general who belongs in prison. What do you think?

in as short an answer as i can do (knowing my own limitations on such):

it is because of our ethics and our desires to do no harm to the patient, first and foremost, that many of us do not use chronic opioids, and those of us who do use them use them, as everything else, in moderation and with careful consideration of the benefits and risks.

truth be told, it is 100, nay 1000 times easier to just write a darn opioid script than what we do.
Here is another post from same guy today(WilliamVonn)
in response to medical student bitching about a pt
That's your job *******. I'm the attending to a lot of residents and have fired 10 in the past 3 months as a result of carry around that **** attitude you are conveying right now. You are an unethical man and physician if you think it is an obligation of the patient to be polite, grateful, or anything else of that quality. THEY ARE SICK! Not clients at an accounting firm. You probably have not experienced that sensation or state of being often. However, I had cancer as a child and relate to my patients, and find trouble often with my "colleagues", perfectly. They are scared and unhappy. YOUR JOB is to take that away and fix their ailments. THAT IS ALL. You are not there to teach them manners, psychoanalyze, judge, or anything else in between. If you think it is it is time you lose your medical license.

I am sick to my core, and can feel it in my bones at this point, of people like you and American patients are sick of your type of attitude too. I represent and am seen often as a mediator because I am good and ethical doctor who care about my patients' lives. Go into something else quickly because your attitude is not welcome. You have no charity of spirit and do not belong in medicine, you ungrateful brat.
"I'm the attending to a lot of residents and have fired 10 in the past 3 months" Right.....

This is clearly an internet troll-

I suspect this person runs an incense shop above a craniosacral therapy practice, while moonlighting as a desk clerk for a nursing home.

Mods, can we eliminate the account of this person who is clearly not a physician????????????
There are a lot of truly sick response on this post. Enough for me to consider again leaving this profession to seek a better strata of people to work alongside. Many of you imply it is the patient who is partially or wholly at fault when it was clear the woman was prescribing overdose levels of drugs. Many of you seem to be members of the now majority level category of physicians who think patients are irrelevant to medicine and treatment. It is really the highest form of wrong in medicine what some of you seem to by the implication of your words subscribe to. I know people like you, I call them killers. They ignore their patients and half do protocol while texting on their phones and lo and behold their patients frequently get sicker and then die. I am known where I work for testifying and offering to testify against "colleagues" when their patients die and I am witness to their misconduct. I take pride in my ethics and in being a very good person who wants to save people and take away their suffering and sickness.. I think many of you sound like the types of physicians and people in general who belongs in prison. What do you think?

Wow, one thread makes you want to leave medicine? How fragile your attachment to the field must be.

I'm happy for you that you think so highly of yourself, and so lowly for the "majority" of physicians. I would think that an Axis II Dx of Narcissistic Personality DO should considered if you truly believe you are that much better than everyone else and live to be on the prosecutorial side of this profession for the pure pleasure of it.

But hey, it's the internet and hyperbole reigns supreme!

Do I get to pick who I share a jail cell with?
Don't feed the troll.

I agree. It is tempting though.

How do you "fire" 10 residents? In most programs the attendings would be the ones fired before one attending could fire10 residents. What a d***a**.
i like feeding the troll.

especially when someone who states he did undergrad at Princeton, MIT grad school, Harvard MD-PhD, residency Mass Gen, and fellowship Johns Hopkins... who writes as if he only has a 10th grade education...
The humorous thing is that I indeed am more ethically proficient (a better and more moral person) than the majority of physicians and surgeons out there. I take the obligations of being a good and pious person seriously for every facet of my life. Resultantly, I often am called overly moralistic in contexts where it is implied to be a negative characteristic. The programs I work in respect my credentials and experience, but foolishly care far less about the quality I have most of: Integrity. Now, you were awfully quick to whip out a DSM label for someone whose conscience is clean and who can normally handle criticism without becoming neurotic or exhibiting a number of psychiatric symptoms. I could come up with a glib psychoanalysis for you, but I realize that would violate the logically and intellectually rigorous spirit of the science I practice and have studied and the ideals of professionalism which used to be worshiped but now are at least learned to a certain extent. You sound like you have a lot of issues to have been so blasé about the whole business of a thread starting off with a news story about a killer internist and turning into a rallying opportunity to dismiss the laws that she violated as irrelevant and non-applicable or overly harsh to have applied to a medical deity (a MD). You really must be rather anti-socially minded to think that because of your degrees and the social status you have from being a physician that you are somehow no longer subject to and supposed to be constrained by the same rules EVERYONE else is expected to hold to and are to variable degrees held.

Many more of you really need to read mortality epidemiology studies and peruse the To Err Is Human report from the National Academies of Science Institute of Medicine.

I have a browser program in Firefox that joins together multiple webpages into one giant and scrollable super-page for faster reading and skimming, but it without my intentional interaction joined two threads together into one thread. So, my comments and the rhetorical version of my real actions I did not even intend on placing in a separate thread which looked like page 4 and five of this thread. An honest mistake.

But, obviously it was an exaggeration to say 10 fired in 3 months. In reality it has been 4 fired and 2 suspended over the past year and a half. Though, I did not and do not think truth held and holds much bearing in the thoughts of a group of young doctors who live on a different plane of existence from the rest of society where it is considered normal or productive to obsess over an internet message board that has few educational purposes where nearly every person individually has used their time posting hundreds of comments and musings. To clarify my professional disciplinary choices I will tell you the following details and perhaps you might gain a little insight and even inspiration. The reality of my life is that I have over a dozen times been threatened to be removed and have had it suggested that I leave my teaching roles for having kicked out so many people. But, the other reality is that no program that was run in keeping with the current standards of care would ever have bullied one of their attendings for having made the calls I have made. Decisions are made all of the time about the fitness of physicians by measures that reflect on intellectual and legal capacity and so removing students who are ethically and emotionally incapable should (and has precedent for being done even if not it not generally recognized) be seen as a parallel concern and effort to be made. It is only by running greasy and dishonest programs (JHH, JHBMC, and GBMC in Baltimore in my experience) that people are allowed to exist who make frequent decisions which would never be able to be held as appropriate or ethical by a medical ethics review board or court of law. I still have my job because of my diplomacy with my bosses and my bosses' bosses and beyond, as well as my abilities and experience. Three things which hold me out as someone who would be inconvenient to dispose of. The reasons why half of you have your jobs is beyond me (or rather it would be beyond me as to why and how you remain in the presence of a far more ideal medical system) if even half of my assumptions are but slightly correct regarding how you likely conduct yourselves in light of caring so little about patient well being. And maybe that is because you slept through your med school classes that taught about beneficence in application of medicine. But, if you had paid attention you would not hang out on this rather morally deprived Q&A (which I solely use as a frustration and disgust vent) board and behave as if the state of medicine is great and American physicians are kings among kings.

I doubt though your response was more than a jab at my image and an insult/strike against the idea that physicians and surgeons in the USA are not holding up to the obligations of their profession. But, I really do not care too much about the why's of your intentions and motivations (mostly because I sense you have a very cracked rationale for clinical medicine in general). I hope you can stop yourself enough to deal with your mental/psychological/personal issues and i wish this for everyone on this post and outside of it who thinks the quack spoken of in the article was mistreated by being charged and prosecuted as a felon. Seeing life and work as such a puerile and lowly endeavor is not an enjoyable or healthy thing to continuously feel. I cannot imagine how dark it must be to see the world so narrowly and spitefully.

To the last poster's sarcastic comment: Starting in preadolescence I moved to live and grow up in Baltimore, Maryland (I come from a family of surgeons who moved for work) and stayed there until moving up to board in Massachusetts for prep school. I moved back because of the lack of permanent positions I could find in New England (Harvard Affiliated Hospitals and Institutions and Boston University programs were cutting back because of a market spike which resulted in billions of dollars of loss to their endowments and the following recession) There was a hiring freeze throughout the majority of university centers with bioparks on the east coast. I received opportunities for short-term contracts that could and likely would have been continuously renewed on a rolling basis from many places in far closer proximity to Boston. All of the offers included poorer benefits and longer hours with less pay than I receive now.

Baltimore and a few other areas in Maryland have several bioparks that have been opening up and expanding the medical workforce size in Maryland in spite of the recession in part due to its physical proximity to DC, NIH, and UMD's and Hopkins' federal grant and private grant connections.

Proving I went to school where I did is too hard to do on the internet for someone who is not familiar with any of the schools' programs. Believe what you want. Its your loss. The biographical info that is about me listed makes perfect sense to anyone who looks at it without an axe to grind.

I know you must enjoy using that word troll. BUT, by the looks of it you have reflected far more about the childishness of your sensibilities than anything insulting about myself and my words.

I intend on holding to my points. I still believe over half of you should find new vocations.

And. Thank you for your welcome, Steven. Its strangely tense to say that in the shadow of all the airborne retorts and comebacks, but oh well. I have rarely been on this site, but if you wish I will revisit to message you about my days in training and who my teachers/mentors were at some point later this week. Posting it here would likely only serve as bait for those who want to heckle me. Maybe, tomorrow if I have time again.

One last thing. I do not know why this post came out the way it has, but the reply button to one person's comment has landed my comment at the end of the thread without clearly referencing where and to whom I was replying. So I'll let slide the plan of clearly expressing who I was directing my comments to, which I am sure does not matter to many of you.
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odd, isnt it.

this person clearly claims that he has a higher moral ground than any other doctor he knows of...

"more ethically proficient"
" good and pious person"
"overly moralistic "
"violate the logically and intellectually rigorous spirit of the science I practice and have studied and the ideals of professionalism which used to be worshiped"
"i wish this for everyone on this post and outside of it who thinks the quack spoken of in the article was mistreated by being charged and prosecuted as a felon"

i read those quotes and think of the Westboro Baptist Church...

his boasts also remind me of a quote about humility, of which i sense none.

first and foremost:
"Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast." Jane Austin
Someone call the Pope, we have a candidate for sainthood
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Someone call the Pope, we have a candidate for sainthood

A saint candidate that flagrantly lied about firing 10 residents in 3 months.
Nothing he/she says has any meaning after that.

Ethics run full spectrum, he/she doesn't get to just ignore what's inconvenient and then preach to/condemn others.

Reminds me of of the pedophile priests and the preachers stealing the congregations money,..etc.
I, on the other hand, am but a humble servant of man. Flawed and biased, cynical by nature. No better than anyone else, yet no worse. I profess to have ethics that are at my own comfort level and do not claim mine to be superior to anyone else's ethics.

But hey, if you really are Superdoc, more power to ya.
Completely sarcastic, I just cannot figure out the orchid stuff. Pretentious, self important, deceitful, judgmental and hateful are not traits of saints
Someone call the Pope, we have a candidate for sainthood

Methinks WillamVon's posts read a tad hypomanic.

Trollin, trollin, trollin...

Keep those trollies trollin...
Methinks you are a creepy ghosty Kazakh. So sorry that I am not able to uphold the high standards of Kazakh medicine. Perhaps, if I infected half of my patients with goat feces and let the other half die outright I would be able to compare to such a medical titan as you.

You use insults to rationalize your own mediocrity and abuse medical terminology to make yourself sound legitimate in your head and to the other docs who come to medicine to hoard money and play God for a good laugh and ego trip. Back to the desert now with you. I think I hear a camel screaming in pain who you might want to lobotomize while the moment is still open.
Methinks you are a creepy ghosty Kazakh. So sorry that I am not able to uphold the high standards of Kazakh medicine. Perhaps, if I infected half of my patients with goat feces and let the other half die outright I would be able to compare to such a medical titan as you.

You use insults to rationalize your own mediocrity and abuse medical terminology to make yourself sound legitimate in your head and to the other docs who come to medicine to hoard money and play God for a good laugh and ego trip. Back to the desert now with you. I think I hear a camel screaming in pain who you might want to lobotomize while the moment is still open.

Of course, I do all of the above, and with much great success ! :D

If you truly do think I hail from the great state of Kazakhstan, then you really are off your meds. :laugh:
I think you posted a preposterous bio and the quality of your thoughts are as good as a Kazakh doctor's. Let me ask you a question. If I am the mental one then why are you the one using Sascha Baron Cohen's jokes throughout your bio?
Mods-can we ban the troll? he is wasting everyone's time
Just like covering up your actions at the hospital, right? You instigated something that you can only finish by bury a knife into someone else's back. You are "great" doctors. The kind the Nazi Reich could have made a lot of use of. Fickle, dishonest, cowardly, unable to face reality and conflict that comes from people who disagree: Attitudes of complete tyrants. I really don't often think about leaving medicine as I might have stated before. Rather, I think about leaving American medicine for France, Sweden, or Denmark. Places where people have accountability and do not take great stride in operating their own private fiefdoms at everyone else's expense.

My comments are not trolling in the least. They speak to exactly what was being talked about in the original news article. A doctor who cared so little about medical and scientific standards that she overdosed three of her patients. I then examined the responses of the physicians on the post and measured their similarities of mind and ideas to that of what a negligent like "Dr." Tseng might show in her personality. I picked apart the smug and arrogant responses that only gave leeway to poor treatment of patients and explained, sometimes over-zealously, why I thought they were wrong and what I did not like about their attitude. That is how debate works. You few who are riding me seem to not like openness, accountability, and free debate. Perhaps, democracy as well. I don't know.

However, hospitals and clinical practices are not playgrounds for you to mess around anyway that fits loosely enough to match to your personal interpretation of ethical treatment. Medicine is a number of standardized fields that have specific guidelines and criteria for the majority of matters that come up in the process of diagnosis and treatment. You can ignore them all you want but it is always unethical and often times illegal. Stop acting like frat boys with scalpels (the surgeons) and prescription pads. You know patients and people who see through it dislike the condescending mistreatment and arrogance that spews out of the mouths of medical professionals who have wax in their ears for anyone who questions or does not react well to their habits. I suggest you GROW UP. You are adults. You're not children any longer and your responsibility to your roles in society are great enough that if you dick around enough you will land yourself in prison.
Just like covering up your actions at the hospital, right? You instigated something that you can only finish by bury a knife into someone else's back. You are "great" doctors. The kind the Nazi Reich could have made a lot of use of. Fickle, dishonest, cowardly, unable to face reality and conflict that comes from people who disagree: Attitudes of complete tyrants. I really don't often think about leaving medicine as I might have stated before. Rather, I think about leaving American medicine for France, Sweden, or Denmark. Places where people have accountability and do not take great stride in operating their own private fiefdoms at everyone else's expense.

My comments are not trolling in the least. They speak to exactly what was being talked about in the original news article. A doctor who cared so little about medical and scientific standards that she overdosed three of her patients. I then examined the responses of the physicians on the post and measured their similarities of mind and ideas to that of what a negligent like "Dr." Tseng might show in her personality. I picked apart the smug and arrogant responses that only gave leeway to poor treatment of patients and explained, sometimes over-zealously, why I thought they were wrong and what I did not like about their attitude. That is how debate works. You few who are riding me seem to not like openness, accountability, and free debate. Perhaps, democracy as well. I don't know.

However, hospitals and clinical practices are not playgrounds for you to mess around anyway that fits loosely enough to match to your personal interpretation of ethical treatment. Medicine is a number of standardized fields that have specific guidelines and criteria for the majority of matters that come up in the process of diagnosis and treatment. You can ignore them all you want but it is always unethical and often times illegal. Stop acting like frat boys with scalpels (the surgeons) and prescription pads. You know patients and people who see through it dislike the condescending mistreatment and arrogance that spews out of the mouths of medical professionals who have wax in their ears for anyone who questions or does not react well to their habits. I suggest you GROW UP. You are adults. You're not children any longer and your responsibility to your roles in society are great enough that if you dick around enough you will land yourself in prison.

Wow....I missed out on all of this. This is entertainment at its finest. Just admit that you are not a doc so that we can but you in proper context. There is nothing stopped you from moving to France, Sweden, or Denmark.
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Hey williamvon, how do you fire a resident? They have contracts and it is quite difficult to fire one!
Hey williamvon, how do you fire a resident? They have contracts and it is quite difficult to fire one!

very hard and not done by one attending. Any resident that is fired leaves a huge workload for the rest. Also looks bad in the match There would need to be a really really good reason to fire one. Firing four in three months, no way.......
very hard and not done by one attending. Any resident that is fired leaves a huge workload for the rest. Also looks bad in the match There would need to be a really really good reason to fire one. Firing four in three months, no way.......

exactly, that's how we know this williamvon guy is a poser. Obviously not a doctor and needs to just be banned.
Just like covering up your actions at the hospital, right? You instigated something that you can only finish by bury a knife into someone else's back. You are "great" doctors. The kind the Nazi Reich could have made a lot of use of. Fickle, dishonest, cowardly, unable to face reality and conflict that comes from people who disagree: Attitudes of complete tyrants. I really don't often think about leaving medicine as I might have stated before. Rather, I think about leaving American medicine for France, Sweden, or Denmark. Places where people have accountability and do not take great stride in operating their own private fiefdoms at everyone else's expense.

My comments are not trolling in the least. They speak to exactly what was being talked about in the original news article. A doctor who cared so little about medical and scientific standards that she overdosed three of her patients. I then examined the responses of the physicians on the post and measured their similarities of mind and ideas to that of what a negligent like "Dr." Tseng might show in her personality. I picked apart the smug and arrogant responses that only gave leeway to poor treatment of patients and explained, sometimes over-zealously, why I thought they were wrong and what I did not like about their attitude. That is how debate works. You few who are riding me seem to not like openness, accountability, and free debate. Perhaps, democracy as well. I don't know.

However, hospitals and clinical practices are not playgrounds for you to mess around anyway that fits loosely enough to match to your personal interpretation of ethical treatment. Medicine is a number of standardized fields that have specific guidelines and criteria for the majority of matters that come up in the process of diagnosis and treatment. You can ignore them all you want but it is always unethical and often times illegal. Stop acting like frat boys with scalpels (the surgeons) and prescription pads. You know patients and people who see through it dislike the condescending mistreatment and arrogance that spews out of the mouths of medical professionals who have wax in their ears for anyone who questions or does not react well to their habits. I suggest you GROW UP. You are adults. You're not children any longer and your responsibility to your roles in society are great enough that if you dick around enough you will land yourself in prison.

Godwin's law FTW!

(Do you know that one, or are you too busy doing everything, and everything noble, one man tilting against the winds - forget the windmills, while the rest of us "doctors", which we so haughtily and undeservedly claim to be, do nothing, or at least nothing ethical or beneficent?)
I am a BAC. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma? What exactly are you trying to get across?

Apollyon: So what if I compared someone to a Nazi? There are a lot of comparison's to be made for many aspects of American life to Nazis and the Nazi Reich. Mike Godwin's ridiculous aphorism is supposed to make me understand what about my comments or the discussion? I didn't discredit all medical professionals. Just several of the people on the board who did not even take a second to look at the validity of criticizing negligent physicians' involvement in the current state of medicine in the country. Its why malpractice insurance costs so much and there are so many attorneys gunning to tear hospitals and group practices new orifices. I talked about something, in the beginning at least, that should have been paid attention to in full. I said it in a very, very belligerent manner and that was my mistake. I shouldn't have spoken in a way where I was sounding like I had been looking for a fight. But, my criticism was valid and I don't think anyone could argue that at its core it was invalid. Medicine has regressed into something ugly and uncaring. I think something should be done and I believe it has to start somewhere. I cannot imagine that with my rhetorical skills much can be done. However, with the talents of large lobbies of doctors it might be possible to create a less contentious medical environment in the US.

Anyway, it sounds like none of you have ever had another doctor come up to you and criticize you about something serious. I do it and so many of you assume I must not be one and can only be an impostor. What am I then? Who would take the time to write about personal grievances specific to practicing medicine? Do you think I am a malpractice attorney spending time cruising the net for physicians to intimidate? Who besides someone who is fed up with working in a profession with personalities he does not like or enjoy getting along with would come onto this site and post what I have written? Its not a rhetorical question. Who would write what I have written? What would be the supposed career or life of someone who pretends to be a physician who might be burning out on doctor forums?

BTW, I got rid of the residents the same way anyone gets rid of residents. I investigated and documented their errors and brought disciplinary charges against them. That made it possible after several months to have their contracts voided. When you violate the terms of a contract, such as giving grossly negligent medical treatment, the contract no longer has to be honored. I never claimed that I walked up to a resident one day and said "you're fired. Get out." It was the fault of your erroneous inferences that you believe that I said or that it was an easy or quick process to have a resident thrown out of their program.
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I am a BAC. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma? What exactly are you trying to get across?

Apollyon: So what if I compared someone to a Nazi? There are a lot of comparison's to be made for many aspects of American life to Nazis and the Nazi Reich. Mike Godwin's ridiculous aphorism is supposed to make me understand what about my comments or the discussion? I didn't discredit all medical professionals. Just several of the people on the board who did not even take a second to look at the validity of criticizing negligent physicians' involvement in the current state of medicine in the country. Its why malpractice insurance costs so much and there are so many attorneys gunning to tear hospitals and group practices new orifices. I talked about something, in the beginning at least, that should have been paid attention to in full. I said it in a very, very belligerent manner and that was my mistake. I shouldn't have spoken in a way where I was sounding like I had been looking for a fight. But, my criticism was valid and I don't think anyone could argue that at its core it was invalid. Medicine has regressed into something ugly and uncaring. I think something should be done and I believe it has to start somewhere. I cannot imagine that with my rhetorical skills much can be done. However, with the talents of large lobbies of doctors it might be possible to create a less contentious medical environment in the US.

Anyway, it sounds like none of you have ever had another doctor come up to you and criticize you about something serious. I do it and so many of you assume I must not be one and can only be an impostor. What am I then? Who would take the time to write about personal grievances specific to practicing medicine? Do you think I am a malpractice attorney spending time cruising the net for physicians to intimidate? Who besides someone who is fed up with working in a profession with personalities he does not like or enjoy getting along with would come onto this site and post what I have written? Its not a rhetorical question. Who would write what I have written? What would be the supposed career or life of someone who pretends to be a physician who might be burning out on doctor forums?

BTW, I got rid of the residents the same way anyone gets rid of residents. I investigated and documented their errors and brought disciplinary charges against them. That made it possible after several months to have their contracts voided. When you violate the terms of a contract, such as giving grossly negligent medical treatment, the contract no longer has to be honored. I never claimed that I walked up to a resident one day and said "you're fired. Get out." It was the fault of your erroneous inferences that you believe that I said or that it was an easy or quick process to have a resident thrown out of their program.

Residents by definition are learning a trade. Likewise mistakes will be made. The goal of any attending at a teaching facility should by to edify and enlighten. If you were as punitive as you have suggested in this and previous texts, then you are part of the problem that you say you are trying to correct. I do not know of any program that has fired and or suspended 6 residents in an 18 month period. This would be suicide to the program as they would no longer have no bodies to do the labor and would have an awfully bad reputation in the match. This just does not happen. We all know this and this is why no one is taking you seriously.
Residents by definition are learning a trade. Likewise mistakes will be made. The goal of any attending at a teaching facility should by to edify and enlighten. If you were as punitive as you have suggested in this and previous texts, then you are part of the problem that you say you are trying to correct. I do not know of any program that has fired and or suspended 6 residents in an 18 month period. This would be suicide to the program as they would no longer have no bodies to do the labor and would have an awfully bad reputation in the match. This just does not happen. We all know this and this is why no one is taking you seriously.

i agree. i dont take him seriously, because he is obviously the problem, not the solution. Spending time looking to fire a resident, rather than working on training him to be a better doctor, nay a better person, is not what an educator does. His uncaring attitude towards the individuals whose lives he has ruined brings shame to the practice of academic medicine.

He demonstrates an egotistical narcisstic attitude that he is above all others. that is not the mark of a true doctor, and ironically it seems to be his true essence, while it is the very personality he riles against.

(i should also note his view of doctors is strikingly similar to what one would assume a doctor is like, if based purely on doctors seen on television...)
He's one of the following:

1) Trolling Malpractice Attorney
2) Trolling -Nurse Anesthetist

Agree with what someone above said. Residents are there to learn and be taught. I always thought the short comings or errors of residents in regards to patient care is the responsibility of the attending and the lack of his/her oversight. As someone mentioned, residents are learning and make mistakes, as attendings it's our ethical duty to foster them and enrich them.

Remember, we were all residents at one time. Keep that fact in mind.
He does not know what BAC means, he is a poser, why are we wasting our time? Mods close the thread and ban the troll.
or a dismissed psych resident....
..or just a pleasant fella, which I wish you guys would stop picking on:oops:
He does not know what BAC means, he is a poser, why are we wasting our time? Mods close the thread and ban the troll.

I am not just being contrary, but presenting an opposite viewpoint for consideration. The guy hasn't broken the rules (violated the TOS), so there are no grounds for banning. Even if the guy is making up the story about getting 5 or 10 or whatever residents fired, that is not prima facie evidence for banning, for, I have a story. There is someone that posts prolifically on SDN, and makes up stories out of whole cloth - outrageous things, and has never produced one iota of evidence. I called this guy out on it...and I got an infraction. I believe he is still lying his ass off. As I have said, on SDN, you can be a turd, but you can't call out another user for being a turd.

And, just as an aside, I also apparently don't know what a BAC is. To me, that is "blood alcohol content", but I am not a pain doc.
I am not just being contrary, but presenting an opposite viewpoint for consideration. The guy hasn't broken the rules (violated the TOS), so there are no grounds for banning. Even if the guy is making up the story about getting 5 or 10 or whatever residents fired, that is not prima facie evidence for banning, for, I have a story. There is someone that posts prolifically on SDN, and makes up stories out of whole cloth - outrageous things, and has never produced one iota of evidence. I called this guy out on it...and I got an infraction. I believe he is still lying his ass off. As I have said, on SDN, you can be a turd, but you can't call out another user for being a turd.

And, just as an aside, I also apparently don't know what a BAC is. To me, that is "blood alcohol content", but I am not a pain doc.

post #111 and #119 are grounds for banning
Anybody who after a week does not know that BAC=Bat As% Crazy is not a physician. (I know I am still throwing peanuts at the troll)
This is hilarious...... very entertaining
This is not just conjecture. This happened to me. Guy on OxyContin 80 mg TID x 1.5 years, stable, no evidence of abuse. Pt gets in MVA, 4 days later dies in his sleep. Autopsy shows subarachnoid hemorrhage. Blood tox shows high levels of Oxycodone. Cause of death - Oxycodone toxicity. Ignores the SAH. I get sued.

This is the problem I have with pain management as a whole. It goes along with my anecdotal experience. Most everything we do is a guessing game, and the effects are temporary.

You see someone with back pain and some pain in the leg. Maybe it's radicular, maybe facet, maybe SI. You try some meds, they help a little. You do some PT and it helps some, but the pain returns soon after PT is done. You do an ESI and they report 30% improvement. You inject the facets and the pain is another 50% better. One week later, it's back. You inject the SI joints and it's better on the right side, but not the left, but where it was hurting before higher up is now hurting again.

Nothings helps large numbers of people, nothing works long-term.

I think in 10-20 years, we are going to have a completely different approach to pain than opioids and needles.


We don't cure, or fix, or get rid of pain. We merely try to prevent disease progression or improve functional capacity.

Remember, pain in life is inevitable, suffering is optional. Teach patients to have realistic expectation to live with a tolerable amount of pain is part of our job.