MPJE Study Resources

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Jun 5, 2018
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Hey everyone.

Has anyone here used the tl;dr mpje cheat sheet? (I can't post the link because I haven't made enough posts) It's cheap compared to all the other study material out there and I was wondering if anyone used it and did well. Would this be enough or should I shell out money on some practice exams?

I failed my MPJE the first time and feel really stupid. I just want to get it right the second time.

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Hey everyone.

Has anyone here used the tl;dr mpje cheat sheet? (I can't post the link because I haven't made enough posts) It's cheap compared to all the other study material out there and I was wondering if anyone used it and did well. Would this be enough or should I shell out money on some practice exams?

I failed my MPJE the first time and feel really stupid. I just want to get it right the second time.
i would like to know this as well. ive been following TLDR for awhile, i have the resources recommended so far, just deciding whether i should add this to the list.