Med School's hard when you're single

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It's a book on how women are supposed to play 'hard to get' in order to trick a guy into marrying them

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x2. Not marry. Hoookup. big difference there bra
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x2. Not marry. Hoookup. big difference there bra

Unless the chick is butt-ugly, I fail to see any scenario where a guy would need to be "tricked" into hooking up with a girl.
when did i say trick? What? I'm saying when a girl wants a guy's actual interest and respect , aka think of her as dating material, she has to not ***** it up, yet tease him all at the same time. its a fine line.
epic thread

This thread has been so epic I agree!

epic thread
If we let this thread die, another one is just going to pop up to take it's place, just like crack-dealers

Threads take work, just like relationships. This thread has some givers, some haters, and some weird/creepy guys (lol, I'm humble to confess!) :smuggrin:

You don't know what you're talking about! This thread is the internet at its finest. Only in a hundred hundred topics does a thread like this appear, and I will weep on the day it dies. i cannot begin to comprehend the intricacies wrought by the combination of anonymity, weirdness, funny, and sincerity found here.

I just wanted to comment that I was scared of my last post on March 8th that I refused to let myself come back to thread until I am feeling invincible. I have finally "moved on" and have weird new thing going on because I accidentally added someone on facebook when I should have just stayed with messaging:

It's too embarrassing. Did you not read the little note I left under the friend request? It is embarrassing because I do not use facebook for adding people that I do not know... You left your facebook and myspace information on eHarmony and I accidentally added you when I should have just sent you messages over facebook. You don't have to be facebook friends to message each other; but, I only thought of this after I already sent the friend request. :p

I am the tall, good-looking guy from eHarmony who sets his preferences to receive only matches from Koreans; but, eH still sends me some non-Koreans occasionally and just my life I fall in love and am engaged to a Filipino.

I don't know why I added you. You can de-friend me if you want to just message each other without either of us risking the rest of our friends asking "who is H@@@@ E@@@ P@@@?" or "Who is dsjfap zldkf?" "How did you meet him/her?" and my friends get suspicious when I add new Koreans when I have quit learning the language, canceled my summer vacation to Seoul, and I have kinda/sorta disavowed my Korean infatuation...

Sighs... It is your call. I am engaged. You are Korean. My online gf lives in the Philippines because I set myself to receive matches all around the world (aka Korea) and 90% of Koreans find me creepy anyway and think I will stalk them; but, what actually worries me is only that you might be in the other 10% lol

So if you are in the 90%, feel free to defriend me. If you are in the other 10%, then God help us...
So yeah, in case anybody wonders how to keep such an infatuation going, you have to go extremely out of your way to avoid harsh feedback! I finally don't care about this thread, and I added the .gif of "hater's gonna hate" before I even read the next 2 posts because I didn't want to take a peak just in case they responded negatively! There's something personal about anonymously posting your thoughts to strangers on the internet; but, eventually the thread dies in your mind so you come back out of curiosity to see what people have written. The post I quoted by weightyheart made me so happy! My biggest fear is always wondering why I let myself be affected by what some stranger thinks of me; which is why epic threads don't happen much. I was terrified for the last 10 days of what everyone said after my last post because I was way too open, lol. My identity is secret, my screenname is so "not me" at all ;) and I truly feared that if I read this thread, I would want to cry. Thankfully, this thread became epic! You have no idea how much it means for me to be even remotely involved in a thread which a strange obfuscation of causality can trace a tiny piece of the epicness to me! I'm not epic at all. I am engaged to a Filipino and the whole Korean thing never made sense to anyone but me, or so I let everyone think that there was something special about Koreans that only I knew about!

The Korean thing truly arose out of a heartbreaking long-term relationship and I thought the only way to love my future wife was to randomly pick a niche of azn females and then brainwash myself into thinking that a particular niche is special or better than any other azn females. My interactions with Koreans (and obviously their interactions with some white guy who knows "the answer" as to why Koreans are the best azn's) has been surreal. The mean Koreans self-screen themselves out and I only get the chance to meet the cool ones who think I'm cool and lol, they are Korean so I always get excited by them and they love me for that! :love:

If anybody ever is cynical in life, you should seriously try what I did. The story of me and the Korean girl 'Gee' was the most unbelievable, craziest, indescribable, and unique thing I never could have predicted going in to this weird mission. I gave this thread 5 stars! I give Koreans 5 stars! In a sense, to marry a Filipino rather than a Korean just shows the power of love and obviously makes that one Filipino girl better than all Koreans, but it was very close but my Stephy is just too good to be true which makes me think she may be Korean and perhaps may be unaware of it? Korean or not, she's my dreamwoman and I never would have even found her if not for my pursuit of Koreans! Without getting too philosophical, I need a reason to fall in love and someday marry Stephy. With Koreans, I just needed an excuse! Love without trust is all I was looking for in a life partner, so long as she's Korean I can overlook just about anything and forgive her and I could never see myself falling out of love with a Korean. However, I found a single woman out there who is objectively and subjectively perfect for me. I'm a very stubborn and intransigent guy but I have learned you cannot control your destiny and you cannot override fate. 15 months ago when I started this plan, if I learned that I would fall in love with Stephy and marry her even though she's not Korean, I would have asked what's the point? Sorry for the rambling spew of diatribe. Here is a nice song:


I hate being God's clown, lol, but I will take one for the team and share my innermost thoughts with strangers on the internet then run and hide from this thread for the sacrificial amusement and enjoyment of strangers because it takes so much courage. People do need breaks from reality and I'll poke my neck under the guillotine once again and hope it makes someone's day! If not, then I hope at least one anonymous Korean out there is flattered... :p
when did i say trick? What? I'm saying when a girl wants a guy's actual interest and respect , aka think of her as dating material, she has to not ***** it up, yet tease him all at the same time. its a fine line.

I think when a girl wants a guy to respect her, she'll respect herself and not "***** it up." The only thing I disagree about is the idea of "teasing" guys. I will not purposefully avoid hanging out with a guy or going on a date with a guy/play hard to get just so there is a sense of a chase, that seems to me like mind games. I wouldn't want to start off a relationship based on manipulation in the first place.

I have the mindset that guys pretty much know what type of girl you are when they first meet you. No need for the games.
I think when a girl wants a guy to respect her, she'll respect herself and not "***** it up." The only thing I disagree about is the idea of "teasing" guys. I will not purposefully avoid hanging out with a guy or going on a date with a guy/play hard to get just so there is a sense of a chase, that seems to me like mind games. I wouldn't want to start off a relationship based on manipulation in the first place.

I have the mindset that guys pretty much know what type of girl you are when they first meet you.
No need for the games.

You are severely overestimating us.
I think when a girl wants a guy to respect her, she'll respect herself and not "***** it up." The only thing I disagree about is the idea of "teasing" guys. I will not purposefully avoid hanging out with a guy or going on a date with a guy/play hard to get just so there is a sense of a chase, that seems to me like mind games. I wouldn't want to start off a relationship based on manipulation in the first place.

I have the mindset that guys pretty much know what type of girl you are when they first meet you. No need for the games.

Good for you. Seems like so few people avoid the whole games thing anymore.

You are severely overestimating us.

Sitting here late at night contemplating that my life sucks right now. No girlfriend, no sex in a quite a while, spend most of my day alone studying, no one to cheer me up at night, I can just hug my pillow. This is not normal, my early twenties should not be spent alone, we need companionship, we were built for it. Ahhh this sucks, whatever, I guess I should just suck it up and hope something comes along one day.

I feel the same way. Where are you? Let's get together! :p
Actually, it may be better this way, with no children to annoy you or relationship crap when the workload is actually overload. And a relationship can obstruct you, because of emotional junk.

When you become a doctor and you're making big bucks, trust me, girls will come flocking towards you, waiting in lines and taking number slips. Just endure it, everyone's time will come.

In fact, there's a song (forgot which), where it says that God always makes pairs - that for every person he will she will always have a second half and one day you will meet that second half. Marriages that suck or relationships that fail are because you got paired with someone who wasn't your match.

Your day will come. Everyone's will. Just wait for it, and with someone as special and awesome as you, who made it to medical school, you will definitely have someone waiting for you.

Cheer up man - all of it will be worth it one day. You'll see.

This is not fair. What about female doctors? Men don't flock to them...
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Goddammit...I was hoping I'd meet somebody in med school. After reading this thread, I'm just vaguely terrified.
This thread has been so epic I agree!

Threads take work, just like relationships. This thread has some givers, some haters, and some weird/creepy guys (lol, I'm humble to confess!) :smuggrin:

I just wanted to comment that I was scared of my last post on March 8th that I refused to let myself come back to thread until I am feeling invincible. I have finally "moved on" and have weird new thing going on because I accidentally added someone on facebook when I should have just stayed with messaging:

So yeah, in case anybody wonders how to keep such an infatuation going, you have to go extremely out of your way to avoid harsh feedback! I finally don't care about this thread, and I added the .gif of "hater's gonna hate" before I even read the next 2 posts because I didn't want to take a peak just in case they responded negatively! There's something personal about anonymously posting your thoughts to strangers on the internet; but, eventually the thread dies in your mind so you come back out of curiosity to see what people have written. The post I quoted by weightyheart made me so happy! My biggest fear is always wondering why I let myself be affected by what some stranger thinks of me; which is why epic threads don't happen much. I was terrified for the last 10 days of what everyone said after my last post because I was way too open, lol. My identity is secret, my screenname is so "not me" at all ;) and I truly feared that if I read this thread, I would want to cry. Thankfully, this thread became epic! You have no idea how much it means for me to be even remotely involved in a thread which a strange obfuscation of causality can trace a tiny piece of the epicness to me! I'm not epic at all. I am engaged to a Filipino and the whole Korean thing never made sense to anyone but me, or so I let everyone think that there was something special about Koreans that only I knew about!

The Korean thing truly arose out of a heartbreaking long-term relationship and I thought the only way to love my future wife was to randomly pick a niche of azn females and then brainwash myself into thinking that a particular niche is special or better than any other azn females. My interactions with Koreans (and obviously their interactions with some white guy who knows "the answer" as to why Koreans are the best azn's) has been surreal. The mean Koreans self-screen themselves out and I only get the chance to meet the cool ones who think I'm cool and lol, they are Korean so I always get excited by them and they love me for that! :love:

If anybody ever is cynical in life, you should seriously try what I did. The story of me and the Korean girl 'Gee' was the most unbelievable, craziest, indescribable, and unique thing I never could have predicted going in to this weird mission. I gave this thread 5 stars! I give Koreans 5 stars! In a sense, to marry a Filipino rather than a Korean just shows the power of love and obviously makes that one Filipino girl better than all Koreans, but it was very close but my Stephy is just too good to be true which makes me think she may be Korean and perhaps may be unaware of it? Korean or not, she's my dreamwoman and I never would have even found her if not for my pursuit of Koreans! Without getting too philosophical, I need a reason to fall in love and someday marry Stephy. With Koreans, I just needed an excuse! Love without trust is all I was looking for in a life partner, so long as she's Korean I can overlook just about anything and forgive her and I could never see myself falling out of love with a Korean. However, I found a single woman out there who is objectively and subjectively perfect for me. I'm a very stubborn and intransigent guy but I have learned you cannot control your destiny and you cannot override fate. 15 months ago when I started this plan, if I learned that I would fall in love with Stephy and marry her even though she's not Korean, I would have asked what's the point? Sorry for the rambling spew of diatribe. Here is a nice song:


I hate being God's clown, lol, but I will take one for the team and share my innermost thoughts with strangers on the internet then run and hide from this thread for the sacrificial amusement and enjoyment of strangers because it takes so much courage. People do need breaks from reality and I'll poke my neck under the guillotine once again and hope it makes someone's day! If not, then I hope at least one anonymous Korean out there is flattered... :p

I dont get it... you re engaged to a filipino girl that you ve never met before (just online), but you re on eharmony trying to meet other koreans?

Are you in med school?
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The Korean thing truly arose out of a heartbreaking long-term relationship and I thought the only way to love my future wife was to randomly pick a niche of azn females and then brainwash myself into thinking that a particular niche is special or better than any other azn females. My interactions with Koreans (and obviously their interactions with some white guy who knows "the answer" as to why Koreans are the best azn's) has been surreal. The mean Koreans self-screen themselves out and I only get the chance to meet the cool ones who think I'm cool and lol, they are Korean so I always get excited by them and they love me for that! :love:

God, this thread is hilarious.

You honestly need counseling. Seriously.
don't try speaking sense into that guy, he's nuts
I'm looking forward to meeting someone to fall in love with and enjoy great sex with in medical school. The biggest concern I have is that my wife and kids might get mad about it and cause trouble. :D
You will not find anyone in med school. Hang onto whatever relationship you have before you come into med school. That is your last shot!
I agree with the above poster. I'm a married medical student, and I find myself sometimes envious of the single students in my class. No relationship issues to worry about, no fights until 3am when you have to get up at 6, etc... Honestly, I think there are pros and cons of each, but it's easy for each of us to just want what the other side has (grass is always greener, and all that).

Sorry about your marriage.

I feel incredibly blessed to have a wife that is incredibly supportive and knows what I am going through (she is a medical student also). While the OP is a little bit "Woe is me", I personally agree that I would rather be married in medical school than single. But, to each his/her own. :)
I'm looking forward to meeting someone to fall in love with and enjoy great sex with in medical school. The biggest concern I have is that my wife and kids might get mad about it and cause trouble. :D

I was joking, on the off chance there was any doubt.
I was joking, on the off chance there was any doubt.
I know. Personally speaking, I think people shouldn't expect to find someone in med school. A colleague you can share all your troubles with. Both of you will be flipping out during exams and other things. It's not worth it. Find someone outside who allows you to stay connected to the real world.
I know. Personally speaking, I think people shouldn't expect to find someone in med school. A colleague you can share all your troubles with. Both of you will be flipping out during exams and other things. It's not worth it. Find someone outside who allows you to stay connected to the real world.

Judging by the average post in this thread,, I will not be expecting to meet someone in medical school. I will, in fact, be avoiding eye contact with my male colleagues and possibly gaining 30 lbs to avoid getting hit on.
Judging by the average post in this thread,, I will not be expecting to meet someone in medical school. I will, in fact, be avoiding eye contact with my male colleagues and possibly gaining 30 lbs to avoid getting hit on.

Some may misinterpret that as being a "sturdy docile" woman, ripe for being dominated. :eek: ;) I need to drop about 20 pounds over the summer so I don't need an elastic white coat!
Judging by the average post in this thread,, I will not be expecting to meet someone in medical school. I will, in fact, be avoiding eye contact with my male colleagues and possibly gaining 30 lbs to avoid getting hit on.

Yeah, gotta watch out for those males in medical school. Whole bunch of creeps not worthy of your interest. The second they pre-emptively change their SDN profile to "medical student" despite not having matriculated yet...

Yeah, gotta watch out for those males in medical school. Whole bunch of creeps not worthy of your interest. The second they pre-emptively change their SDN profile to "medical student" despite not having matriculated yet...


Is there some magic that happens on that day? The sky opens up and the heavens shine down upon the unwashed perhaps? Whoever came up with the cute MS0 designation had it down, I cleared the biggest hurdle and I wanted to be loved by all. I knew once I changed that status I would be treated with an abundance of respect. You're very likely too young to understand this but I was like Navin Johnson when the new phone books arrived. I was finally a real person!

I don't want to wait two months, I want recognition now!
You're very likely too young to understand this but I was like Navin Johnson when the new phone books arrived. I was finally a real person!

I don't want to wait two months, I want recognition now!

"Everyone, get away from the cans! There's something wrong with the cans!"
"Everyone, get away from the cans! There's something wrong with the cans!"


Your avatar reminds me of Choplifter on my Apple ][ + Anyone that remembers what paper punches were used for with floppys would understand. I'm in my 30's still!
Is there some magic that happens on that day? The sky opens up and the heavens shine down upon the unwashed perhaps? Whoever came up with the cute MS0 designation had it down, I cleared the biggest hurdle and I wanted to be loved by all. I knew once I changed that status I would be treated with an abundance of respect. You're very likely too young to understand this but I was like Navin Johnson when the new phone books arrived. I was finally a real person!

I don't want to wait two months, I want recognition now!

Oh, we recognize you. Just not in the way you were after.

Nah, I kid -- congrats on the acceptance. At least you put "MS-0" over there. :)
This is rather pathetic, especially from a guy, but whatever. I'm personally built to be alone - never been in a relationship, don't want to (ever, really) - I love my independence. I'm not anti-social, but I like solitude. And I'm sort of a workaholic, and have gotten to do a lot of cool things because I'm not tied down by anybody or anything. A few close friends and my family are my rock, and even though they don't live near me, I always have them to count on, so being single in med school is suiting me great. I can't imagine it any other way, really. With all the work we have, trying to balance a relationship would suck, not to mention it would cut into my much-needed "me" time. (And I'm from the supposedly frailer sex, haha).

I suppose my only complaint is there's not more going on in the cornfields except typical college-style bar hopping, which is really not my thing. I've not really made any close friends at school as such, but I'll just move on to a bigger city for residency.

Umm, correction, THIS is rather pathetic. Have fun missing out on a huge part of life, ie connecting with another person. :thumbup:
Umm, correction, THIS is rather pathetic. Have fun missing out on a huge part of life, ie connecting with another person. :thumbup:
I think everyone should do what makes them happy, and we shouldn't judge them for their ways. If what someone is doing doesn't suit you, then you are free to forge your own path. We can all agree that med. school isn't a walk in the park. So, if someone decides to be stay alone and do things their own way, then let them be...and snicker at them when they are out of earshot. That's what mature professionals do.
I think everyone should do what makes them happy, and we shouldn't judge them for their ways. If what someone is doing doesn't suit you, then you are free to forge your own path. We can all agree that med. school isn't a walk in the park. So, if someone decides to be stay alone and do things their own way, then let them be...and snicker at them when they are out of earshot. That's what mature professionals do.

Aww, you were doing so well.
no offense but the really long post ^^^... ^^^ is just wierd.

this thread should be titled

life is hard when you're single.
Aww, you were doing so well.
lol, come on, that is obviously the right way to approach things. it allows you to take the high and low roads simultaneously.
You are severely overestimating us.
'Nope, I knwo how girls are within first 10 minutes.
Interestingly, girls know if you are a bf, f**k material, or just friends within minutes too. Therefore, it is good to make the move as soon as you can, so you know where you stand and can move on.
Mystery Method or the handbook of Venusian artist is all you need.
Dave DeAngelo gives solid advices toop
Finding women isn't hard, finding a GOOD women is... And it takes time to find a women who is interesting, smart, easy to talk to, does NOT play mind games, ...


Everybody's life is hard, and it always seems like it would be easier some other way.

I'll be a single med student with 3 kids. Fun, right?

There are pros and cons to every situation, I'm sure. But companionship (in any form) certainly helps us (humans) get through tough spots.
Finding women isn't hard, finding a GOOD women is... And it takes time to find a women who is interesting, smart, easy to talk to, does NOT play mind games, smacks me on my head when I am about to do something stupid, always supportive... O wait did I just describe my mom :eek: (damn thats just sad)

Also with regard to that:

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Whenever someone at school brings up dating, I think to myself. "Man, I'm glad I'm married." I hated the dating scene. Probably because I wasn't very good at it. However not as bad as a story I heard today:

A student was telling me that she went on a date with a dental student and he told her how the ADA was cooler than the AMA because it made sure that all dentists could be rich by refusing to accept Medicare as payment. He then proceeded to rag on his family's faults, and expound on siblings mental health issues. To top it off, this guy asked her if they could end the date by checking out washing machines at best buy. :confused:

Everybody has their own strategy I guess. Interesting first date.
I'm looking forward to meeting someone to fall in love with and enjoy great sex with in medical school. The biggest concern I have is that my wife and kids might get mad about it and cause trouble. :D

:laugh: :thumbup:
First off, what happened to the Korea phile? I think he added a certain je ne sais quoi to our developing theories of romance. :)

I have my suspicions that he may not be a real person. There is something odd about the syntax of his sentences. Maybe he is an evil genius masquerading as a creepster just to mess with us. In which case I salute him for his diabolism.:thumbup:

My personal philosophy is that you (generalized) need to be having sex in order to be a healthy and happy individual. :love:Many times people equate sex with relationship and this is where many problems arise. Folks have enumerated the multitude of issues that come with having a relationship in med school but, no one has discussed the option of having a casual (broadly defined) lover. I see this as the perfect compromise! No need to justify all your time at the library, but still plenty of the good stuff.

"But MuffyD, how do I find said casual lover?"
Logic my dear Watson, logic!
Everybody needs sex! If you think you don't need sex you are mistaken! This applies to you and that guy/girl at the cafe, and caveats be damned, your fellow classmates. So just go out there and find a lover already! And please develop a sixth sense as to who will be good in bed cause there is no correlation between "good looks" and good in bed.
So now go out there and knock some boots!
Yet I believe love and companionship will support you both in the worst of times and for the rest of your life. And when life slows down and you figure out the things that you really want, you might realize that sex is hardly sufficient and not really that important to you.