MCAT Prep Course

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5+ Year Member
Dec 14, 2016
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I am thinking of doing the KAPLAN MCAT Prep - Self-Paced PLUS
its currently going for $2500. Do you guys think its worth it?
I have seen people say its useless.

Can I have some thoughts?
Taking money out of the factor is it worth it?

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Absolutely worth it. Just make sure to recognize your best study methods as well. If you don’t learn well from audio or visual, spend more time reading the books Kaplan sends instead of watching the videos. If you learn better from videos by all means watch them all day long. Kaplan courses are definitely worth the cost, my score increased 26 points from diagnostic to actual MCAT with only 4 weeks of Kaplan use.
Not worth it just yet. Wait for more of a sale. I think I got the plus for 2200? In general it's worth it just ignore their CARS book and use the EK cars book instead. Other than that Kaplan is fine.