Looking for Radiology PGY2 position

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Nov 9, 2015
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I will be starting my transitional year residency in Detroit this year. Unfortunately did not match to an advanced Radiology position as I had applied to very limited programs. Looking for a PGY2 spot starting July 2023. I'm an international graduate from a top school, average step scores, 30+ publications, couple of oral presentations at RSNA, previous nuclear medicine residency outside US and currently doing AI research at MD Anderson > 1 year. Not sure what more I should do to improve my application. Any help/suggestions are welcome! Is there any place where open PGY2 spots/ R1 positions are posted?

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I will be starting my transitional year residency in Detroit this year. Unfortunately did not match to an advanced Radiology position as I had applied to very limited programs. Looking for a PGY2 spot starting July 2023. I'm an international graduate from a top school, average step scores, 30+ publications, couple of oral presentations at RSNA, previous nuclear medicine residency outside US and currently doing AI research at MD Anderson > 1 year. Not sure what more I should do to improve my application. Any help/suggestions are welcome! Is there any place where open PGY2 spots/ R1 positions are posted?