Letter of Rec Timeline

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7+ Year Member
May 19, 2015
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I asked my PI from last summer if he could write me a letter of recommendation for medical school, but I recently decided that I want to apply next cycle instead of this summer. Is it possible for me to hold onto that letter for next year OR for him to upload it onto TMDAS to be considered for next year's cycle? It can be hard to get into contact with him because he lives in my hometown, not the same city as my university, and I am meeting with him in person to talk about this soon.

I also am planning on applying to a post bacc program and would want him to write me a letter of rec (which he also agreed to do if I needed). I am wondering if the letter could be saved somewhere for my application for a masters program when I apply for programs that start Summer 2017. Any advice on how to go about this would be appreciated!

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